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Ted Cruz is a Genius


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Copied from Facebook:

Ted Cruz's idea to let insurance companies sell cheap plans with stripped down benefits is brilliant! Think of all those people who could not afford health insurance who will be able to buy this plan. While we are at it, we should note that many people are not able to afford cars. That is mostly due to burdensome regulations. We should let car companies sell cars without seatbelts, brakes or headlights. Just think of all those people who will then be able to afford a car!
Copied from Facebook:

Ted Cruz's idea to let insurance companies sell cheap plans with stripped down benefits is brilliant! Think of all those people who could not afford health insurance who will be able to buy this plan. While we are at it, we should note that many people are not able to afford cars. That is mostly due to burdensome regulations. We should let car companies sell cars without seatbelts, brakes or headlights. Just think of all those people who will then be able to afford a car!

The republicans don't understand that insurance only pencils if the young (who tend to use less medical services) subsidize the older.
Cruz is the oiliest critter I've ever seen. Reportedly he's the most hated senator in Washington, loathed by his own party as a grandstander and ego monster. I've always thought his eyes and his snaky smile look like Joe McCarthy's. Everyone should remember how, when it looked like Hillary would win, he announced that the GOP should consider refusing to consent to any new Supreme Court appointments for the entire HRC term as president. That's how much he believes in this country, its institutions, and its voters. Anyway, good post and spot-on about how the hard righties would like to treat the Forgotten Man, his Womenfolk, and their Young Uns.
Copied from Facebook:

Ted Cruz's idea to let insurance companies sell cheap plans with stripped down benefits is brilliant! Think of all those people who could not afford health insurance who will be able to buy this plan. While we are at it, we should note that many people are not able to afford cars. That is mostly due to burdensome regulations. We should let car companies sell cars without seatbelts, brakes or headlights. Just think of all those people who will then be able to afford a car!
The republicans don't understand that insurance only pencils if the young (who tend to use less medical services) subsidize the older.
Limbaugh was mocking the ACA because of this. That young people have to pay into it to work. I think he has officially drank too much of the GOP Punch.

How many people pay insurance on their homes just to have all that money pay for people's houses that burned down or were flooded?

- - - Updated - - -

Also, I'm pretty sure that Cruz's father was a serial killer.
No, that is Cruz. Cruz's father killed Kennedy... twice!
I thought he was the Zodiac killer?
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