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The Wrath of Comey


Veteran Member
Sep 24, 2002
Basic Beliefs
the Philosophy of Not Giving a Damn

Comey is about to drop his book and the media is already abuzz with leaks and advance copies. Trump is compared to a mafia boss, highly personal remarks are made, and his character is described (besmirched).

Trump, as usual, is beside himself, taking time off from threatening to shoot missiles to hurl insults at a guy he fired a year ago.

After reading a few reviews of the book, it does sound like a revenge piece. I'm not sure it was a good idea for Comey to mention Trump's small hands, orange face and white rings around his eyes. We all know that's what Trump looks like. It really didn't need to be in the book.

Comey is about to drop his book and the media is already abuzz with leaks and advance copies. Trump is compared to a mafia boss, highly personal remarks are made, and his character is described (besmirched).

Trump, as usual, is beside himself, taking time off from threatening to shoot missiles to hurl insults at a guy he fired a year ago.

After reading a few reviews of the book, it does sound like a revenge piece. I'm not sure it was a good idea for Comey to mention Trump's small hands, orange face and white rings around his eyes. We all know that's what Trump looks like. It really didn't need to be in the book.
Trump is nothing, if not an image. I can easily see how something like this could be in a book. Now if Comey spoke at length about the orange skin for a chapter, not needed, but if it is a couple sentences of a 200+ page book, the mentioning is being taken quite out of context!

I did find Rush Limbaugh's comment about the hands funny. Limbaugh blamed 'some liberal' for making a joke about Trump having small hands hence... well you know. Which means Comey was stealing that bit from someone else!!! It was like Limbaugh felt he just deciphered hieroglyphics.

Of course, that 'liberal' was Republican Senator Marco Rubio.
I particularly like this quote:

"The silent circle of assent. The boss in complete control. The loyalty oaths. The us-versus-them worldview. The lying about all things, large and small, in service to some code of loyalty that put the organization above morality and above the truth."

Where he is comparing the orange wonder to a mob boss.
I particularly like this quote:

"The silent circle of assent. The boss in complete control. The loyalty oaths. The us-versus-them worldview. The lying about all things, large and small, in service to some code of loyalty that put the organization above morality and above the truth."

Where he is comparing the orange wonder to a mob boss.

I have a boss who'll lie about the most unimportant things. Like when giving a tour to a customer. It's gotten so I have to leave the room when I hear a tour coming through. I just can't be a party to it. Up until now I thought it was "lying just to stay in practice". But it seems it's about that loyalty thing. Just by being there and not saying anything (because it seems so trivial and trite to concern myself) that you get hooked into the ... collusion! :shock:
It's April. Anyone still give a fuck what was written in Fire and Fury? Unfortunately, I think the same will happen here.
Even more unfortunately, everyone will be talking about this book and every salacious detail in it giving Trump a platinum-plated distraction from him doing whatever vile shit he wants to do in the coming weeks.
The small hands thing is from Spy magazine who called Trump a "short fingered vulgarian". I understood "short fingered" to mean "greedy", not sure why.

Whatever, it got under his skin.
The small hands thing is from Spy magazine who called Trump a "short fingered vulgarian". I understood "short fingered" to mean "greedy", not sure why.

Whatever, it got under his skin.
Of course it did. He's not from Vulgaria or any other shithole country.

Comey is about to drop his book and the media is already abuzz with leaks and advance copies. Trump is compared to a mafia boss, highly personal remarks are made, and his character is described (besmirched).

Trump, as usual, is beside himself, taking time off from threatening to shoot missiles to hurl insults at a guy he fired a year ago.

Trump, a mafia boss??? No way--someone that incompetent would have been assassinated long ago.

Comey is about to drop his book and the media is already abuzz with leaks and advance copies. Trump is compared to a mafia boss, highly personal remarks are made, and his character is described (besmirched).

Trump, as usual, is beside himself, taking time off from threatening to shoot missiles to hurl insults at a guy he fired a year ago.

After reading a few reviews of the book, it does sound like a revenge piece. I'm not sure it was a good idea for Comey to mention Trump's small hands, orange face and white rings around his eyes. We all know that's what Trump looks like. It really didn't need to be in the book.
Trump is nothing, if not an image. I can easily see how something like this could be in a book. Now if Comey spoke at length about the orange skin for a chapter, not needed, but if it is a couple sentences of a 200+ page book, the mentioning is being taken quite out of context!

I did find Rush Limbaugh's comment about the hands funny. Limbaugh blamed 'some liberal' for making a joke about Trump having small hands hence... well you know. Which means Comey was stealing that bit from someone else!!! It was like Limbaugh felt he just deciphered hieroglyphics.

