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True Leadership - Trump takes every side in two days

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

article said:
In the last two days he has urged the repeal and replace of Obamacare, just repealing it, allowing it to fail, before reverting to repeal and replace.
That it rather impressive! Only the best leadership can be willing to take every side of an argument and demand action.

Repeal and Replace
Trump 7/10 said:
I cannot imagine that Congress would dare to leave Washington without a beautiful new HealthCare bill fully approved and ready to go!

Just Repeal, then work on something down the road
Trump 7/17 10 PM said:
Republicans should just REPEAL failing ObamaCare now & work on a new Healthcare Plan that will start from a clean slate. Dems will join in!

Aww, fuck it, I'm taking my ball and going home!
Trump 7/18 said:
"We're not going to own it. I'm not going to own it. I can tell you the Republicans are not going to own it. We'll let Obamacare fail and then the Democrats are going to come to us,"

Repeal and Replace!!!
Trump 7/19 said:
We should hammer this out and get it done.
above link

What leadership!
The good thing about him being a rudderless orange buffoon blown any which way by his ego is that it prevents him and by extension, the GOP, from getting anything done.

He never tried to sell the plan to the public other than complaining about "obstructionist democrats." But that line seems to be fooling very few people except those who can safely be categorized as hopeless. Instead he did what everyone else did: shouted about it via the internet.

It bears repeating that Trump is an average Fox News viewer. He's aware of some issues and has some opinions on them. He's as capable of being an effective POTUS as some conservatives I know personally. If Congress brought them something to sign, I'm confident they could hold the pen and spell their name correctly. Beyond that, they're equally incapable of doing anything in the way of actually governing and institutions would just have to continue on auto pilot until they were removed.
I don't know. Trump had that one signing ceremony where he just wandered off without signing. So, maybe holding a pen is a bit much for him.
Dems will join in for what? What exactly do they get?

Some of the blame for throwing people off their health insurance?

This is making America greater?

Less people with health insurance?

What's next?

More people hungry?
Dems will join in for what? What exactly do they get?

Some of the blame for throwing people off their health insurance?

This is making America greater?

Less people with health insurance?

What's next?

More people hungry?

Hey! Maybe you're on to something.
This story seems appropriate here: Trump wishes he wouldn't have hired Sessions


President Donald Trump criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe in a lengthy interview with The New York Times Wednesday, going so far as to express regret over appointing the former Alabama senator to lead the Department of Justice.

"Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else," Trump told the Times.

He added: "If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, ‘Thanks, Jeff, but I’m not going to take you.’ It’s extremely unfair -- and that’s a mild word -- to the president.”

Sessions did not immediately comment on the interview.

In other words, Trump gave an interview to the fake news/failing New York Times where he essentially said that if he would've known Sessions wouldn't cover up and be willing to go to jail for Trump's crimes, that he would never have hired him.

So what now? Is Trump going to fire Sessions? If so, does Sessions suddenly regain lost memories and turn on Trump? With the way things are going, if Sessions knows some things that could be seriously detrimental to him, it's quite possible he could begin to reveal them before it's publicly disclosed by some other means. Of course, Trump wouldn't have considered this one bit because he's only a shade beyond object permanence, let alone being able to carefully calculate long term consequences.

Next, who would Trump replace him with? This is one of the things that scares me. Yeah, Sessions is an ass backward prick, but he's no dummy when it comes to knowing what he can and can't get away with. Trump need only find a crony, easily drunk on power to start running roughshod over everything he/she can. And who else would take the AG position under these circumstances besides someone like that? No sensible person would take the position knowing that the POTUS will publicly excoriate you at the drop of a hat.
In other words, Trump gave an interview to the fake news/failing New York Times where he essentially said that if he would've known Sessions wouldn't cover up and be willing to go to jail for Trump's crimes, that he would never have hired him.
Also, he pretty much states that innocent people don't recuse themselves.
He doesn't understand impropriety, or efforts to avoid the appearance of impropriety...
This story seems appropriate here: Trump wishes he wouldn't have hired Sessions


President Donald Trump criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe in a lengthy interview with The New York Times Wednesday, going so far as to express regret over appointing the former Alabama senator to lead the Department of Justice.

"Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else," Trump told the Times.

He added: "If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, ‘Thanks, Jeff, but I’m not going to take you.’ It’s extremely unfair -- and that’s a mild word -- to the president.”

Sessions did not immediately comment on the interview.

In other words, Trump gave an interview to the fake news/failing New York Times where he essentially said that if he would've known Sessions wouldn't cover up and be willing to go to jail for Trump's crimes, that he would never have hired him.

So what now? Is Trump going to fire Sessions? If so, does Sessions suddenly regain lost memories and turn on Trump? With the way things are going, if Sessions knows some things that could be seriously detrimental to him, it's quite possible he could begin to reveal them before it's publicly disclosed by some other means. Of course, Trump wouldn't have considered this one bit because he's only a shade beyond object permanence, let alone being able to carefully calculate long term consequences.

Next, who would Trump replace him with? This is one of the things that scares me. Yeah, Sessions is an ass backward prick, but he's no dummy when it comes to knowing what he can and can't get away with. Trump need only find a crony, easily drunk on power to start running roughshod over everything he/she can. And who else would take the AG position under these circumstances besides someone like that? No sensible person would take the position knowing that the POTUS will publicly excoriate you at the drop of a hat.

Anyone other than a spineless weenie would have immediately resigned - especially if they had already stated that they would if so desired. But Sessions is a rat-faced weasel who is deeply vested in the money laundering scheme that Trump is trying so frantically to hide.
Next, who would Trump replace him with? This is one of the things that scares me. Yeah, Sessions is an ass backward prick, but he's no dummy when it comes to knowing what he can and can't get away with. Trump need only find a crony, easily drunk on power to start running roughshod over everything he/she can. And who else would take the AG position under these circumstances besides someone like that? No sensible person would take the position knowing that the POTUS will publicly excoriate you at the drop of a hat.

How about Jared Kushner? That makes sense, right?
Next, who would Trump replace him with? This is one of the things that scares me. Yeah, Sessions is an ass backward prick, but he's no dummy when it comes to knowing what he can and can't get away with. Trump need only find a crony, easily drunk on power to start running roughshod over everything he/she can. And who else would take the AG position under these circumstances besides someone like that? No sensible person would take the position knowing that the POTUS will publicly excoriate you at the drop of a hat.

How about Jared Kushner? That makes sense, right?

Yeah, that makes $en$e. But I'd love to see the confirmation hearing. He'd have to make Sessions look like a photographic memory prodigy.
Next, who would Trump replace him with? This is one of the things that scares me. Yeah, Sessions is an ass backward prick, but he's no dummy when it comes to knowing what he can and can't get away with. Trump need only find a crony, easily drunk on power to start running roughshod over everything he/she can. And who else would take the AG position under these circumstances besides someone like that? No sensible person would take the position knowing that the POTUS will publicly excoriate you at the drop of a hat.

How about Jared Kushner? That makes sense, right?

If Kushner had just one semester of law school, Trump would try and nominate him.
OMG, Just say what ever comes to mind!Children do this,until they learn not to.Put brain in gear before you open mouth,was what I was told.
Baby man child!
Naw, but the Republicans need to know he is qualified,

That's not what I saw during the cabinet nomination hearings. Look at Ben Carson for example: he literally stated his qualification was a functioning brain.
The Republicans would want to know that he owned at least one season of Law and Order. Then they'd be good with proceeding.

Oh that and that he'd promise to be independent of the White House. :hysterical:
Judge Judy had more qualifications to be a Supreme Court justice than Ben Carson (or Betsy de Vos for that matter) had for a cabinet position.
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