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Trump doctor let Trump assess himself, office broken into by Trump minions


Jul 27, 2000
Eugene, OR
Basic Beliefs
Donald Trump wrote own health letter, says physician Harold Bornstein - BBC News
Donald Trump's former doctor has said he did not write a 2015 letter declaring the then-Republican presidential candidate's "astonishingly excellent" health, US media report.

"[Mr Trump] dictated that whole letter," Harold Bornstein told CNN.

The White House has not yet commented on the physician's allegation.
How did Donald Trump get away with doing that?
The full text of the letter, as released in 2015:

To Whom My Concern:

I have been the personal physician of Mr Donald J. Trump since 1980. His previous physician was my father, Dr Jacob Bornstein. Over the past 39 years, I am pleased to report that Mr Trump has had no significant medical problems. Mr Trump has had a recent complete medical examination that showed only positive results. Actually, his blood pressure, 110/65, and laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent.

Over the past twelve months, he has lost at least fifteen pounds, Mr Trump takes 81 mg of aspirin daily and a low dose of a statin. His PSA test score is 0.15 (very low). His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary.

Mr Trump has suffered no form of cancer, has never had a hip, knee or shoulder replacement or any other orthopaedic surgery. His only surgery was an appendectomy at age ten. His cardiovascular status is excellent. He has no history of ever using alcohol or tobacco products.

If elected, Mr Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.
Can he beat Teddy Roosevelt there? I doubt it.

In January this year Mr Trump had a three-hour examination amid speculation over his mental health. His White House doctor, Ronny Jackson, said at the time: "I have no concerns about his cognitive ability or neurological functions."
Here's 4 reasons why Donald Trump faking a doctor's note actually matters - CNNPolitics After mentioning the statement's "totally Trumpian" language, the article continued with
1. The President of the United States, as a candidate, faked a letter from his doctor to settle health and age questions.

2. Trump repeatedly attacked Hillary Clinton as not being healthy enough to be president.

3. Trump will say or do absolutely anything to win.

4. Trump eventually turns on everyone.
Even those who profess total loyalty to him.

Harold Bornstein: Exiled from Trumpland, former doctor now ‘frightened and sad’
“I feel raped — that’s how I feel,” the doctor dramatically said. “Raped, frightened, and sad. I couldn’t believe anybody was making a big deal out of a drug to grow his hair that seemed to be so important. And it certainly is not a breach of medical trust to tell somebody they take Propecia to grow their hair. What’s the matter with that?”
A year ago, in February 2017, three of Donald Trump's minions broke into his office and removed his files on Donald Trump. They includes a bodyguard and a lawyer.

This was apparently provoked by HB revealing two days before that DT uses Propecia to make his hair grow.
On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders described the visit to retrieve the records as “standard operating procedure for a new president.”
Is it a lie if no one ever believed in the first place? Certainly, the intent to deceive was present, but when your dog curls up defensively in the corner with that "Nerrrp, wasn't me at all, dude" look on his face after you've observed the closet door was opened, the 50 pound bag of dog food was removed, torn open, and scattered to every corner of the house, do you really consider it a lie?

Maybe little kids would feel sorry for the dog and defend him just because they didn't want him to get in trouble, even though they knew the dog did it.

It pretty much describes Trump and his supporters, except the dog is an old cur who spitefully shits in your shoes, and the kids eat their cereal with Red Bull instead of milk.
Is it a lie if no one ever believed in the first place?
Yes. I mean, it IS Trump. He's certain everyone will just naturally accept whatever he says as the truth. Or they would, if they weren't hateful democrats who hate him and hate the Truth*.

*Truth as judged by Donald J. Trump Corporation at the time of disclosure, not to be combined with any other offer or rationalization offered more than 3 tweets or 1 hour before or after, your mileage may vary, offer not good in New York State, California, or Mexico. Lingering aftereffects of accepting Trump J. Truth may include being betrayed, fired, deported, stranded, isolated, mocked, interviewed or subpoenaed.
I believe it's common practice to gather a new president's health records, and this is how Sarah "Fuck The Truth" Sanders is spinning it. I find this more similar to when OJ and some folks raided a hotel room looking for memorabilia some time ago, for which OJ went to prison. Seriously, forcibly entering a medical office sans authorization, a medical release of any kind, or even a heads up? What about HIPAA violations? If you or I did this, we'd probably be charged with something!

It does go to show how Trump et al think though. Just go take what you want, it doesn't matter.
All of this is in his handbook "Art of the Deal". But of course his minions don't read and neither does Trump.
For healthiest president ever, I nominate Theodore Roosevelt. He had lots of outdoor adventures over his life, like leading the Rough Riders in Cuba and going up a river in the Amazon Basin. He survived being shot in the chest. When he found that he was not coughing up blood, he was sure that the bullet did not get into his lungs, and he completed his speech before seeking medical attention.

The Healthiest U.S. Presidents Ranked from Best to Worst does not rate TR very highly, and rates Donald Trump as better than him. But DT doesn't fare very well in it, and the report's champion is Rutherford Hayes, followed by Barack Obama.

Who was the healthiest president ever? | PBS NewsHour
John Quincy Adams swam naked in the Potomac River every day and lived to be 80 in an era when average life expectancy was well under 50. Teddy Roosevelt was an active outdoorsman and literal Cowboy.

Gerald Ford was perhaps the most athletic president in the 20th century, and was known for working at a fevered (if occasionally clumsy) pace in the White House. And George W. Bush and Barack Obama have both been avid exercisers-in-chief.
Hard to picture how Vice President Pence could avoid being alone in a room with a woman doctor.


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"A woman doctor? Come on you must be joking..."
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