Of course, that 'liberal' was Republican Senator Marco Rubio.

Greydon Carter had been calling Trump a "short-fingered vulgarian" in Spy magazine and elsewhere from the late 1980s onwards.
Trump is nothing, if not an image. I can easily see how something like this could be in a book. Now if Comey spoke at length about the orange skin for a chapter, not needed, but if it is a couple sentences of a 200+ page book, the mentioning is being taken quite out of context!

I did find Rush Limbaugh's comment about the hands funny. Limbaugh blamed 'some liberal' for making a joke about Trump having small hands hence... well you know. Which means Comey was stealing that bit from someone else!!! It was like Limbaugh felt he just deciphered hieroglyphics.

Of course, that 'liberal' was Republican Senator Marco Rubio.

Greydon Carter had been calling Trump a "short-fingered vulgarian" in Spy magazine and elsewhere from the late 1980s onwards.

Shouldn't it be "vulvarian?" I mean with the crotch-grabbing brags and all.

Comey is about to drop his book and the media is already abuzz with leaks and advance copies. Trump is compared to a mafia boss, highly personal remarks are made, and his character is described (besmirched).

Trump, as usual, is beside himself, taking time off from threatening to shoot missiles to hurl insults at a guy he fired a year ago.

I just want to remind everyone before we put Comey on a pedestal, that he willingly allowed himself and his work to be used in order to influence the election, something that any law enforcement person operating at his level would have told you was a big no-no.

He violated the ethical standards of his profession in order to put Trump in office.

Comey helped the Russians. Whether he met with them or not, he helped the Russians.

He's just another Republican who puts party before country and would betray America to the Russians in a moment if he thought it would result in lower taxes for the elites.

Comey is about to drop his book and the media is already abuzz with leaks and advance copies. Trump is compared to a mafia boss, highly personal remarks are made, and his character is described (besmirched).

Trump, as usual, is beside himself, taking time off from threatening to shoot missiles to hurl insults at a guy he fired a year ago.

After reading a few reviews of the book, it does sound like a revenge piece. I'm not sure it was a good idea for Comey to mention Trump's small hands, orange face and white rings around his eyes. We all know that's what Trump looks like. It really didn't need to be in the book.

The existence of your post contradicts its content. Anyone can read the same reviews and draw their own conclusions. This post didn't need to be in this thread, I guess.
Whatever. If Comey has a role to play in bringing Trump down, then so be it.

The man came to enjoy the spotlight far too much for a person in his position and helped Trump get into office in the first place. He wasn't the key to it, but in such a narrow "win," Comey's antics certainly played a part.

But again, if this book influences several tens of thousands of people to finally be fed up with Trump, then it will serve as a kind of redemption for Comey.
Comey claims he did it for this reason:


In a partial transcript of Comey's eagerly anticipated interview with the network, the former FBI chief explained to ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos that he was "operating in a world where Hillary Clinton was going to beat Donald Trump, and so I'm sure that it was a factor."

He added: "I don't remember spelling it out, but it had to have been, that she's going to be elected president and if I hide this from the American people, she'll be illegitimate the moment she's elected, the moment this comes out," according to ABC 's transcript.

Conventional wisdom had Clinton winning the hotly contested general election. The Democrat led most national polls for months, only to lose the Electoral College vote to Trump in a shocking November defeat. The former Secretary of State and her supporters have blamed Comey's 11th hour disclosure of the investigation for her loss.

How much do you think it would have hurt Clinton after being elected president if this then came out? And would Comey be vilified for not divulging it before the election?
How much do you think it would have hurt Clinton after being elected president if this then came out?

The Putin/Trump ticket would have made sure to maximize the pain. To what eventual effect, we'll never know.

And would Comey be vilified for not divulging it before the election?

Of course he'd be vilified by the immoral minority - "Trump would have won if the FBI wasn't rigging the election! Grab your AR-15, get out in the streets and do what needs to be done!"
I'm not sure that the American psychological landscape wouldn't be even worse than it is right now, had that happened. But at least someone would be doing something about Russian election meddling...
Whatever. If Comey has a role to play in bringing Trump down, then so be it.

The man came to enjoy the spotlight far too much for a person in his position and helped Trump get into office in the first place. He wasn't the key to it, but in such a narrow "win," Comey's antics certainly played a part.

But again, if this book influences several tens of thousands of people to finally be fed up with Trump, then it will serve as a kind of redemption for Comey.

I wouldn't go so far as to say "redemption", but maybe a very small measure of amends.
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