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Trump Firing Mueller?


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
So goes the rumor...

Trump's friend Christopher Ruddy says President considering firing Mueller

Some questions for our erudite members:

What would the fallout look like if Mueller is fired?
Would any Rethuglican Congresscritters be moved to put Constitution before party?
What could Cheato possibly be hiding, the revelation of which would be WORSE than the fallout from firing Mueller?

This whole thing is incredible - president Trump Bannon is on the verge of dismantling the entire US government.
What could Cheato possibly be hiding, the revelation of which would be WORSE than the fallout from firing Mueller?
I don't think he thinks that far ahead. He's not comparing the worst case outcomes, because he honestly thinks if he can come up with a rationalization for the firing, the voters will accept his word that it was necessary.

For another, this is THE way Trump solves problems. He fires the people associated with the problem and the problem goes away. A real shoot-the-messenger approach. Then he'll see the fall-out as a completely new problem. Probably the Dems being OBSTRUCTIONISTS!
If Trump fires Mueller, it will certainly be followed by a few days of conflicting explanations, none if which will satisfy anyone.

What it will do is light the path for a Senate Special Committee, similar to the Watergate Committee. After that, it's open season on anyone in the Trump administration, from appointees on down. This means besides revealing any Russian contacts, and the reasons for doing so, who knew what, and when, there will also be a close examination of private business dealings and conflicts of interest.

It will be a blood bath. Look to see people lined up outside the Criminal Immunity Office.
What could Cheato possibly be hiding, the revelation of which would be WORSE than the fallout from firing Mueller?
I don't think he thinks that far ahead. He's not comparing the worst case outcomes, because he honestly thinks if he can come up with a rationalization for the firing, the voters will accept his word that it was necessary.

For another, this is THE way Trump solves problems. He fires the people associated with the problem and the problem goes away. A real shoot-the-messenger approach. Then he'll see the fall-out as a completely new problem. Probably the Dems being OBSTRUCTIONISTS!

I agree with all of that... but you haven't offered any speculation about what exactly he could be hiding that would make him want to fire Mueller.
Trump is guilty of laundering Russian mob money. Trump, thanks to a large gaggle of unpaid lawyers, has been untouchable for decades. He thinks he is a god and untouchable still.

Currently Mueller can be fired as he was appointed by the Justice Department. Though, he'll need to fire at least one person in Justice to fire Mueller. Congress can very quickly rehire a fired Mueller, though I don't know if they would. I don't know how true the Mueller firing rumor is. It comes from the guy who runs Newsmax.
If Trump fires Mueller, it will certainly be followed by a few days of conflicting explanations, none if which will satisfy anyone.

What it will do is light the path for a Senate Special Committee, similar to the Watergate Committee. After that, it's open season on anyone in the Trump administration, from appointees on down. This means besides revealing any Russian contacts, and the reasons for doing so, who knew what, and when, there will also be a close examination of private business dealings and conflicts of interest.

It will be a blood bath. Look to see people lined up outside the Criminal Immunity Office.

Do you REALLY think the rethuglican cartel will EVER consider turning against their golden goose? As long as they have a clueless moron who will sign anything they put in front of him without even reading it, why should they entertain the notion of getting rid of him?
I don't think he thinks that far ahead. He's not comparing the worst case outcomes, because he honestly thinks if he can come up with a rationalization for the firing, the voters will accept his word that it was necessary.

For another, this is THE way Trump solves problems. He fires the people associated with the problem and the problem goes away. A real shoot-the-messenger approach. Then he'll see the fall-out as a completely new problem. Probably the Dems being OBSTRUCTIONISTS!

I agree with all of that... but you haven't offered any speculation about what exactly he could be hiding that would make him want to fire Mueller.
I don't think it matters. He'll react the same way whether all he did was
accept a $4 box of condoms from a Russian real estate investor
or he accidentally killed two prostitutes and is being blackmailed for dumping the bodies in an alley behind the China embassy.

Being caught is undesirable, and I don't think he's mature enough to evaluate different levels of consequences from being caught.
I agree with all of that... but you haven't offered any speculation about what exactly he could be hiding that would make him want to fire Mueller.
I don't think it matters. He'll react the same way whether all he did was
accept a $4 box of condoms from a Russian real estate investor
or he accidentally killed two prostitutes and is being blackmailed for dumping the bodies in an alley behind the China embassy.

Being caught is undesirable, and I don't think he's mature enough to evaluate different levels of consequences from being caught.

You're almost as cynical as I am, Keith. I really don't like being this way, but the stench of this administration is unmistakeable.
Now Ann Coulter is tweeting about firing Mueller


She apparently hasn't been getting enough attention lately so she needs to wade into the fray.
If Trump fires Mueller, it will certainly be followed by a few days of conflicting explanations, none if which will satisfy anyone.

What it will do is light the path for a Senate Special Committee, similar to the Watergate Committee. After that, it's open season on anyone in the Trump administration, from appointees on down. This means besides revealing any Russian contacts, and the reasons for doing so, who knew what, and when, there will also be a close examination of private business dealings and conflicts of interest.

It will be a blood bath. Look to see people lined up outside the Criminal Immunity Office.

Do you REALLY think the rethuglican cartel will EVER consider turning against their golden goose? As long as they have a clueless moron who will sign anything they put in front of him without even reading it, why should they entertain the notion of getting rid of him?

That's what I'm wondering too. He will do whatever they say, and if necessary, can absorb blame. Already certain Republicans (good gawd will Newt ever fucking go away) are beating the firing drum. We will still be relying on congress to do the right thing, so far the only thing they can be relied on to do is to display moral cowardice.

