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Our President is a complete and utter Laughingstock.


Veteran Member
Apr 8, 2002
Clearwater, FL.
Basic Beliefs
On CNN HERE. Be sure to check out Schumer's video at the bottom of the page. Do not be ingesting liquids while you do so.

I'm thinking this is an attempt to buoy sagging confidence in our government. So, cheeto did the only thing he knows how to do: not run it like a business as everyone keeps saying, but run it like a reality TV show! The result is unintentional comic fodder the like of which will be played for centuries to come as an example of a self important schmuck.

CNN Title: [h=1]Donald Trump just held the weirdest Cabinet meeting ever.[/h]
The public portion of these gatherings of all of the president's top advisers are usually staid affairs. Photographers are let in to take pictures. The president makes a very brief statement. A reporter shouts a question, unanswered. The end.
Donald Trump did something very different in his Cabinet meeting Monday.

First, he reviewed the various alleged successes of his first 143 days and made this remarkable claim: "Never has there been a president....with few exceptions...who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than I have."

OK got that?

Once Trump finished touting his administration's accomplishments, he turned to several of his newly-minted Cabinet secretaries like Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Each of those Cabinet secretaries lavished praise on Trump, which he accepted without comment but with a broad smile.At first, I thought Trump was just going to have the new members of the Cabinet spend a few minutes praising him. NOPE! It soon became clear that Trump planned to have every Cabinet member speak. And when I say "speak" what I really mean is "praise Trump for his accomplishments, his foresight, his just being awesome."
You think I am exaggerating. I am not. Here's what White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said about Trump: "We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda."

You have to watch the video to get your daily zen. Enjoy.
This constant need by Trump for expression of adulation by his staff has been SOP since day one. The pronouncements about his "achievements" are like something out of North Korea. The man degrades everyone around him.

Read the full transcript of Sean Spicer’s Tuesday press briefing - The Boston Globe

MR. SPICER: Good afternoon. I hope you all had the opportunity to pay your respects to the yesterday on Memorial Day.

I want to begin by recapping the incredible, historic trip that the President and the First Lady have just concluded, because it truly was an extraordinary week for America and our people.

In just nine days, the President traveled across Europe and the Middle East and interacted with nearly 100 foreign leaders. It was an unprecedented first trip abroad, just four months into this administration, and it shows how quickly and decisively the President is acting to strengthen alliances, to form new partnerships, and to rebuild America’s standing in the world.

We’ve never seen before at this point in a presidency such sweeping reassurance of American interest, and the inauguration of a foreign policy strategy designed to bring back the world from growing dangers and perpetual disasters brought on by years of failed leadership.

President Trump started in Saudi Arabia, beginning his first foreign trip as President in the nation that’s the custodian to the two holiest sites in the Islamic faith. The President was greeted on the tarmac by the King of Saudi Arabia and received with incredible graciousness by the Kingdom and its leaders throughout his stay.

The President’s address to the leaders of more than 50 Arab and Muslim nations was a historic turning point that people will be talking about for many years to come.

And it goes on and on like that.
Pretty much another COVFEFE stupid day!!!

Sigh, the sequel to The Apprentice seems to have fully launched...
"Never has there been a president....with few exceptions..."

OMFG!!! That is the dumbest statement I have ever seen in my entire life with few, very few, exceptions.

Regarding the rest of that, anyone ever watch Babylon 5 and the insane man the Centarians put into power? President Buchanan (or at least what is left of him) is doing flips in the grave as he'll not only elevate to just being the 2nd worst President ever, but there will be a huge gap between himself and the worst guy. That level of narcissism isn't even funny. It is scary that someone is that into themselves that they don't get how meaningless it is.

Trump is so narcissistic, he could give himself a handjob with both hands and claim with a straight face he just had a threesome.
What gets me is the cabinet, seriously. Maybe it's because I have a remaining shred of human dignity, but this just didn't fall together - it was planned. Could you imagine getting the memo to put on this show? I'd be like, "Aw hell no..."

And Priebus?! Dude, I wonder of his throat hurts from all that dick getting shoved deep up in there?
On CNN HERE. Be sure to check out Schumer's video at the bottom of the page. Do not be ingesting liquids while you do so.

