That's a VERY coarse-grained effect. Astrological claims are MUCH more fine-grained than that.
There are some significant celestial influences on the Earth, and by far the strongest is the light that the Earth receives from the Sun. I will now calculate our planet's surface temperature without the Sun's light.
Earth's internal heat budget - Our planet's heat emission is about 47 +- 2 terawatts.
Averaged out over our planet's surface, this gives us 0.093 watts/m^2, about 0.03% of what our planet receives from the Sun.
Using the Stefan-Boltzmann law and assuming perfect emission, this gives a temperature of around 36 K -- *very* cold.
Doing that calculation for incoming sunlight gives 278 K or 5 C -- the Earth is a little warmer than that because of its greenhouse effect, about 10 degrees, giving 15 C.