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Trump: Amazon not paying enough taxes


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism

CNN of course takes Amazon's side and points out that they correctly charge sales tax, but Trump does have a point. We've been cutting corporate taxes both directly and through loopholes and through lack of enforcement of the tax law ever since Reagan, and things have been getting worse and worse for the regular Joe this whole time.

Surely we can have a conversation about corporate taxes, but coming from a notorious tax dodger like Trump his criticisms ring a bit hollow, don't they?
On the otherhand, we now have Trump implying that paying enough taxes is part of Making America Great AgainTM. Of course, that contradicts the huge tax giveaway he recently signed.
On the one hand, conservolibertarians most always be against higher taxes for the economic elites, but on the other hand, they must be reflexively pro-Trump no matter what. I wonder how they will resolve this without their heads exploding.
On the one hand, conservolibertarians most always be against higher taxes for the economic elites, but on the other hand, they must be reflexively pro-Trump no matter what. I wonder how they will resolve this without their heads exploding.
Same as taking guns without due process.
Glorious Trump will make sure that only the BAD people lose their guns/pay their taxes. Immigrants, liberals, deep state elitists...
Trump said:
I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election. Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!


1) It is actually the consumer that pays the sales tax.
2) They have helped increase shipments for USPS to deliver
3) Amazon is hardly the only player involved in closing stores. Places like Target and Walmart have helped as well. And unlike Target and Walmart, Amazon provides a venue for people to get their products sold, an option not available at Target and Walmart.

Bezos is worth a lot more than Trump.
What am I missing?? Trump cuts corporate tax... then complains some corporations are not paying enough taxes?
I guess amazon needs a lobby group to buy their way into Trump's circle of friends?
I'm rather surprised Bezos didn't reply with, "Please show me your tax returns; I want to see how someone does it properly" or something similar. It seems like a free kick right there.
Trump's real problem with Amazon is that Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post.

Agreed. I'd also add that Trump is on the side of the developers and property owners. Amazon is killing retail across the country.

Is it?

I think everyone focuses on online retailers as the sole cause of the woes of brick 'n mortar retailers, but is it really the only problem?

All Republican and most Democratic politicians promote a wide range of economic policies designed to suppress wages. During the "fight for 15," an ambulance driver argued against it saying that if we paid burger flippers enough to live, then they would make as much or more than he makes. This means that there are EMTs out there who went through the expense of getting a special education and certification who don't make enough to live or barely make enough to live. Obviously, it's not just "burger flippers" who are being affected by these policies.

So the wages of a large portion of the population are either barely keeping up with the cost of living or actually shrinking relative to the cost of living.

This means that year after year, the total disposable income of the population goes down because every year, more and more of people's paychecks are going to necessities.

So if the total disposable income of the population goes down every year, even if just by a little bit, what happens to retail and restaurants?

I don't think we would see brick and mortar retail outlets closing at this rate if wages had kept up with the cost of living between Reagan and now. I think competition with online retailers is accelerating something that us caused by wage suppression. As families have to tighten their belts, they are more inclined to pinch every possible penny by doing things such as going to online retailers instead of visiting a mall where they might be tempted to make an unnecessary purchase.
I don't think Trump knows what a lobbyist actually is. It's especially stupid of him to try and make this accusation considering he has an entire media propaganda arm dedicated to his presidency that provides both a narrative and is a source of administration personnel. Idiot.
Don the Con is trying to be like Putin or any wannabe dictator and harm his critics.

This is a serious threat to the first amendment. "Watch what you say about me or I am going to bring the hammer of the government down on your business interests."

Does Jeff have justifiable cause to sue DtC for first amendment violations? I sure hope Jeff has directed a team of lawyers to look into it and file something. What DtC has done can be shown to have had billions of impact on the market value of Amazon, and a pattern of DtC attempting to materially harm critics would not be hard to demonstrate.
Don the Con is trying to be like Putin or any wannabe dictator and harm his critics.

This is a serious threat to the first amendment. "Watch what you say about me or I am going to bring the hammer of the government down on your business interests."

Does Jeff have justifiable cause to sue DtC for first amendment violations? I sure hope Jeff has directed a team of lawyers to look into it and file something. What DtC has done can be shown to have had billions of impact on the market value of Amazon, and a pattern of DtC attempting to materially harm critics would not be hard to demonstrate.

His critics are a threat to our freedom of speech!

Why do you want less freedom of speech? What's so great about communo-fascism?
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