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Trump persuaded not to pull out of Syria

Syria is a place where US can't win. With Turkey, Russia and Iran joining forces there is very little U.S. can do, and Russia does have a point about it being contrary to international law for U.S. to keep meddling in affairs of sovereign nations. So if U.S. stays it can't achieve anything, and if it leaves, it looks like a loser.

Only way the United States could get something out of it is by taking the sides of Kurds and going against Turkey, but that's not likely either since Turkey is a NATO member.
Russia and Iran do have too many claws in Syria, but the question in the OP does stand. Why does Trump want to leave Syria quickly? I could somewhat understand it, in theory, but I'd like to know why... other than his 'We've spent $7 trillion in the last 7 years over in the Middle East and have nothing.'
Russia and Iran do have too many claws in Syria, but the question in the OP does stand. Why does Trump want to leave Syria quickly? I could somewhat understand it, in theory, but I'd like to know why... other than his 'We've spent $7 trillion in the last 7 years over in the Middle East and have nothing.'

Yeah, Iraq was a much bigger disaster both in terms of human rights and in terms of lost tax dollars and lost soldiers. If Trump was so concerned about not wasting American tax dollars and the lives of American soldiers on projects that involve creating unnecessary human suffering for the benefit of certain American oligarchs, then he would have pulled out of Iraq long before Syria.

So the question remains: why Syria?

We do know that pulling out of Syria right now would benefit the Russians a lot, but pulling out of Iraq wouldn't (or at least wouldn't benefit them nearly as much). Indeed, the Russians probably want us to stay in Iraq precisely because it is such a drain on the treasury.
It is of interest that we are spending a good deal more in Afghanistan than Syria. Of course, Russia cares a lot more about a warm water port in Syria than anything regarding Afghanistan.

So the next obvious question is: did Trump want to pull out of Syria because he thought it was the right idea, or did he want to pull out of Syria because Putin told him to? Goodness knows, that would be to Russia's benefit.

It would be to the world's benefit.

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Russia and Iran do have too many claws in Syria, but the question in the OP does stand. Why does Trump want to leave Syria quickly? I could somewhat understand it, in theory, but I'd like to know why... other than his 'We've spent $7 trillion in the last 7 years over in the Middle East and have nothing.'

He did campaign on anti-interventionism. And it is an issue that prominent supporters (e.g. Anne Coulter) have been harping on.
Huh? Contraception is the woman's job, why would he ever pull out?

So the next obvious question is: did Trump want to pull out of Syria because he thought it was the right idea, or did he want to pull out of Syria because Putin told him to? Goodness knows, that would be to Russia's benefit.

I'm 99% certain it was a simple as saying, "Mr President, Obama would have stayed out of Syria" and that was that.

So the next obvious question is: did Trump want to pull out of Syria because he thought it was the right idea, or did he want to pull out of Syria because Putin told him to? Goodness knows, that would be to Russia's benefit.

I'm 99% certain it was a simple as saying, "Mr President, Obama would have stayed out of Syria" and that was that.

Yeah, I hope nobody points out to him that Obama had not started nuclear war.
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