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The Greatest Witch Hunt of a Politician in American History

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Trump thinks a lot of himself.

Let's think a bit more about Politicians that were actually the victims of witch hunts or were greatly mistreated.

The first one that comes to mind is Lester C. Hunt. A movie, Advise and Consent, would be made with his story being the inspiration for it. Don't believe the lies, Henry Fonda is only in the movie for like 5 or 10 minutes. Lester Hunt had the audacity to fight back against Joseph McCarthy. McCarthy would end up using Hunt's own son and his arrest, against Hunt.
Wiki said:
In June 1953, Hunt's son was arrested in Washington, D.C., on charges of soliciting sex with an undercover male police officer. Several Republican senators, including McCarthy, threatened Hunt with prosecution of his son and wide publication of the event unless he abandoned plans to run for re-election and resigned immediately, which Hunt refused to do. His son was convicted and fined on October 6, 1953, and on April 15, 1954, Hunt announced his intention to stand for re-election. Hunt changed his mind, however, after a Senate colleague renewed the threat to use his son's arrest against him, and on June 19, 1954, Hunt committed suicide in his Senate office.

The other that comes immediate to mind, though, more of a heat of the moment 'incident', Charles Sumner.
wiki said:
Two days later, on the afternoon of May 22, Brooks entered the Senate chamber with Keitt and another ally, Congressman Henry A. Edmundson. They waited for the galleries to clear, especially concerned that there be no ladies present to witness what Brooks intended to do.8 He confronted Sumner as he sat writing at his desk in the almost empty Senate chamber. "Mr. Sumner, I have read your speech twice over carefully. It is a libel on South Carolina, and Mr. Butler, who is a relative of mine," Brooks calmly announced in a low voice. As Sumner began to stand up, Brooks beat Sumner severely on the head before he could reach his feet, using a thick gutta-percha cane with a gold head. The force of the blows so shocked Sumner that he lost his sight immediately.

Back to McCarthy...
wiki said:
McCarthyism soon took on a broader meaning, describing the excesses of similar efforts. The term is also now used more generally to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries. During the McCarthy era, thousands of Americans were accused of being communists or communist sympathizers and became the subject of aggressive investigations and questioning before government or private-industry panels, committees and agencies. The primary targets of such suspicions were government employees, those in the entertainment industry, educators and union activists. Suspicions were often given credence despite inconclusive or questionable evidence, and the level of threat posed by a person's real or supposed leftist associations or beliefs was often greatly exaggerated. Many people suffered loss of employment or destruction of their careers; some even suffered imprisonment. Most of these punishments came about through trial verdicts later overturned,[3] laws that were later declared unconstitutional,[4] dismissals for reasons later declared illegal[5] or actionable,[6] or extra-legal procedures that would come into general disrepute.

You may all remember President Bill Clinton. He was President during the 90s. A special prosecutor was given task to investigate Whitewater, a property deal in Arkansas. That investigation took a lot of twists and turns and lasted about 4 years. Turns out, Clinton lied about having sex... which was where the investigation went to. Originally about a property deal... went to sex. President Clinton was harangued by the Republicans and Ken Starr. It seems anything bad that happened in the mid to late 90s was pinned on President Clinton. The lie disclosed during testimony, thanks to semen on a dress would be an attempt to vindicate one of the largest actual Political Witch Hunts our nation has seen.

Any others?
The investigation and public testimony of Hillary Clinton in terms of the Benghazi terrorist attack was pure witch hunt.

Bush and company let 911 happen, even after being specifically warned about possible use of commercial jets a few months earlier.

How Hillary was supposed to stop a terrorist attack in Africa is mind boggling.

But the insanity and insane attacks of the right do not surprise me anymore. It is the way some humans behave that only care about their side winning and have no productive plans.
In that story the Emperor was conned.

In our story the Emperor is trying to con us.
You may all remember President Bill Clinton. He was President during the 90s. A special prosecutor was given task to investigate Whitewater, a property deal in Arkansas. That investigation took a lot of twists and turns and lasted about 4 years. Turns out, Clinton lied about having sex... which was where the investigation went to. Originally about a property deal... went to sex. President Clinton was harangued by the Republicans and Ken Starr. It seems anything bad that happened in the mid to late 90s was pinned on President Clinton. The lie disclosed during testimony, thanks to semen on a dress would be an attempt to vindicate one of the largest actual Political Witch Hunts our nation has seen.

