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POTUS Trump disbands his voter fraud commission

laughing dog

Dec 29, 2004
Basic Beliefs
Dogs rule
President Trump disbands his voter fraud commission (https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/03/us/politics/trump-voter-fraud-commission.html) to uncover and document his claim that won the legal popular vote. According to the article, Trump claims it is over the myriad of lawsuits. Of course, the fact that "no state has uncovered significant evidence to support the president's claim" had nothing to do with it.
Good for Trump! He did a good thing, to retract his stupid thing.
Trying to get voter caging lists and the states didn't cooperate.
Isn't voting integrity paramount? Isn't uncovering 5 million illegal voters worth fighting for, even if a few lawsuits get in the way?

Conservatives should be outraged that Trump is letting this drop. What a betrayal of conservative principles!
Good for Trump! He did a good thing, to retract his stupid thing.

No he didn't... because he handed the investigation over to Homeland Security, which is worse.

He didn't do this because he (momentarily) came to his senses. His did it because the commission themselves knew they were a farce and weren't even meeting. IIRC, the last meeting was September 2017. Trump knew they weren't doing anything to further his voter suppression plans, so he has transferred his "investigation" to a department he thinks he can use to disenfranchise Democratic voters ahead of the 2018 mid-terms elections.

In 2012, Florida looked to the Department of Homeland Security’s Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements database to help clean up its voter rolls. At the time, the departments of Homeland Security and Justice both warned that the system wasn’t a reliable way to identify who is and who is not a citizen.

“The use of the immigration databases are inaccurate, discriminatory and inappropriate for voter list maintenance. We know that it results in inaccurate purging of eligible voters,” said Katherine Culliton-González, a lawyer at think tank Demos who represented plaintiffs challenging Florida’s method of striking people from the rolls.

The lack of precision raises the risk of false positives, especially if officials are inclined to find fraud.

“What likely would come from an analysis is a pretty dramatic overestimate of non-citizen voting in the U.S.,” said Michael McDonald, a law professor at the University of Florida. “You could easily be rounding up people who are not citizens of the U.S. who didn’t even register to vote and didn’t vote. ... These are people here legally, under our immigration programs, maybe on their way to citizenship, but just because of a bad match they are rounded up and deported.”

It's a two-fer!

Prevent legal citizens from voting and selectively deport legal immigrants.

Becker added that Homeland Security’s new mandate to focus on individual voter fraud could distract from its recent progress in coordinating with local election officials to combat the greater threat of hacking. U.S. intelligence officials agree that Russia tried to interfere in the 2016 election, and 21 states had their electoral systems targeted by hackers last year.

“If they get dragged by the White House away from the real problem to this wild goose chase,” Becker said, “it could have a really negative impact on how well that cooperation goes and that cooperation is essential.”

make that a three-fer!
And of course... there is more to the story.

article said:
Trump suddenly dissolved the commission Wednesday but said its work would be moved to DHS. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the agency would take up the panel’s “preliminary findings,” and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R), the panel’s vice chair, said DHS would run voter information against databases of immigrants to try to find voters illegally on the rolls.

Yup, we knew that.

But Charles Herndon, the director of White House Information Technology, said in a sworn court declaration filed Tuesday that that wasn’t the case. Herndon said the panel “did not create any preliminary findings.” He added that “no Commission records or data will be transferred to the DHS or another agency,” except for the National Archives and Records Administration.

Herndon also said no commission member ever had access to state voter data.
Yup, we knew... wait... what? No "preliminary findings", no "data will be transferred to the DHS"?

Meanwhile in suspicious as all heck...
A federal judge ordered the commission to turn over communications to Dunlap on Dec. 22. Lawyers for the Department of Justice on Tuesday asked the judge to reconsider her order because the panel no longer exists.
So the Trump Administration is lying... again.
Interestingly voter registration records were publicly leaked. You can find out about ppl on the internetz. Such database could be cross-referenced with immigrant lists by a competent agency such as NSA.
Interestingly voter registration records were publicly leaked. You can find out about ppl on the internetz. Such database could be cross-referenced with immigrant lists by a competent agency such as NSA.
*rolls eyes*

Here we go again. Just because the identity of every American voter was just hanging out there on the Internet via a GOP data analytics company, with nothing securing the data doesn't mean that...

Wait... every registered US voter's identification was leaked on the web? Oh wait... it wasn't on a website, it was just available to download without a password, so completely innocuous... I mean we could suggest that the setting from private to public was premeditated, but it was most likely an honest mistake...

... I just can't fake it anymore.
Interestingly voter registration records were publicly leaked. You can find out about ppl on the internetz. Such database could be cross-referenced with immigrant lists by a competent agency such as NSA.
*rolls eyes*

Here we go again. Just because the identity of every American voter was just hanging out there on the Internet via a GOP data analytics company, with nothing securing the data doesn't mean that...

Wait... every registered US voter's identification was leaked on the web? Oh wait... it wasn't on a website, it was just available to download without a password, so completely innocuous... I mean we could suggest that the setting from private to public was premeditated, but it was most likely an honest mistake...

... I just can't fake it anymore.

We'll see if there's any fallout, once Vlad's boys finish crunching the data to see which voting precincts are most amenable to their interference... prolly a 'nuther nothing-burger.
I'm stuffed.
World Wide Woodard: Trump disbands voter fraud commission, which now refuses to give Dunlap documents
But, as I report in today's Maine Sunday Telegram, the Trump administration is now saying it will not comply with the judge's order on the grounds that, since the commission does not now exist, Dunlap is no longer a commissioner and not entitled to see its documents. Normally mild mannered Dunlap responded with outrage, saying the Department of Justice was showing contempt for the law and American values.
What dickishness.
Are they allowed based on record rules.

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World Wide Woodard: Trump admin to erase voter registation data in effort to deny other voter fraud commission docs to Dunlap
This past week, the administration has instead announced it intends to erase all the voter registration data it collected, thereby removing one of the reasons Dunlap had argued he should be allowed to see its working papers. Dunlap told me it was "Orwellian."
More dickishness.

A Republican member of the defunct commission, voter fraud activist J. Christian Adams, blamed Dunlap for the body’s failure in a radio interview Tuesday, likening him to the fictional U.S. prisoner of war Robert Hogan, who was held in a Nazi-era German detention camp in the late-’60s sit-com “Hogan’s Heroes.”

“Here was people from the commission – one in particular, the Secretary of State of Maine Matthew Dunlap – who simply did not want the commission to do its work,” Adams told radio host Larry O’Connor. “He played the role like Colonel Hogan – you know, burrowing out and blowing things up and sabotaging the work of the commission instead of actually trying to address the real issues.”

In other words, dumbshit Republican J. Christian Adams just compared the commission to Nazis and called Dunlap a hero. :D
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