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Trump meeting with Kim Jong-Un

Angry Floof

Tricksy Leftits
Staff member
Jul 17, 2008
Sector 001
Basic Beliefs
Is it just me or is there something really weird about this meeting? Something's fucky.

edit: I mean besides them both being the world's foremost infantile, unpredictable morons.
Yes, my thoughts as well. Then I think of the number of times that other presidents (Clinton especially comes to mind) thought they may have been making progress with the NK regime. Honestly, what scares me is the prospect of Kim Jong-Un trying to broker some kind of nefarious deal, and Trump going right for it because of his lack of moral character.
Similar attracts. Wouldn't it be funny and ridiculous if that actually works? Imagine Trump taking (deservedly) credit for solving North Korea problem.
Similar attracts. Wouldn't it be funny and ridiculous if that actually works? Imagine Trump taking (deservedly) credit for solving North Korea problem.

Yes, it would be weird if the solution was to elect someone almost as crazy and stupid as Kim whom he wasn't sure he could bluff by being an insane idiot. If that strategy works, then Trump would deserve the credit for it.
Meh, Trump will allow North Korea to have their nuclear program in exchange for a Trump Hotel in North Korea.

No President has met with the leader of North Korea. Personally, this feels like a typical North Korean trap as it is holding China out of the process. And Trump dumb enough to fall for this shit.
So the same man who failed to negotiate with a porn star is going to negotiate on behalf of the United States?

What could possibly go wrong?
My take is that the "mad man" approach had some success. Not with North Korea, though. With South Korea. I think we scared the shit out of the South.. sufficiently to inspire them to make concessions and setup talks with the North. A conflict between the US and the North would impact the South more than anyone.

When I watched the leader of South Korea on TV announce that ("due to Trump's great leadership") they are setting up talks with the North, I turned to my wife and said, "for the second time now in world history, Korea just surrendered to the United States".
Are you guys kidding? Why would Trump not want to take part, by simply showing up, in one of the most impactful meetings in recent world history? A meeting he could easily get away with taking credit for?

Him not showing up is less likely than him just admitting he is a Russian spy and resigning with an offer to give all of his money to the US Treasury... and then turning to his Daughter, squeezing her tit, and saying, "I made those".
Well, that last person to get FFvC ear usually wins. I'm sure Kelly and Miller have something to say.

Have Hannity or Limbaugh chimed in yet?

My take is that the "mad man" approach had some success. Not with North Korea, though. With South Korea. I think we scared the shit out of the South.. sufficiently to inspire them to make concessions and setup talks with the North. A conflict between the US and the North would impact the South more than anyone.

When I watched the leader of South Korea on TV announce that ("due to Trump's great leadership") they are setting up talks with the North, I turned to my wife and said, "for the second time now in world history, Korea just surrendered to the United States".

I think rocket boy is looking at Trump and saying "Billionaire, golf resorts, porn stars, and thousands of adoring minion who think you're doing God's will?. Where do I sign up?"
If Trump handles this the way he handles everything else, it'll be a great success for NK.

Regardless of political affiliation, we should hope that this somehow ends up in NK giving up its nukes and works towards reunification.

But the notion that Trump is the one who will do this is, as of right now, is utterly farfetched. On the other hand...

What does Trump know that every past administration and multiple nations didn't? I really hate to claim insider information because, well, Interwebs. However, I have a good friend who's still in the Army and he's relatively high up. He's been back and forth to Japan and SK about half a dozen times over the past year. While troop buildup hasn't been happening, what has been happening is a buildup of material to facilitate troop buildup. That is, the U.S. military is positioning itself to be able to much more rapidly and effectively deploy troops both from Japan to NK, and from the west coast to NK. In addition, Trump has ceded military operations to the military without question. Apparently, he's told the military to do whatever it wants. That is, there's little to no civilian oversight over the military. Finally, the JDF (Japanese Defense Force) is preparing to go with a kinetic policy rather than a purely defensive one.

The potential conclusion I'm drawing here is that the U.S. has been quietly preparing to actually go to war with NK, along with the support of SK, and possibly even Japan rather than maintaining the status quo, and NK knows this. Thus, NK may finally have been intimidated into coming to the table and giving up its nukes.

