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Trump calls Maxine Waters "low IQ"


May 29, 2003
Chicago suburbs
Basic Beliefs
atheism, resistentialism
I'm hopeful, we will at some point be able to seal up this presidency and move forward without it or it's attitude lingering in the future. The W Admin's attitude towards any dissent was bad enough, but the Trump Admin is so vile and contemptible.

Trump is broadcasting to his lowest common denominator base, and just them.
That fucking imbecile has no grounds for calling anyone else stupid.
I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'd love to wager with him on an IQ test; highschool dropout vs POTUS, and I'd spot him 15 points out of the gate. And I'd bet my entire net worth.
That fucking imbecile has no grounds for calling anyone else stupid.
I may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I'd love to wager with him on an IQ test; highschool dropout vs POTUS, and I'd spot him 15 points out of the gate. And I'd bet my entire net worth.

Just don't have him put up his net worth as well. You'll end up a few billion dollars in the hole.
Watched Maxines response in the video. At first I thought she shouldn't be continuing this stupid game of namecalling.... Then I remembered who she was responding to. Its probably a good "tactic" because calling out a narcissist like that is *really* going to feed into a lot of more bs coming out of that guys mouth - and his mouth is his own worst enemy.
This was just another racist comment by a known racist. Of course, Trump is also known to project, so that's another part of this.

Oh yeah? Well you're the real racist here! White genocide! Reverse racism! Both sides are exactly as bad! Nazis are very fine people! Race card! Racialism! [/conservolibertarian]

- - - Updated - - -

Takes one to know one, I suppose...

He's a genius! He outsmarted everyone, and that proves he's the smartest president! While you're playing checkers, he's playing 47th dimensional chess! He passed his dementia test, and that proves he's the real genius and you're just a dummy dumbhead! MAGA! [/parody]
This was just another racist comment by a known racist. Of course, Trump is also known to project, so that's another part of this.

So it is also racist when people say that Trump has a low IQ? Just trying to understand the hypocrisy.

That doesn't even begin to make sense, considering who we are discussing here. It's pretty obvious that Trump is not very bright. He would make a great used car salesman, which probably explains how he was so easily able to manipulate so many people into voting for him. "There's a sucker born every minute."

Have you noticed that he frequently calls people who don't like him all kinds of nasty names? That's so presidential. I prefer the way our former president managed to deal with his worst critics. He ignored them. I miss having a president with dignity and a calm demeanor. Don't you? :) Why in the world would you defend Trump? I was under the impression that even the conservatives on this forum were more sensible than Trump.
At the same appearance, he called Chuck Todd of Meet the Press a "sleepy-eyed son of a bitch." Right to the camera!! On record!! Our fucking President!!!! He needs to be bleached and scoured and sand-blasted off our national scene.
Please imagine for one second what the Republicans would've done if Obama had referred to Sean Hannity as a "scary-eyebrowed son of a bitch." Just. Imagine.
I'm hopeful, we will at some point be able to seal up this presidency and move forward without it or it's attitude lingering in the future. The W Admin's attitude towards any dissent was bad enough, but the Trump Admin is so vile and contemptible.

Trump is broadcasting to his lowest common denominator base, and just them.
You're talking about the first president in American history that will hold office for three full terms.


Just kidding
This was just another racist comment by a known racist. Of course, Trump is also known to project, so that's another part of this.

So it is also racist when people say that Trump has a low IQ? Just trying to understand the hypocrisy.

I can't play the video because I'm on my phone right now and don't want to use data. Did he say anything actually racist or are they saying its racist because a lady he called stupid is black? I wouldn't be surprised if Trump did the former, but I also wouldn't be surprised if TYT did the latter.
This was just another racist comment by a known racist. Of course, Trump is also known to project, so that's another part of this.

So it is also racist when people say that Trump has a low IQ? Just trying to understand the hypocrisy.
Um, no, because white males (of which Trump is a specimen) have not traditionally been stereotyped as having low IQs--on the contrary. One way in which racism manifests itself the support and perpetuation of stereotypes. Perhaps you need to try to understand the history of racialized pseudo-scientific assertions about IQs.
Is anyone else amused by the irony of a racist moron like Trump calling anyone else stupid?
Well, in his defense, she is not exactly a genius.
Putin invading Korea, 173 million jobs lost to the sequester. Things like that.

Not as bad as Neil Armstrong planting the flag on Mars, but still.
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