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Sanders and Trump supporters agree on at least one thing ...


Aug 19, 2002
Atlanta, GA
Basic Beliefs
Sanders supporters chant 'Lock her up' at Philadelphia rally: report
The GOP convention's unofficial slogan: 'Lock her up'


Orange pantsuit is the new black pantsuit.
God, they're going to make the Republicans look like the sane ones aren't they?
As far as I'm concerned, the DNC brought this on themselves. At least they are trying to do damage control. Let's see if the Party (including the DNC, Hillary, and Bernie) can actually unite the people now.
I find it fascinating that there are so many emotion-driven jackasses who cannot decide whether their hatred for Clinton outweighs their fear of a Trump Presidency or not.

The republicans are just so fucking hypocritical. It's unbelievable. You wanted to lock Hillary up because she might have accidently leaked classified information (although it turns out she didn't). Trump deliberately leaked classified information directly to a rival (the Russians), in order to brag. Where's your cute slogans now?
This thread is one year old, in case you did not notice.

Shit. That sucks. Let me totally revamp and redraft my question in order to connect it to the current times: "The republicans are just so fucking hypocritical. It's unbelievable. You wanted to lock Hillary up because she might have accidently leaked classified information (although it turns out she didn't). Trump deliberately leaked classified information directly to a rival (the Russians), in order to brag. Where's your cute slogans now?"

Yeah. Too little too late for that. The comments below the article are, for the most part, spot on.

But Bernie Bros and other purity testing liberals were just too noble and pure to understand things like the makeup of the Supreme Court and other blindingly fucking obvious issues.

Yeah. Too little too late for that. The comments below the article are, for the most part, spot on.

But Bernie Bros and other purity testing liberals were just too noble and pure to understand things like the makeup of the Supreme Court and other blindingly fucking obvious issues.

Yea, that's where conservatives kick our ass. Every single time. Conservatives are willing to compromise with their wacky leaders in order to shape their religion by taking over the supreme court. Liberals go after moral victories.

Yeah. Too little too late for that. The comments below the article are, for the most part, spot on.

But Bernie Bros and other purity testing liberals were just too noble and pure to understand things like the makeup of the Supreme Court and other blindingly fucking obvious issues.

It wasn't just Bernie people. People from all over the political map, including republicans who allowed Trump to take the nomination, were sick of the political establishment and not being heard by political elites. So much so that they allowed Trump to happen. Hardly anybody expected him to win. He was a vote for bigots and for those in the rust belt who felt forgotten and who he spoke to, was protest vote for many others who resented the establishment politics, and massive apathy for Clinton pushed it into an actual win for the most unlikely of candidates. Nobody cared about Hillary Clinton and her "I'm with her" rather than "She's with us" message, and with her pay to play politics she garnered an image that turned many away from voting for her and people simply didn't show up to support her. I can't say I blame them.

Deserved or not, Hillary Clinton remains the poster-girl for corruption in the Democrat party and the sooner she is forgotten the better.
Yeah. Too little too late for that. The comments below the article are, for the most part, spot on.

But Bernie Bros and other purity testing liberals were just too noble and pure to understand things like the makeup of the Supreme Court and other blindingly fucking obvious issues.

It wasn't just Bernie people. People from all over the political map, including republicans who allowed Trump to take the nomination, were sick of the political establishment and not being heard by political elites. So much so that they allowed Trump to happen. Hardly anybody expected him to win. He was a vote for bigots and for those in the rust belt who felt forgotten and who he spoke to, was protest vote for many others who resented the establishment politics, and massive apathy for Clinton pushed it into an actual win for the most unlikely of candidates. Nobody cared about Hillary Clinton and her "I'm with her" rather than "She's with us" message, and with her pay to play politics she garnered an image that turned many away from voting for her and people simply didn't show up to support her. I can't say I blame them.

Deserved or not, Hillary Clinton remains the poster-girl for corruption in the Democrat party and the sooner she is forgotten the better.

You make it sound like everybody voted for Trump. He barely won, it wasn't some decisive win.
It wasn't just Bernie people. People from all over the political map, including republicans who allowed Trump to take the nomination, were sick of the political establishment and not being heard by political elites. So much so that they allowed Trump to happen. Hardly anybody expected him to win. He was a vote for bigots and for those in the rust belt who felt forgotten and who he spoke to, was protest vote for many others who resented the establishment politics, and massive apathy for Clinton pushed it into an actual win for the most unlikely of candidates. Nobody cared about Hillary Clinton and her "I'm with her" rather than "She's with us" message, and with her pay to play politics she garnered an image that turned many away from voting for her and people simply didn't show up to support her. I can't say I blame them.

Deserved or not, Hillary Clinton remains the poster-girl for corruption in the Democrat party and the sooner she is forgotten the better.

You make it sound like everybody voted for Trump. He barely won, it wasn't some decisive win.
He won the Electoral college not the popular vote. It is a fact that Hillary Clinton officially received 3 million more votes than Donald Trump.
You make it sound like everybody voted for Trump. He barely won, it wasn't some decisive win.

But he still fucking won. That is a blot on your country that you can't try to distance yourselves from. Americans talking about how Trump doesn't represent them are starting to sound a whole lot like guys who tell their girlfriends that the only reason they beat them up was because they were drunk and that's not who they really are.

You're the country where Donald Frigging Trump was able to get elected President. That's who you are. Stop trying to say you're something else.
You make it sound like everybody voted for Trump. He barely won, it wasn't some decisive win.

But he still fucking won. That is a blot on your country that you can't try to distance yourselves from. Americans talking about how Trump doesn't represent them are starting to sound a whole lot like guys who tell their girlfriends that the only reason they beat them up was because they were drunk and that's not who they really are.

You're the country where Donald Frigging Trump was able to get elected President. That's who you are. Stop trying to say you're something else.

Hey - shit happens. Didn't you have a drug-crazed moron for a mayor in your city at one point? And you don't (afaik) even have an electoral college to blame for that debacle.
I won't try to jam that guy down your throat and tell you "that's who you are", though.
FWIW, I think that in the long run Trump could turn out to be a blessing in disguise. He has certainly tarnished the rethuglican party, which is something of which I approve. Further, I am one of those who really did hold their nose while voting for HRC. As such I have to wonder if, had she been elected, that would have doomed us to decades of neo-con backlash after her tenure, which would have been marked by the same degree of governmental paralysis that is the hallmark of the Cheato "presidency", given a 'pug-controlled congress.
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