I only put this forth as a viable possibility, not as the reason this is happening. It's possible that all the soft-shoe negotiating has only ever confirmed to NK leadership that their belligerence works in their favor. But now, faced with Trump, a man who's never met the concept of forethought or subtlety, and who has given over any say in military operations, their existence may actually be in jeopardy.

But in the end, this whole Trump meeting with Un will almost certainly come to nothing and the embarrassment will continue.
If Trump handles this the way he handles everything else, it'll be a great success for NK.

Regardless of political affiliation, we should hope that this somehow ends up in NK giving up its nukes and works towards reunification.

But the notion that Trump is the one who will do this is, as of right now, is utterly farfetched. On the other hand...

What does Trump know that every past administration and multiple nations didn't? I really hate to claim insider information because, well, Interwebs. However, I have a good friend who's still in the Army and he's relatively high up. He's been back and forth to Japan and SK about half a dozen times over the past year. While troop buildup hasn't been happening, what has been happening is a buildup of material to facilitate troop buildup. That is, the U.S. military is positioning itself to be able to much more rapidly and effectively deploy troops both from Japan to NK, and from the west coast to NK. In addition, Trump has ceded military operations to the military without question. Apparently, he's told the military to do whatever it wants. That is, there's little to no civilian oversight over the military. Finally, the JDF (Japanese Defense Force) is preparing to go with a kinetic policy rather than a purely defensive one.

The potential conclusion I'm drawing here is that the U.S. has been quietly preparing to actually go to war with NK, along with the support of SK, and possibly even Japan rather than maintaining the status quo, and NK knows this. Thus, NK may finally have been intimidated into coming to the table and giving up its nukes.

I only put this forth as a viable possibility, not as the reason this is happening. It's possible that all the soft-shoe negotiating has only ever confirmed to NK leadership that their belligerence works in their favor. But now, faced with Trump, a man who's never met the concept of forethought or subtlety, and who has given over any say in military operations, their existence may actually be in jeopardy.

But in the end, this whole Trump meeting with Un will almost certainly come to nothing and the embarrassment will continue.

Another possibility is that Kim just needs a boatload of money and can get it from U.S. taxpayers. This has happened before and will likely happen again. In the end nothing will change but everyone will feel better.
If Trump handles this the way he handles everything else, it'll be a great success for NK.

Regardless of political affiliation, we should hope that this somehow ends up in NK giving up its nukes and works towards reunification.

But the notion that Trump is the one who will do this is, as of right now, is utterly farfetched. On the other hand...

What does Trump know that every past administration and multiple nations didn't? I really hate to claim insider information because, well, Interwebs. However, I have a good friend who's still in the Army and he's relatively high up. He's been back and forth to Japan and SK about half a dozen times over the past year. While troop buildup hasn't been happening, what has been happening is a buildup of material to facilitate troop buildup. That is, the U.S. military is positioning itself to be able to much more rapidly and effectively deploy troops both from Japan to NK, and from the west coast to NK. In addition, Trump has ceded military operations to the military without question. Apparently, he's told the military to do whatever it wants. That is, there's little to no civilian oversight over the military. Finally, the JDF (Japanese Defense Force) is preparing to go with a kinetic policy rather than a purely defensive one.

The potential conclusion I'm drawing here is that the U.S. has been quietly preparing to actually go to war with NK, along with the support of SK, and possibly even Japan rather than maintaining the status quo, and NK knows this. Thus, NK may finally have been intimidated into coming to the table and giving up its nukes.

I only put this forth as a viable possibility, not as the reason this is happening. It's possible that all the soft-shoe negotiating has only ever confirmed to NK leadership that their belligerence works in their favor. But now, faced with Trump, a man who's never met the concept of forethought or subtlety, and who has given over any say in military operations, their existence may actually be in jeopardy.

But in the end, this whole Trump meeting with Un will almost certainly come to nothing and the embarrassment will continue.

I think you (and joedad below) have identified a couple of factors. Add to that the possibility to Kim simply thinks his nookyaler program is mature enough to put him on equal footing for the first time. What concessions he's willing to make remain to be seen.
I think one minor issue is where will the meeting take place. Not NK, not the US. South Korea seems unlikely.
I just want to point out that Nixon went to China, and that didn't save his presidency.
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