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Panamanian coyotes are interbreeding with dogs and eyeing South America


Dec 4, 2006
Basic Beliefs

The coyote has spread to almost the entirety of the North American continent. They are absent from much of the treeless tundra of the Canadian High Arctic, but they are at home in Alaska and Labrador. They range all through the United States and through all of Mexico. They live in every Central American nation and are working their way through Panama.

A recent survey of coyotes and crab-eating foxes in Panama revealed that two species now have an overlapping range. The crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) is widespread in northern South America, but only recently did a few of them wander into Panama. This survey used a combination of camera trap and road-kill data to get an idea of where both canids live in the country.

Deforestation in Panama has opened up new territory for both species, which do much better in human-dominated environments. Coyotes now are at the edge of the great forests of Darien. Beyond those forests lies Colombia– and a whole new continent.

Further, coyotes could possibly enter Colombia through a coastal approach, simply crossing onto the beaches of eastern Panama and walking down the coast.

Also, the researchers are noticing that some coyotes have dog-like features, which suggests they are interbreeding with village dogs. The dogs could confer onto the coyotes some advantageous genes that might make colonization of South America easier.
Coyotes are survivors. They do quite well near humans. I was walking my dog yesterday and a very large one crossed across the path in front of us about 20 feet away, only giving us a passing glance. Small dogs and cats are microwave pizzas for them, easy pickings. I had a cat eaten by the local pack. There is a gal in Wyoming that has kept one as a pet for years. Her blog is the daily coyote.
I'm almost surprised its taken them as long as it has. They're clever animals, and expert at sliding into niches left open by human predation of larger carnivores.
Witnessing evolution in progress.

Polar bears and brown bears have produced offspring.
There was a show on it. A hunter with a polar bear licensed killed what he thought was a polar bear. Turned out it wasn't. After lengthy analysis it turned out to be a bear polar bear offspring.

The Canadian govt initially charged him with killing a species he did not have a license for.
So pretty!

I love both species, and do not mind sharing urban spaces with old Coyote. If I'm foolish enough to let my cat wander around the neighborhood unsupervised, the more fool me anyhow, it'll be a car if it isn't a predator. The coyotes are more likely keeping other mammal populations down and for the most part keeping so out of the way that most city residents aren't even aware of their presence. I've only spotted their scat in town twice in as many years.
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