ETA: Rosenstein just told congress he sees no reason to fire Mueller.
My first instinct is, go ahead, Don-Don. Do it. I want him to do himself and the GOP the utmost damage. I want his poll numbers to sink below a third. I'd rather have him discharge all over the domestic scene than get us in some insane overseas mess. This is an eight-year old in a greasy, dumpy, 70-year-old body. The more he immobilizes himself with his own stupidity and hubris, the better.
If Trump fires Mueller, it will certainly be followed by a few days of conflicting explanations, none if which will satisfy anyone.

What it will do is light the path for a Senate Special Committee, similar to the Watergate Committee. After that, it's open season on anyone in the Trump administration, from appointees on down. This means besides revealing any Russian contacts, and the reasons for doing so, who knew what, and when, there will also be a close examination of private business dealings and conflicts of interest.

It will be a blood bath. Look to see people lined up outside the Criminal Immunity Office.

Do you REALLY think the rethuglican cartel will EVER consider turning against their golden goose? As long as they have a clueless moron who will sign anything they put in front of him without even reading it, why should they entertain the notion of getting rid of him?

Because he's costing them votes. The Cook political report says the House is in play for 2018. Considering the Dems, that's far from a done deal, but the direction is disturbing to Repugs.
Do you REALLY think the rethuglican cartel will EVER consider turning against their golden goose? As long as they have a clueless moron who will sign anything they put in front of him without even reading it, why should they entertain the notion of getting rid of him?

Because he's costing them votes. The Cook political report says the House is in play for 2018. Considering the Dems, that's far from a done deal, but the direction is disturbing to Repugs.

Considering the extent of gerrymandering, is it even possible that they could lose the House??
Because he's costing them votes. The Cook political report says the House is in play for 2018. Considering the Dems, that's far from a done deal, but the direction is disturbing to Repugs.

Considering the extent of gerrymandering, is it even possible that they could lose the House??

In light of the vote, we are shifting our ratings in 20 districts, all reflecting enhanced opportunities for Democrats. The major caveat is that 18 months is an eternity in politics and that as always, we will continue to adjust our outlook as events unfold and the landscape develops.

Oh quick, chase yet another flashy/shiny object...go in circles...spin, bob, weave...jump with glee. Even more shocking is that almost half the Administration has been probably hinted to be on the way out, but only a couple for real.

Ignore the DoD in front of the Senate obfuscating why they need so much more fucking money...cuz its just never enough...we are hollowed after a decade with double what we had at the 9-11 event...we are depleted...we need more shiny toys to bomb the third world with.

Ignore that we are bombing more often and in more places; 3 more US soldiers dead from a green on blue attack; 3ish (nobody really cares about how many) Afghani police killed accidentally by US air support; and a few more dead civilians...oops. Hey, and maybe we will add a few thousand more fodder pieces into play in the Afghan shoals.. Besides what is another $5 to $10 billion being dumped into that swamp matter...

Ignore that the Repugs in the Senate is also working on their version of Trumpcare in the dark depths of their dungeon, no hearings, no discussion, no independent analysis, preparing to regurgitate it out maybe before July 4.

Ignore the ICE roundups...
If Trump fires Mueller, it will certainly be followed by a few days of conflicting explanations, none if which will satisfy anyone.

What it will do is light the path for a Senate Special Committee, similar to the Watergate Committee. After that, it's open season on anyone in the Trump administration, from appointees on down. This means besides revealing any Russian contacts, and the reasons for doing so, who knew what, and when, there will also be a close examination of private business dealings and conflicts of interest.

It will be a blood bath. Look to see people lined up outside the Criminal Immunity Office.

Do you REALLY think the rethuglican cartel will EVER consider turning against their golden goose? As long as they have a clueless moron who will sign anything they put in front of him without even reading it, why should they entertain the notion of getting rid of him?

The GOP will throw Donald Trump to the wolves at the first hint of vulnerability. Their clueless moron has put them in a position to lose all gains made over the past 30 years. All the gerrymandering and voter registration suppression will have been for nothing.
Considering the extent of gerrymandering, is it even possible that they could lose the House??

One of the dangers of gerrymandering is that the minority party's numbers are spread thin to provide a win in the maximum number of districts by a narrow margin. If something happens to disrupt the normal voting, even small defections could be catastrophic.

I remember reading an article about Georgia...apparently the republican gerrymanderers got greedy there, not content with a normal majority, they went for a supermajority. Now only a shift of a couple of percentage points will deliver the majority to the democrats.

Gerrymandering does come with dangers.
Do you REALLY think the rethuglican cartel will EVER consider turning against their golden goose? As long as they have a clueless moron who will sign anything they put in front of him without even reading it, why should they entertain the notion of getting rid of him?

The GOP will throw Donald Trump to the wolves at the first hint of vulnerability. Their clueless moron has put them in a position to lose all gains made over the past 30 years. All the gerrymandering and voter registration suppression will have been for nothing.

I'd say they might very reluctantly throw him in the direction of some wolves after a few more hits if their own poll numbers start tanking and candidates line up to challenge them in primary races.

Remember, when Trump fired the FBI Director in an act which reeked of obstruction, the Republicans on the Senate Intelligence Committee dutifully deflected, defended, and tried to change the subject to Hillary Clinton during said FBI Director's testimony. The GOP Congress in general is still stuck on the notion that the leaks are the problem, not the content of the information that is leaking.

They've circled the wagons already. Before Trump fired Comey, he fired the acting Attorney General. Republicans didn't blink at that one either. In order to get rid of Mueller he'd have to fire the current acting AG, who like the last one is standing on principle.

We're at least a few meddlesome priests away from the GOP turning on their king.
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