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Raise your son to steal cars, seek $5 million in ghetto lottery


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
So, we have had two dindus late last month in Atlanta. First involved an 18 year old car thief who stole a car while the driver was filling up with gas, running over his foot in the process. Well, unbeknownst to the thief, it turned out the victim was a cop, in fact member of mayor Keisha Bottoms' detail, and he fired at the thief, killing him.
Now the family is suing the city for not 1, not 2, but 5 million dollars.
Family filing $5M suit after Atlanta police shot, killed teen during ‘slider’ crime
And you know the city will probably give it to them, unfortunately. :rolleyes:

There was another case about the same time. Jimmy Atchison was sought on a federal armed robbery warrant. The was at his baby mama's apartment, and early reports indicated that it was her who called the cops. Anyway, when the federal task force arrived, Jimmy fled, entered another apartment where he hid in a closet, but was eventually shot dead.
NAACP demands answers after recent APD shooting
I bet they will file a multi-million dollar lawsuit too. I don't think the City of Atlanta has that much money to spend. I think they should fight it.
So, we have had two dindus late last month in Atlanta. First involved an 18 year old car thief who stole a car while the driver was filling up with gas, running over his foot in the process. Well, unbeknownst to the thief, it turned out the victim was a cop, in fact member of mayor Keisha Bottoms' detail, and he fired at the thief, killing him.
Now the family is suing the city for not 1, not 2, but 5 million dollars.
Family filing $5M suit after Atlanta police shot, killed teen during ‘slider’ crime
And you know the city will probably give it to them, unfortunately. :rolleyes:

There was another case about the same time. Jimmy Atchison was sought on a federal armed robbery warrant. The was at his baby mama's apartment, and early reports indicated that it was her who called the cops. Anyway, when the federal task force arrived, Jimmy fled, entered another apartment where he hid in a closet, but was eventually shot dead.
NAACP demands answers after recent APD shooting
I bet they will file a multi-million dollar lawsuit too. I don't think the City of Atlanta has that much money to spend. I think they should fight it.

Why is it ok to shoot and kill unarmed suspects?
Why is it ok to shoot and kill unarmed suspects?
D-apostrophe-ettrick was armed with a car. Remember, he drove over his victim's foot. Whether the shooting was justified once the danger passed will be determined I guess, but even if the cop gets charged with something, 5 million is excessive. D' would have to steal a lot of cars to even come close to making that much in his lifetime, and if he wasn't shot he'd have been spending the next few years of his life in state prison for grand theft auto and aggravated assault where he would not be making any money at all.

We don't know if Jimmy A. was armed or not. The family claims he wasn't, but you can't trust the family. Remember that guy whose family claimed that his ankle holster was for a book and not a gun? And besides, Jimmy was being served a federal warrant for armed robbery. He was presumed armed and dangerous.
In any case, the officer eventually found him in a closet. That is extremely close quarters. That means the cop was from the beginning within a distance where the suspect could have used his arms to attack the cop or go for his gun. If Jimmy went for the officer's gun when he opened the closet door, the shooting was very much justified even if Jimmy was unarmed.
Why is it ok to shoot and kill unarmed suspects?
D-apostrophe-ettrick was armed with a car. Remember, he drove over his victim's foot. Whether the shooting was justified once the danger passed will be determined I guess, but even if the cop gets charged with something, 5 million is excessive. D' would have to steal a lot of cars to even come close to making that much in his lifetime, and if he wasn't shot he'd have been spending the next few years of his life in state prison for grand theft auto and aggravated assault where he would not be making any money at all.

We don't know if Jimmy A. was armed or not. The family claims he wasn't, but you can't trust the family. Remember that guy whose family claimed that his ankle holster was for a book and not a gun? Remember, Jimmy was being served a federal warrant for armed robbery. He was presumed armed and dangerous.
In any case, the officer eventually found him in a closet. That is extremely close quarters. That means the cop was from the beginning within a distance where the suspect could have used his arms to attack the cop or go for his gun. If Jimmy went for the officer's gun when he opened the closet door, the shooting was very much justified even if Jimmy was unarmed.