Any others?

Let's not forget about how liberals forced Ken Starr out of Baylor just because of the football team's "bonding experiences".
Benghazi was so recent, I overlooked it. It certainly was a political witch hunt and maybe one of the worst politically motivated attempts to fuck with an election. Usually people have a tendency to think things are always the worst in the present, but Benghazi could be legitimately the worst witch hunt.
You may all remember President Bill Clinton. He was President during the 90s. A special prosecutor was given task to investigate Whitewater, a property deal in Arkansas. That investigation took a lot of twists and turns and lasted about 4 years. Turns out, Clinton lied about having sex... which was where the investigation went to. Originally about a property deal... went to sex. President Clinton was harangued by the Republicans and Ken Starr. It seems anything bad that happened in the mid to late 90s was pinned on President Clinton. The lie disclosed during testimony, thanks to semen on a dress would be an attempt to vindicate one of the largest actual Political Witch Hunts our nation has seen.

Any others?

Let's not forget about how liberals forced Ken Starr out of Baylor just because of the football team's "bonding experiences".
I was going to mention that, but forget to bring up his leadership at Gang Bang Rape University.
The FBI's COINTELPRO program tried blackmailing Martin Luther King into committing suicide. They infiltrated the Black Panther Party and Malcolm X's Nation of Islam with informants and agents provocateurs, eventually destroying them.
The FBI's COINTELPRO program tried blackmailing Martin Luther King into committing suicide. They infiltrated the Black Panther Party and Malcolm X's Nation of Islam with informants and agents provocateurs, eventually destroying them.
We are talking politicians.
The FBI's COINTELPRO program tried blackmailing Martin Luther King into committing suicide. They infiltrated the Black Panther Party and Malcolm X's Nation of Islam with informants and agents provocateurs, eventually destroying them.
We are talking politicians.

Trump claims he's a businessman, not a politician, so he doesn't qualify either.
Why can't Trump just fucking die? A massive heart attack or stroke or fall in the bathtub. Anything. Trump lives while Chris Cornell does not. It should be enough to turn the most ardent believer into an atheist.
Why can't Trump just fucking die?

And get Pence?

Yes. He'd be a three+ year long lame duck. The damage is already done to the Supreme Court and if RGB dies, it's only going to get worse with or without Trump. And it's not like the GOP is going to suddenly stop trying to fuck the American people out of health insurance while giving huge tax breaks to those who don't need one. They're going to continue to try and privatize public lands, insist climate change is a hoax, Jesus wrote the Constitution, etc. None of that changes with Pence.

And it can all be mitigated by smart people getting off their asses and/or high horses by showing up to vote in 2018.
The FBI's COINTELPRO program tried blackmailing Martin Luther King into committing suicide. They infiltrated the Black Panther Party and Malcolm X's Nation of Islam with informants and agents provocateurs, eventually destroying them.
We are talking politicians.
OK. J. Edgar Hoover.
And get Pence?

Pence wouldn't be trying to impress hostile foreign ambassadors and accidentally give away highly classified information. I don't like his politics but at least he hasn't scared me shitless with his insanity.
On one hand we have an incredible unstable man as president who could... if his fingers were long enough... start a nuclear war. However, he does seem to have a destabilizing effect on Congress.

We wouldn't worry about Pence starting a needless... nuclear... war, but things would go more smoothly in Congress and there'd be more "pension smoothing" and "dynamic" grading of tax cuts.
Pence wouldn't be trying to impress hostile foreign ambassadors and accidentally give away highly classified information. I don't like his politics but at least he hasn't scared me shitless with his insanity.
On one hand we have an incredible unstable man as president who could... if his fingers were long enough... start a nuclear war. However, he does seem to have a destabilizing effect on Congress.

We wouldn't worry about Pence starting a needless... nuclear... war, but things would go more smoothly in Congress and there'd be more "pension smoothing" and "dynamic" grading of tax cuts.

I'm not so sure about Pence not starting a needless nuclear war. Isn't he one of the loonies who think that they can trigger the second coming and all the nice stuff from Revelation by that very means?
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