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Teachers with Guns


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
A cursory lookup shows about 3.2 million teachers in the US. Cheato wants to arm 20% of them with CC handguns. We'd have more armed teachers in the US than we have police officers. Such a fabulous idea! What could possibly go wrong?
Oh, wait - Elementary kids find loaded gun teacher left in Pa. school bathroom
But, if only one kid ends up shooting himself or someone else, wouldn't it be worth it?
It is a truly great idea, and in order to prove it out I suggest that President Trump, armed with a concealed carry handgun, be pitted against a crazed lunatic with an AR15. If he wins, we adopt his policy. If not... maybe his successor will come up with a better idea.
Dylan and Eric encountered an armed sheriff's deputy when they began their slaughter at Columbine. He exchanged gunfire with one of them, then assisted the fleeing students. The Right likes to say that he snarled their plans, and that there is no telling how many lives he saved. Perhaps. But Columbine still stood as the worst school shooting up to that point. And with a semiautomatic, it seems safe to say that someone on a suicide mission could kill an awful lot of people in under a minute. But, as a bedrock American value, our gun collectors must be appeased.....
You know what?

I give up. I just give up.

This world we live in makes no sense.

I'm going to go stock up on whisky and beer and ride this bullshit out in my basement.
Why stop there? Why not arm the kids?

I mean, if a shooter busts into the room and Miss Kimball isn't able to get her sidearm out of the desk, then it falls to little Timmy in the back row to step up and take out the shooter.

Remember, the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is an adolescent with a gun!
Why stop there? Why not arm the kids?

Great idea. They could make the kids' guns with built in pencils, too.
And another one - arm the entire premises with gas bombs that would render everyone on the premises unconscious within a few seconds, and enable any teacher to activate it from his/her desk.
What could go wrong? Even in the event of fire, it would put everyone on the floor, below the smoke level!
DAMN - I need a raise!
My wife can't get the state to provide spare pencils or paper, and the school secretary will only give each DEPARTMENT one printer cartridge for the entire year if she can get away with it.
But there's plenty of money for guns, training, licenses...

I wonder if there'd even BE an abortion debate if doctors used guns to terminate the fetus...?

article said:
Trump: "I Never Said 'Give Teachers Guns'"– Now, Here's How I Want to Give Teachers Guns
Says Giving Teachers Guns 'Would Solve the Problem Instantly'
Not even 24 hours after sharing his thoughts on how and why arming teachers would be beneficial in a school shooting as well as a deterrent, President Trump Thursday morning insisted he never said "give teachers guns" – then proceeded to again share his thoughts on how and why arming teachers would be beneficial in a school shooting as well as a deterrent.


Dear conservolibertarians,
Which time was Trump lying?

I can't wait to hear what special pleading fallacy you pull out of your ass to explain this one away.

Is this incoherence what you meant by "make America great again" and "make America respected" again?
Most bears can take a lot of gunshots and keep attacking. The real solution would be to have more bears in school. You don't want them getting tamed by the non-mass murdering students playing with them, though, so they should be kept in cages and starved and given daily electric shocks so they're hungry and angry. Then, in the case of a school shooting situation, the bears can be released.
The NRA says we should harden the schools. The Trump Admin says the FBI should know which of the 1,000 calls they get a year at each field office is the imminent threat. Trump wants to give teachers guns, for a "little bonus". Hey Carol, congrats on getting your masters to teach... but first you need to pass a shooting test before you can teach. Maybe we could have a new Summer Olympic event, the teaching biathlon. Teach for 15 minutes, then take out a rifle and shoot targets that look like teenagers.

Also, does anyone else realize how fucking hard it is to kill someone? Sure, you are doing it to save lives, but it is a tad bit easier to say... yeah, I'd kill... and actually end someone's life.

