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Trump can't handle data security, either


Basically the entire US voter rolls exposed (but there's no indication they were copied.)
That wasn't Trump. And when in the fuck is someone going to make it a crime to have a data company setup that is crackable? Although in this case, they weren't cracked. The door was left wide open. Almost every time this happens 'We take full responsibility' blah fucking blah. They don't take any responsibility. If they did, they wouldn't have this stuff happen. And so we get an "Oops" and nothing else. If you are in the data industry, keep a fucking pad lock on it will you?!

Also, to the data mining group, you can add "Fuck the Republican Party" under my file.
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Well this explains why the GOP no longer contacts me, and the fact I am in deep blue districts with lots of crazy lefty parties.
Though I wonder if this was a publicity stunt. This company apparently perfected predicting where Trump should exactly go to. He won an EV in Maine, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. His campaign perfectly targeted voters. The data company may be trying to point out it was them that did it.
Though I wonder if this was a publicity stunt. This company apparently perfected predicting where Trump should exactly go to. He won an EV in Maine, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. His campaign perfectly targeted voters. The data company may be trying to point out it was them that did it.

Or get out in front of the Russia collusion thing.

"We didn't give them data, but they may have taken it. Oops."
Whothehelll IS "responsible" with data?
Amazon suspended our account and removed 1000 products. Why? Because THEY got hacked - someone tried to re-direct funds from our account. But per Amazon, it's all OUR fault that THEY got hacked. Mpw they want us to re-build a thousand listings at our own expense, while we are "losing" 4-6000$/day in revenue.

If you so much as imply that any of it might be their fault, they get all huffy and hang up on you.
Whothehelll IS "responsible" with data?
Amazon suspended our account and removed 1000 products. Why? Because THEY got hacked - someone tried to re-direct funds from our account. But per Amazon, it's all OUR fault that THEY got hacked. Mpw they want us to re-build a thousand listings at our own expense, while we are "losing" 4-6000$/day in revenue.

If you so much as imply that any of it might be their fault, they get all huffy and hang up on you.

sure it wasn't a competitor hacking your pw?
Whothehelll IS "responsible" with data?
Amazon suspended our account and removed 1000 products. Why? Because THEY got hacked - someone tried to re-direct funds from our account. But per Amazon, it's all OUR fault that THEY got hacked. Mpw they want us to re-build a thousand listings at our own expense, while we are "losing" 4-6000$/day in revenue.

If you so much as imply that any of it might be their fault, they get all huffy and hang up on you.

sure it wasn't a competitor hacking your pw?

Do you think Amazon is going to tell us who hacked them? That would be like Trump telling us that Russia helped him get elected.
A competitor with legitimate-seeming access to our seller account would not have to "hack" as was done. They could simply change some payment settings and be done.
Curiously, Amazon actually let most listings stay - with photos, pricing etc. - but deleted all our descriptions, keywords and all the silly fields they make you fill in. As if THAT would have any detrimental effect on the hacker...
sure it wasn't a competitor hacking your pw?

Do you think Amazon is going to tell us who hacked them? That would be like Trump telling us that Russia helped him get elected.
A competitor with legitimate-seeming access to our seller account would not have to "hack" as was done. They could simply change some payment settings and be done.
Curiously, Amazon actually let most listings stay - with photos, pricing etc. - but deleted all our descriptions, keywords and all the silly fields they make you fill in. As if THAT would have any detrimental effect on the hacker...

A competitor would benefit from hurting your sales by messing up your products. If Amazon were hacked why did they only target you?
Do you think Amazon is going to tell us who hacked them? That would be like Trump telling us that Russia helped him get elected.
A competitor with legitimate-seeming access to our seller account would not have to "hack" as was done. They could simply change some payment settings and be done.
Curiously, Amazon actually let most listings stay - with photos, pricing etc. - but deleted all our descriptions, keywords and all the silly fields they make you fill in. As if THAT would have any detrimental effect on the hacker...

A competitor would benefit from hurting your sales by messing up your products. If Amazon were hacked why did they only target you?

Amazon won't admit to it, but I have learned that numerous other accounts suffered similar intrusions...
We have competitors on some things, but others are proprietary so there are no competitors. Sure, it's possible that that was the goal, but we could completely leave Amazon tomorrow and only lose 10-14% of our business. That's a lot, but the point is that we'd still be in the market so a competitor would gain very little by fucking up our Amazon presence.
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