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So any of the Trump family not going to prison - Skimming and Other People's Money

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
So anyway, radical left-wing rag Forbes magazine reported that Eric Trump funneled charity money meant for St. Jude's Hospital to the Trump Organization and other groups he has ties with.

article said:
According to IRS filings, the Eric Trump Foundation in 2012 spent $59,085 on its annual Golf Invitational fundraiser held at the Trump National Golf Club in Westchester County, New York -- money that skimmed from donations to St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital.

Those expenses ballooned to $230,080 in 2013 and to $242,294 in 2014, according to the filings. It is unclear from these tax forms how much of those payments went to the Trump Organization.Forbes reported that in 2011, costs for Eric Trump’s golf tournament fundraiser tripled because his father realized that the organization had not been charging for the event and there were no bills to prove it. The Foundation declined to provide Forbes with an itemized list of expenses for the tournament.

Charity experts told Forbes that the amount paid to the Trump Organization for a golf tournament fundraiser for St. Jude’s "defy any reasonable cost."
Yeah, just what you'd expect from the Trumps. The White House came out in defense of Eric with a howler that reads like the Donhole wrote it:

Pres. Trump? said:
During the past decade, the Eric Trump Foundation has raised over $16.3 million for St. Jude Children’s Research hospital while maintaining an expense ratio of just 12.3 percent. The Eric Trump Foundation was also responsible for building a $20 million dollar ICU which treats the sickest children anywhere in the world suffering from the most catastrophic terminal illnesses.
Okay, so we have a number of things there. So Eric Trump's Foundation raised over $16.3 million over several years. The $16.3 million amount was confirmed by St. Judes.
NY Times said:
The letter said that some of the money was raised via related efforts, such as an Eric Trump Foundation-affiliated team that participates in the New York City Marathon.
But... Eric tried to stamp his name on as much of that money as possible to inflate "his" donation.
Washington Post said:
Eric Trump says he has raised about $15 million for St. Jude. That figure includes $7.9 million in donations from the Eric Trump Foundation, and $7 million more from other fundraisers he has organized, often held at Trump organization properties. At Trump hotels, for instance, guests can make small donations through their room bills.
So $7 million raised from sources he hadn't had much to do with, and $7.9 million from unknown sources. We know the Trump Foundation should have been named the McMahon (WWE) Foundation as they seemed to be the only people giving money to it.

12.3% expense cost to slip money donated from patrons of hotels? The Eric Trump Foundation had one paid employee. Where the heck is the 12.3% expense cost coming from? Regardless, let's deal with the $20 million thing. While the Trumps have made a career of lying, one thing that the general public doesn't like are people that swindle charities that serve dying children. So let's dive in deeper.

This claim isn't actually new, it was spawn back in October 2015. So umm... Trump was upset that his son wasn't given enough credit for being so generous. $20 million, that is a lot of money to have given.

Given? You know, when I give money to charities, I actually make a payment. Usually monthly. I don't pledge to pay $1000 a year, and brag I gave $1000 to MSF. Relevance?
Washington Post (ibid) said:
St. Jude named a surgery and intensive-care unit after the Eric Trump Foundation in 2015, after the foundation made a pledge to donate $20 million over 10 years.
Ah... so Eric Trump promised to give $20 million, he didn't actually donate $20 million. Odd timing, 2015, primary season warm ups. So the Eric Trump Foundation would donate $20 million over 10 years. Wait... the Eric Trump Foundation? This Eric Trump Foundation?
ibid (posts to article date 12/22/16) said:
Eric Trump is suspending the operations of his charitable foundation — ceasing all fundraising — after facing questions about whether the foundation donors might get special access to members of the first family.
Apparently Eric Trump was accidentally selling access to the First Family. You know how that stuff happens accidentally.

So what about the $20 million promised?
ibid said:
Eric Trump said that the remaining money owed to St. Jude under the $20 million pledge could be covered by Trump Organization properties. “The small dollar donations direct to St Jude from the hotels raise millions of dollars a year and would more than fulfill the obligations (we are years and years ahead of the pledge)," Eric Trump wrote.
Yeah, so he donations made by patrons of Trump properties would pay, in whole, the donations Eric Trump promised.

