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Scientific fraud, Macchiarini


Nov 28, 2007
Basic Beliefs

Here's one of the more alarming scientific stories ever to have surfaced. Being Swedish I wasn't sure how much the rest of the world cared. But here it is on the BBC News front page. Added detail is that I had friends working at Karolinska doing research, who met Macchiarini, and who heard rumours. So I got first hand reports of this guy, well before it became a scandal. This guy was apparently a fraud his entire life. Just full on bullshitter. He constantly used his prestigious position to impress ladies and get laid. Fucked as many girls as he could. While having a Swedish fiance he was supposedly monogamous with. While also having an Italian wife in Italy. This guy even claimed that he was friends with the pope. Everybody he came into contact with wondered wtf was going on with this guy. Something was not right. He still managed to become a top researcher with fancy titles and the trust of one of the world's most prestigious scientific institutes. A fascinating story.
We have replaced some things with synthetic materials.

Shoulder joints, hips, knees, ankles.

Artificial stents in the arteries of the heart and the in the blood vessels of the body.

Artificial stents in the urinary system to bypass stones.

Artificial valves in the heart.

The companies that make these things are very profitable. But they can't have defects and everything has to be researched well.

Since all his patients are dying you have to wonder how much research was done and for how long.

To have the patent on an artificial esophagus or trachea would make somebody incredibly rich.

Here's one of the more alarming scientific stories ever to have surfaced. Being Swedish I wasn't sure how much the rest of the world cared. But here it is on the BBC News front page. Added detail is that I had friends working at Karolinska doing research, who met Macchiarini, and who heard rumours. So I got first hand reports of this guy, well before it became a scandal. This guy was apparently a fraud his entire life. Just full on bullshitter. He constantly used his prestigious position to impress ladies and get laid. Fucked as many girls as he could. While having a Swedish fiance he was supposedly monogamous with. While also having an Italian wife in Italy. This guy even claimed that he was friends with the pope. Everybody he came into contact with wondered wtf was going on with this guy. Something was not right. He still managed to become a top researcher with fancy titles and the trust of one of the world's most prestigious scientific institutes. A fascinating story.

I am shocked that there is a human who manipulates for sex using image and status.

By the way lets re-elect Trump...
People are easily swayed by charismatic and superficially charming people, until their blatant selfishness is outed. Mix in a little know how and there's no reason these people can't reach high levels of power, and in actuality it's likely that they will because they're usually driven by it.

Stories like this aren't actually that abnormal, except that this guy seems to be a little more of a sociopath than most.
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