A cursory lookup shows about 3.2 million teachers in the US. Cheato wants to arm 20% of them with CC handguns. We'd have more armed teachers in the US than we have police officers. Such a fabulous idea! What could possibly go wrong?
Oh, wait - Elementary kids find loaded gun teacher left in Pa. school bathroom
Yeah, but that teacher couldn't have been one of Best of the best of the best...and FFvC will only pick the best of the best of the best teachers to be armed.
Hmm, in the What Could Possibly Go Wrong category:

1. Teacher has gun stolen, kid kills self and/or others
2. Teacher is attacked by student when not looking; student kills teacher, self and/or others
3. [Name your possibility] gun is accidentally discharged, teacher or student wounded/killed
4. Teacher feels threatened by student/wrongfully believes lethal force is necessary; student(s) killed/wounded
5. A shooting actually happens, teacher in gun battle with shooter, police mistake teacher for shooter, kill teacher
6. Teacher trying to prevent shooter, students hit in cross fire; students killed/wounded
7. Already mentioned is teacher leaving his/her gun somewhere where it's picked up by someone else; students killed/wounded
8. Unstable teacher freaks out/has had enough/is gonna take some of these little bastards with him/her: students killed/wounded
9. And so on

And as we've discovered this morning, that bastion of heroism and conservative idol-worship, the venerable LEO (Law Enforcement Officer), may not always be such a courageous character after all. IN case anyone missed it, apparently a cop did show up in time to stop the Florida shooter, but instead he saw what was happening and did nothing.

This arming of teachers is so monumentally fucking stupid that anyone who thinks it's a good idea ought to have their goddamn head examined. Wayne "Deserves to Be Shot With an AR-15" LaPierre said today that schools should essentially become fortresses with armed guards.

Of course he thinks that because it means even more gun sales, and many, if not most gun manufacturers cut the NRA in on a piece of the action for every gun sold.

This has been a fringe conservative talking point before. But now that the Great Orange Fucktard has actually floated it, it'll become idiot gospel among conservative voters that the only way to stop the carnage is to arm teachers.

And what may be worse is that when not-batshit crazy-stupid people oppose arming teachers, they'll say they tried to compromise and do something reasonable, but that the communist leftists who want to rape you with the barrel of your sweet-ass AR-10 (.308 caliber on AR platform) before they take your kids and send them to re-education camp.

'Murica: land of What The Fuck Are Those Idiots Thinking?
Wayne "Deserves to Be Shot With an AR-15" LaPierre said today that schools should essentially become fortresses with armed guards.

Of course he thinks that because it means even more gun sales, and many, if not most gun manufacturers cut the NRA in on a piece of the action for every gun sold.

I recommend we lock him up instead.
Turns out a highly trained, best-of-the-best deputy on the school grounds but was afraid to face an AR-15 with his side arm. And the fucktards think that arming teachers (teachers!) will solve the problem.:rolleyes::sad-smiley-021:

What a coward. This is news to me.
And Trump says, "These people are cowards. They're not going to walk into a school if 20% of the teachers have guns." No numbnuts. They are. They are ready to shoot it out. They are ready to die. Many do and by their own hand. A teacher with a handgun is going to go up against a AR15 in the hands of someone who likely wants to die? Yeah, right.
When the shit hits the fan, the good guy with a gun is a coward.
Turns out a highly trained, best-of-the-best deputy on the school grounds but was afraid to face an AR-15 with his side arm. And the fucktards think that arming teachers (teachers!) will solve the problem.:rolleyes::sad-smiley-021:

What a coward. This is news to me.
And Trump says, "These people are cowards. They're not going to walk into a school if 20% of the teachers have guns." No numbnuts. They are. They are ready to shoot it out. They are ready to die. Many do and by their own hand. A teacher with a handgun is going to go up against a AR15 in the hands of someone who likely wants to die? Yeah, right.
When the shit hits the fan, the good guy with a gun is a coward.
Yeah, hadn’t thought about that angle. Solution to school shootings, get more teachers shot and killed.
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