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Trump being everything that his supporters had claimed about Obama


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
The Nationalist's Delusion - The Atlantic -- nice article about how Donald Trump rode to power on many white Americans' racial resentments. This has caused a *lot* of trouble. For instance, "For centuries, capital’s most potent wedge against labor in America has been the belief that it is better to be poor than to be equal to niggers."

About DT himself:
One measure of the allure of Trump’s white identity politics is the extent to which it has overridden other concerns as his administration has faltered.The president’s supporters have stood by him even as he has evinced every quality they described as a deal breaker under Obama. Conservatives attacked Obama’s lack of faith; Trump is a thrice-married libertine who has never asked God for forgiveness. They accused Obama of being under malign foreign influence; Trump eagerly accepted the aid of a foreign adversary during the election. They accused Obama of genuflecting before Russian President Vladimir Putin; Trump has refused to even criticize Putin publicly. They attacked Obama for his ties to Tony Rezko, the crooked real-estate agent; Trump’s ties to organized crime are too numerous to name. Conservatives said Obama was lazy; Trump “gets bored and likes to watch TV.” They said Obama’s golfing was excessive; as of August Trump had spent nearly a fifth of his presidency golfing. They attributed Obama’s intellectual prowess to his teleprompter; Trump seems unable to describe the basics of any of his own policies. They said Obama was a self-obsessed egomaniac; Trump is unable to broach topics of public concern without boasting. Conservatives said Obama quietly used the power of the state to attack his enemies; Trump has publicly attempted to use the power of the state to attack his enemies. Republicans said Obama was racially divisive; Trump has called Nazis “very fine people.” Conservatives portrayed Obama as a vapid celebrity; Trump is a vapid celebrity.

There is virtually no personality defect that conservatives accused Obama of possessing that Trump himself does not actually possess. This, not some uncanny oracular talent, is the reason Trump’s years-old tweets channeling conservative anger at Obama apply so perfectly to his own present conduct.
In a way Obama made Trump. Obama's presidency was the ultimate expression of the "niggah" problem, and so Trump came to power restoring white rule.
In a way Obama made Trump. Obama's presidency was the ultimate expression of the "niggah" problem, and so Trump came to power restoring white rule.
Yes indeed. Some years back, he made a big issue out of birtherism, a claim that combined three types of anxieties into one, anxieties about black people, anxieties about Muslims, and anxieties about immigrants.

I found it odd at the time, as if he was doing it just to advertise himself. But many right-wingers were big believers in birtherism, however much some right-wingers would like to disavow birtherism nowadays.
In a way Obama made Trump. Obama's presidency was the ultimate expression of the "niggah" problem, and so Trump came to power restoring white rule.

I call BS on that. Many of the people who voted for Obama, supported Obama over Hillary in the primaries, and supported Bernie over Hillary in 2016 voted for Trump.

Obama did not lose the whote voters in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Hillary did.

Hey Derec,

I wasn't crazy about the choices either but I knew that Clinton was better for the future of the country than Trump, simply because I knew she wouldn't try to disenfranchise citizens based on religion, skin color, sex, income, etc. I kept waiting for someone to start punching back at this buffoon with the same rhetoric and tactics that he was using to incite his faithful mob members but no one did. I hope they learned their lesson and take off the kid gloves next time.

I still can't get over the fact that people with little wealth can be convinced to vote for someone who pays them lip service only. Every man a king I suppose in them acres and acres of diamonds.

Clinton didn't bring out the hate factor, Trump didn't need any help with that. That we elected a man who openly praises racists and brags about grabbing women by the cunt is surreal stuff. But such is the actual state of the american electorate. I do take pride in the fact that millions more people preferred and voted for Clinton.
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