I'm thinking this is an attempt to buoy sagging confidence in our government. So, cheeto did the only thing he knows how to do: not run it like a business as everyone keeps saying, but run it like a reality TV show! The result is unintentional comic fodder the like of which will be played for centuries to come as an example of a self important schmuck.

CNN Title: [h=1]Donald Trump just held the weirdest Cabinet meeting ever.[/h]

First, he reviewed the various alleged successes of his first 143 days and made this remarkable claim: "Never has there been a president....with few exceptions...who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than I have."

OK got that?

Once Trump finished touting his administration's accomplishments, he turned to several of his newly-minted Cabinet secretaries like Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Each of those Cabinet secretaries lavished praise on Trump, which he accepted without comment but with a broad smile.At first, I thought Trump was just going to have the new members of the Cabinet spend a few minutes praising him. NOPE! It soon became clear that Trump planned to have every Cabinet member speak. And when I say "speak" what I really mean is "praise Trump for his accomplishments, his foresight, his just being awesome."
You think I am exaggerating. I am not. Here's what White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said about Trump: "We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda."

You have to watch the video to get your daily zen. Enjoy.

Makes me nauseous. Thanks - saves on food.
Fake news!

Everything you said are lies, therefore it is true that Trump is a genius and commands the respect of the whole world. You're just bashing him because you're jealous of his superior intellect and superior genes. Also, liberals are traitors who have been colluding with Russia! The email scandal proved it! Comey vindicated Trump! White genocide!!!!!!

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That was bizarre. I'm counting down the days to the next presidential election where he will get "fired". The man is a buffoon.
What gets me is the cabinet, seriously. Maybe it's because I have a remaining shred of human dignity, but this just didn't fall together - it was planned. Could you imagine getting the memo to put on this show? I'd be like, "Aw hell no..."
I did notice that SecDef Mattis didn't give El Cheato any real direct compliment. Tillerson was either rather muted, or the vid was spliced, as he said "thank you for the honor to serve..uh..the country. Its a great privilege you've given me". I stopped listening a person or 2 after Mattis....

And Priebus?! Dude, I wonder of his throat hurts from all that dick getting shoved deep up in there?
Well he is a professional....so I would guess no pain.
That was bizarre. I'm counting down the days to the next presidential election where he will get "fired". The man is a buffoon.

  1. What makes you so sure Trump would lose an election? Conservatives and libertarians will be just as delusional in three years as they were last year.
  2. What makes you so sure there will be an election?
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I did notice that SecDef Mattis didn't give El Cheato any real direct compliment. Tillerson was either rather muted, or the vid was spliced, as he said "thank you for the honor to serve..uh..the country. Its a great privilege you've given me". I stopped listening a person or 2 after Mattis....

And Priebus?! Dude, I wonder of his throat hurts from all that dick getting shoved deep up in there?
Well he is a professional....so I would guess no pain.
Well, it is Trump... so he's had bigger, much bigger. Believe me. Sad!
On CNN HERE. Be sure to check out Schumer's video at the bottom of the page. Do not be ingesting liquids while you do so.

I'm thinking this is an attempt to buoy sagging confidence in our government. So, cheeto did the only thing he knows how to do: not run it like a business as everyone keeps saying, but run it like a reality TV show! The result is unintentional comic fodder the like of which will be played for centuries to come as an example of a self important schmuck.

CNN Title: [h=1]Donald Trump just held the weirdest Cabinet meeting ever.[/h]

First, he reviewed the various alleged successes of his first 143 days and made this remarkable claim: "Never has there been a president....with few exceptions...who's passed more legislation, who's done more things than I have."

OK got that?

Once Trump finished touting his administration's accomplishments, he turned to several of his newly-minted Cabinet secretaries like Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Each of those Cabinet secretaries lavished praise on Trump, which he accepted without comment but with a broad smile.At first, I thought Trump was just going to have the new members of the Cabinet spend a few minutes praising him. NOPE! It soon became clear that Trump planned to have every Cabinet member speak. And when I say "speak" what I really mean is "praise Trump for his accomplishments, his foresight, his just being awesome."
You think I am exaggerating. I am not. Here's what White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus said about Trump: "We thank you for the opportunity and blessing to serve your agenda."