So Eric Trump not only skimmed money off the top, but had an ICU named after him for promising to donate other people's money to St. Jude's. What a fucking asshole.
And don't forget, he also called Daddy Orangebuck's political opposition "Not even people."

That he's skimming and scamming for $ is like unconsciously assuming that fish can breathe underwater. It's not something you think about, you just kinda know it.

It's the statement that those who oppose the freak in the White House are less than human that's truly troubling because there's no doubt that his daddy feels the same, and would take action to realize his desires to treat subhumans accordingly.

Horror movies have similar reveals. You know it's a horror show with a monster in it, but usually the monster is only revealed a little bit at a time until "AAAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" and suddenly a slutty girl and her douchebag boyfriend are messy unassorted pile of limbs and heads.
Well at this point, no one within the Trump family is going to prison. I think your cart rolled down the road, while the horse is resting in the corral.

Well many of us here do call Don the Con, El Cheato and Fuck Face Von Clownstick. Though I doubt that Pelosi or Schumer has used such names...
And don't forget, he also called Daddy Orangebuck's political opposition "Not even people."

That he's skimming and scamming for $ is like unconsciously assuming that fish can breathe underwater. It's not something you think about, you just kinda know it.

It's the statement that those who oppose the freak in the White House are less than human that's truly troubling because there's no doubt that his daddy feels the same, and would take action to realize his desires to treat subhumans accordingly.

Horror movies have similar reveals. You know it's a horror show with a monster in it, but usually the monster is only revealed a little bit at a time until "AAAAAARRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!" and suddenly a slutty girl and her douchebag boyfriend are messy unassorted pile of limbs and heads.

If you've never read Transmetropolitan it's definitely worth checking out.
Well at this point, no one within the Trump family is going to prison.

Yeah, not as long as he has Flynn and a bunch of other stooges to take the fall for him.
It will be interesting if people would be willing to take the fall for Don the Con, assuming there is some falling to be had, especially as FFvC's presidency continues to produce lots of noise but little in terms of real accomplishments. I can understand family loyalty tied back to him. But is hard to fathom that outsiders will feel the personal compulsion to burn for such a buffoon.
Yeah, not as long as he has Flynn and a bunch of other stooges to take the fall for him.
It will be interesting if people would be willing to take the fall for Don the Con, assuming there is some falling to be had, especially as FFvC's presidency continues to produce lots of noise but little in terms of real accomplishments. I can understand family loyalty tied back to him. But is hard to fathom that outsiders will feel the personal compulsion to burn for such a buffoon.

Well, Trump has raised throwing other people under the bus to a fine art form. It's not like they'll have to volunteer...
It will be interesting if people would be willing to take the fall for Don the Con, assuming there is some falling to be had, especially as FFvC's presidency continues to produce lots of noise but little in terms of real accomplishments. I can understand family loyalty tied back to him. But is hard to fathom that outsiders will feel the personal compulsion to burn for such a buffoon.

Well, Trump has raised throwing other people under the bus to a fine art form. It's not like they'll have to volunteer...
Sure, one can be thrown under the bus, but harakiri tends to be considered self inflicted. One has to volunteer lies like "no, the President did not know" or "no the President did not ask me to do covfefe"...
Sure, one can be thrown under the bus, but harakiri tends to be considered self inflicted. One has to volunteer lies like "no, the President did not know" or "no the President did not ask me to do covfefe"...
Of course, after taking one fo r the President, The Donald will probably tweet
"That's what I call loyalty - perjuring yourself for your boss."

Then Spicer will claim that 'the president did not say or imply that (name) committed perjury for the president's sake, but rather for the sake of the office.'

Which will later be restated to '(Name) did NOT commit perjury, the president merely suggested that (Name) is such a loyal person he would have committed perjury if required, but it wasn't required, so let's move on from this whole fake perjury hoax made up by the media.'
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