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The Lincoln Project’s Ads


Cyborg with a Tiara
Staff member
Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
This thread is to watch and discuss the ads by the Lincoln Project, an anti-trump Republican group. They have a unique angle and some pretty powerful funding. So I though they created enough discussion material for their own thread.

Here’s their website.

Here’s their youtube channel if you are eschewing X

The latest:

Trump, the apex predator is old and wweak and about to be taken down by a new apex predator.

This one is hard hitting, with humor, like the rest of Lincoln Project’s brand. But I suspect this one will hurt Trump in the feels more than most.
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I've seen many of their ads and have on occasion watched Rick Wilson's videos. Their ads are brutal, and that's the point. Long before the Democrats decided to drop the "when they go low, we go high" thing, The Lincoln Project had settled on "fuck that, we're going as low as we can." They're not happy warriors. They're old school dirty Republicans who hit below the belt. I think there's definitely a place for them, and having attack dogs like that is something the Democrats have long been lacking. I especially like the fact that they target their ads in markets where Trump happens to be staying at one of his properties, and gets them on stations he's likely to be watching.
Nothing befits bullies and pompous asses more than ridicule.
Which is why in their 1st debate, I hope Ms Harris laughs at Trump at every opportunity. I expect he will meltdown.
I know it can't happen, but just one "Shut the fuck up, Donny." would probably knock out the Internet for days.
The Lincoln Project. I remember them. They got a bunch of Democrats to dress up like White Supremacists to frame the Virginia Republican Governor Candidate.

At first they were pointing at the photos saying "see that is the kind of people this candidate attracts told you so he is that bad". Then they were found out and quickly changed their tune to "oh we were just trying to make a statement."
The Lincoln Project. I remember them. They got a bunch of Democrats to dress up like White Supremacists to frame the Virginia Republican Governor Candidate.

At first they were pointing at the photos saying "see that is the kind of people this candidate attracts told you so he is that bad". Then they were found out and quickly changed their tune to "oh we were just trying to make a statement."
Would have been simple enough for the candidate to say white supremacism has no place in his campaign and white supremacists are not welcome. Of course, candidates have to weigh how many votes such a statement might gain, as opposed to losing the white supremacist vote.
Latest one:

I think that maybe in his own muddled way, the "weave" thing he's talking about might...maybe...be what comics call "tags" and "callbacks?" When you tell a joke and it hits, then you add on another punchline or reference the joke later in your set? Or maybe he just thinks his rambling somehow works when he remembers something he said an hour ago and finds his way back to it again.
The fact that his rambling eventually comes back to the same subjects has more to do with his limited range of topics than any oratory genius.
Latest one:

I think that maybe in his own muddled way, the "weave" thing he's talking about might...maybe...be what comics call "tags" and "callbacks?" When you tell a joke and it hits, then you add on another punchline or reference the joke later in your set? Or maybe he just thinks his rambling somehow works when he remembers something he said an hour ago and finds his way back to it again.

Yes, but it would require more self control and discipline and more mental acuity to pull off. Right now, assuming he loses the election, I'm thrilled he has none of these.
The Lincoln Project. I remember them. They got a bunch of Democrats to dress up like White Supremacists to frame the Virginia Republican Governor Candidate.

At first they were pointing at the photos saying "see that is the kind of people this candidate attracts told you so he is that bad". Then they were found out and quickly changed their tune to "oh we were just trying to make a statement."
Would have been simple enough for the candidate to say white supremacism has no place in his campaign and white supremacists are not welcome. Of course, candidates have to weigh how many votes such a statement might gain, as opposed to losing the white supremacist vote.
Instead White Supremacism was in such short supply that the Lincoln Project had to manufacture some out of Democratic Party operatives. Good choice for a source.
The Lincoln Project. I remember them. They got a bunch of Democrats to dress up like White Supremacists to frame the Virginia Republican Governor Candidate.

At first they were pointing at the photos saying "see that is the kind of people this candidate attracts told you so he is that bad". Then they were found out and quickly changed their tune to "oh we were just trying to make a statement."
Would have been simple enough for the candidate to say white supremacism has no place in his campaign and white supremacists are not welcome. Of course, candidates have to weigh how many votes such a statement might gain, as opposed to losing the white supremacist vote.
Instead White Supremacism was in such short supply that the Lincoln Project had to manufacture some out of Democratic Party operatives. Good choice for a source.
Short supply? :hysterical:

This is the Lincoln Project's response to the incident:
The Lincoln Project said: “The demonstration was our way of reminding Virginians what happened in Charlottesville four years ago, the Republican party’s embrace of those values, and Glenn Youngkin’s failure to condemn it.”

The group also said it meant to highlight Trump’s famous refusal to condemn the far-right marchers in 2017, including his remark that there were “very fine people” on “both sides” of the rally.

Youngkin, the group said, wanted “Virginians to forget that he is Donald Trump’s candidate.

“Glenn Youngkin has said: ‘President Trump represents so much of why I am running.’ Youngkin proves it every day by trying to divide Virginians using racial code words like ‘critical race theory’ and supporting a ban on teaching the works of America’s only Black Nobel laureate,” it said.
Short supply?

Trump's sit down dinner with white supremacist Nick Fuentes aside...

Tucker Carlson interviewed an "historian" who claimed that Winston Churchill was the "chief villain" of WWII, and said that the millions killed during the Holocaust were just unintended victims of the fact that Germany - Nazi Germany - simply took in too many prisoners of war and the only thing they did wrong was to not plan for their care. Whoopsie-daisy, millions died, but it was totally an accident and the Brits were the bad guys!

Elon Muskrat - a guy who's wealth was built on his upbringing as part of a white supremacist state - deleted a Tweet (or whatever he calls it now) where he said the interview - the Tucker Carlson interview with the Nazi apologist - was "interesting" and "worth watching."

Yep. Nothing to see here, folks. Move along.
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