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Tracking the Creeping Authoritarianism of Donald Trump


The Doctor's Wife
Oct 19, 2011
Miami, Florida
Basic Beliefs
Is Donald Trump a threat to democracy? From his executive orders targeting immigrants, to his personal attacks on federal judges (and many others), to his demonization of the media as the “enemy of the American people,” the 45th president’s actions and behavior have alarmed political observers of all stripes. Below is a running timeline tracking Trump’s numerous displays of authoritarian tendencies, beginning from the day he was sworn in.

I've found his recent tweets admonishing the Justice department for not investigating Hillary and the Democrats, as well as his comments on the guilt of those not yet convicted very troubling. Nixon was almost impeached for such, only because he resigned first.
Nixon was heading for impeachment over obstruction of justice in the post-Watergate attempted cover up.
I've found his recent tweets admonishing the Justice department for not investigating Hillary and the Democrats, as well as his comments on the guilt of those not yet convicted very troubling. Nixon was almost impeached for such, only because he resigned first.

The more he gets away with, the more embolden he becomes. His narcissism makes him believe he is invincible. It is very troubling - especially that so many in Congress and 30-something percent of the country still support this dictator wanna-be
I've found his recent tweets admonishing the Justice department for not investigating Hillary and the Democrats, as well as his comments on the guilt of those not yet convicted very troubling. Nixon was almost impeached for such, only because he resigned first.

The more he gets away with, the more embolden he becomes. His narcissism makes him believe he is invincible. It is very troubling - especially that so many in Congress and 30-something percent of the country still support this dictator wanna-be

It's similar to Napoleon's march into Russia. The further in he got the more invincible he thought himself. Until he went too deep and lost everything.
Is Donald Trump a threat to democracy?
I thought we were most likely screwed early last December when realization struck that we were largely at the mercy of House Republicans. I tell myself there is something more, that we will prevail. I fight these headwinds but remain on the same tack. If and when Mueller brings charges of (fill in the blank), and congress does nothing to remove him from office. Oh boy. Emboldened? Stand by. I see rocks ahead.
Nixon was heading for impeachment over obstruction of justice in the post-Watergate attempted cover up.

The fifth specification of the articles of impeachment:
In disregard of the rule of law, he knowingly misused the executive power by interfering with agencies of the executive branch, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Criminal Division, and the Office of Watergate Special Prosecution Force, of the Department of Justice, and the Central Intelligence Agency, in violation of his duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed.

His tweets are telling the Justice Department and the FBI to "DO SOMETHING" about Hillary. It's a product of his incredibly childish understanding of justice and how it works. Clinton could be found guilty of high treason, personally delivering a briefcase of uranium to Putin himself that is earmarked for nuclear missiles pointed at Washington DC, and he would still be investigated for his current circumstances.
If Hillary was a true patriot she'd turn herself in just to take her arrest off the table for Cheato.
Is Donald Trump a threat to democracy?
I thought we were most likely screwed early last December when realization struck that we were largely at the mercy of House Republicans. I tell myself there is something more, that we will prevail. I fight these headwinds but remain on the same tack. If and when Mueller brings charges of (fill in the blank), and congress does nothing to remove him from office. Oh boy. Emboldened? Stand by. I see rocks ahead.

Those rocks you see are the ones being hurled through the air at the president every time he appears publically, when he is indicted on a crime and nothing else happens... and the Secret Service would be guilty of aiding and abetting a criminal, if they attempt to protect him from citizen's arrest... so they should expect to be shot at if such an unheard of thing happens (keeping a criminal president in office).
The Trumpanzees will always be a mind-blower for me, no matter that they're a third ("only") of us. How could anyone hear this man bellow "I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN FIX IT!" (it lacked only a "BEHOLD!" to introduce it) and not know that this man is disturbed -- abnormal -- immature -- reckless. Or as his Secy. of State terms it, a fucking moron. Trump must be scrubbed, bleached, squeegeed, Brilloed, sand-blasted, flame-scorched, sand-papered, most of all flushed out of this republic. Or do I go too far.
If Hillary was a true patriot she'd turn herself in just to take her arrest off the table for Cheato.
There would have to be a criminal charge in place before Hillary could turn herself in. Otherwise, she could be charged with trespassing, if she refused to leave the Court House.
If Hillary was a true patriot she'd turn herself in just to take her arrest off the table for Cheato.
There would have to be a criminal charge in place before Hillary could turn herself in. Otherwise, she could be charged with trespassing, if she refused to leave the Court House.

Well hell. I guess the right thing to do then, would be to off herself?
Why doesn't she just go to a police station and confess to her treason in BENGHAZI!!!!?

Save the taxpayers a few hundred million in congressional investigation costs.
Why doesn't she just go to a police station and confess to her treason in BENGHAZI!!!!?

Save the taxpayers a few hundred million in congressional investigation costs.

Benghazi is old news. She needs to stand trial for her evil Uranium One deal which will allow Russia to acquire nuclear weapons.
Why doesn't she just go to a police station and confess to her treason in BENGHAZI!!!!?

Save the taxpayers a few hundred million in congressional investigation costs.

Benghazi is old news. She needs to stand trial for her evil Uranium One deal which will allow Russia to acquire nuclear weapons.

Well, that would be bad. If they had those, they could blow up the storage site where Clinton is keeping all the damning evidence about how she's guilty of BENGHAZI!!!! and she'd get off scot free from her treason and murder.
Benghazi is old news. She needs to stand trial for her evil Uranium One deal which will allow Russia to acquire nuclear weapons.

Well, that would be bad. If they had those, they could blow up the storage site where Clinton is keeping all the damning evidence about how she's guilty of BENGHAZI!!!! and she'd get off scot free from her treason and murder.

Don't get so upset. The woman can't control herself. Even if her crime archives are blown up, there's a good chance she will get caught jaywalking or something by next week. That should be good for another 6-8 years of investigation.
Just wanted to know what it feels like to be Republican.
It feels pretty fucked up.
Just wanted to know what it feels like to be Republican.
It feels pretty fucked up.

That's because you're 12 months behind the times. It's now
Urrrrrrrrraaaaaaannnnniiiiuuuuumm oneoneoneone1111111111 and pooooooooodddddeeeesssssttttaaaaa. I wouldn't worry too much. Benghazi was one of those one hit wonders that gets a cover every once in a while so it'll be back in fashion before too long.
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