So, the guy stealing the car was driving away from the officer, right? He jumped into the car while the officer was gassing up and that's how the officer's foot got run over?

Derec, I'm not going to defend stealing a car but shooting an unarmed fleeing suspect is not OK. It isn't plausible that he was going to turn around and hit the officer with the car.

As for family not being truthful/well informed about whether someone is armed---neither are police. Lots and lots of cases of police flat out lying about 'weapons' being present.
Using terms like "ghetto lottery", and "dindus" should be an obvious giveaway about the underlying bigotry in the OP. Add in the sneering of the NAACP for asking for more details of the shooting of an unarmed wanted suspect, and it is clear no rational discussion is going to ensue.
Ya if you shoot at a guy who’s running away from you, you’re in the wrong. The cop didn’t appear to be in any danger when he fired.
Using terms like "ghetto lottery", and "dindus" should be an obvious giveaway about the underlying bigotry in the OP. Add in the sneering of the NAACP for asking for more details of the shooting of an unarmed wanted suspect, and it is clear no rational discussion is going to ensue.

And indeed all the claimed explaination is suspect as lies because of it.
Not interested in this agenda of poison.
Derec, non sarcastically I suggest that you try and be classy like Jared Taylor

The title begs the question.

Why are there still ghettos?

If you concentrate a lot of poor people into ghettos you create conditions that produces crime. Add an insane "drug war" and you produce a lot of crime.

Add in a for-profit prison system and a lot of crime is a great thing.

If we keep it in the ghetto.
What if you know he is running away to get a gun and possibly few friends with guns?

Yes, that' true.

You call the police or for backup if you are the police, take cover and wait.
What if you know that police won't be able protect you forever if ever?
You know these nasty gangs have long memory.

Oh, so that would be the rationale for executing someone, regardless of the crime, and regardless of the current danger or lack thereof? "Your Honor, he had a long memory, so I shot him to protect myself from future harm."
What if you know that police won't be able protect you forever if ever?
You know these nasty gangs have long memory.

Oh, so that would be the rationale for executing someone, regardless of the crime, and regardless of the current danger or lack thereof? "Your Honor, he had a long memory, so I shot him to protect myself from future harm."
No, more like "Your Honor, he said that he was with Hells Angels and that I was a dead man, and he did look like he was with Hells Angels so I shot him to protect myself from future harm."

In Georgia (the country which McCain loved) there is a law where you go to prison for merely associating yourself with organized crime. Crime bosses have this rule where they have to admit that they are in fact bosses when asked by authorities, so they passed this law which made their job easier :)
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Car getting stolen... and he shoots at the thief to... umm... kill him... for stealing a car. There is no other reason to use force at that point. Doubtful the thief jumps out and flees due to bullets being fired.

Yeah, car theft is not justified. Killing a man stealing your car, not really justifiable either. Not certain how liable Atlanta is for the shooting either. If the guy wasn't even on the clock, he is a private citizen. This seems like an attempt by lawyers to get a payout.

The family is probably grieving, though it must be hard for them to reconcile their kid being shot... while committing a serious crime... but then again, people are pretty good at obfuscating things.

Hey, Derec, notice how no issue of race was raised in my post... all the while being critical of those involved? Incredible, isn't it.
Not certain how liable Atlanta is for the shooting either. If the guy wasn't even on the clock, he is a private citizen. This seems like an attempt by lawyers to get a payout.
They should sue car maker instead because It should not be that easy to steal a car.
What if you know he is running away to get a gun and possibly few friends with guns?

Yes, that' true.

You call the police or for backup if you are the police, take cover and wait.
What if you know that police won't be able protect you forever if ever?
You know these nasty gangs have long memory.

Say what??????

Guy was black so he must be in a gang? If he were Italian or Russian or Chinese, he'd be in the Mafia?

It sounds as though you are advocating for simply shooting all blacks on sight because they might be in a gang....
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