You have to watch the video to get your daily zen. Enjoy.

Oh yeah. I think this is good for Americans to soak up how low it has gotten.

This demonstrates how petty Trump is. Trump is a petty dictator. The left gives him too much credit comparing him to Mussolini. Hell, sometimes I think even comparing him to Berlusconi is a stretch. He's a truly a clown, more worthy of comparison with Guatemala's Jimmy Morales in that sense. Morales is an actual comedian. Except despite all of Morales' faults, the guy was elected because he actually was the best of a lot of bad options: at least he was not actively stealing from the treasury, or in bed with the narcos. Trump isn't even that, he's a caricature of a rich, corrupt fat-cat mixed with a reality TV star. He road a wave of resentment and utter contempt for a political and ruling class to victory. He insulted his way to through a crowded Republican field, demonstrating the level of contempt that basically everyone has for the usual suspects.
That was bizarre. I'm counting down the days to the next presidential election where he will get "fired". The man is a buffoon.
This doesn't end with Trump. There's no reason we should think there is going to be some sort of feeling of shame from all this or lesson learned. Imagine how batshit crazy they would go if Bill O'Reilly stood on stage during the next primary.
That was bizarre. I'm counting down the days to the next presidential election where he will get "fired". The man is a buffoon.
This doesn't end with Trump. There's no reason we should think there is going to be some sort of feeling of shame from all this or lesson learned. Imagine how batshit crazy they would go if Bill O'Reilly stood on stage during the next primary.

I'm confident Trump is a one term president, if he lasts the full term. After that, anything can happen I suppose but I like to think the nonsense will end with Trump.
What makes you so sure there will be an election?

My sentiments precisely. All these people just assume it's going to happen.

Congress can reschedule election dates. I can envision a scenario in which "X" happens. This provides a cause for a Republican Congress that's likely about to be thrown out, move the date to some later time. The question would be "Until when?"

It's like when Trump was asked when he'd provide the tapes of he and Comey's conversation: very soon.

We're in a situation where this is very possible. There is enough support by those who would accept and act on the GOP/Trump behalf to allow it to happen.
Running out of time to use Trump's incompetent clown image to do something horrendous to the rest of the world, boot him and wash our hands of the whole thing. Extraordinary opportunity we'd be criminally insane to pass up. What would you use him to do? I'd do something to non-whites, and I'd do it heavy. Like.. WMD heavy. The world would fall in line, and that would be good. We have the perfect tool at our disposal.

Urban Dictionary
Tool: One who lacks the mental capacity to know he is being used due to low intelligence and/or self-esteem
What gets me is the cabinet, seriously. Maybe it's because I have a remaining shred of human dignity, but this just didn't fall together - it was planned. Could you imagine getting the memo to put on this show? I'd be like, "Aw hell no..."

And Priebus?! Dude, I wonder of his throat hurts from all that dick getting shoved deep up in there?
At what point do they realize they've been duped and just quit?
What gets me is the cabinet, seriously. Maybe it's because I have a remaining shred of human dignity, but this just didn't fall together - it was planned. Could you imagine getting the memo to put on this show? I'd be like, "Aw hell no..."

And Priebus?! Dude, I wonder of his throat hurts from all that dick getting shoved deep up in there?
At what point do they realize they've been duped and just quit?

I would have thought t would have been long ago. I looked around at the table there at everyone while they were speaking, and it seemed s obvious to me that none of them believed a fucking word of what they were saying. Almost without exception, I see a room full of people completely undeserving of the positions they hold. Since very few of them have merit, they bring real truth to the term "sycophant". Even so, you would think that anyone with a modicum of intelligence would see the iceberg looming ahead, and jump. Yet, they don't. Even those that are there by merit, for example Mattis, has sullied their reputation trying to defend this orange muppet of a human being.

I've been saying this more and more as of late, but every time I look at the current news with ths administration, I feel like my country is walking further and further away from democracy.
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