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Trump quotes and mis-quotes


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
Mangled language has never ever sold so well.

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Niver Fight Uphill!

Niver fight uphill, me boys!
It'll gi' ye naught but trebble.
I be Robert E. Lee
O' the town o' Dundee,
The droonken Irish rebel.

from Zyprexa and the Ship of State: The Collected Verse of Donald Trump Vol. II (Regnery MCMXXIV)
Highest Bidder
Putin: four billion.
Xi: All kinds of gold bullion.
Nuclear secrets !$!$!

She Can't Be Both
First she was Asian
And now she says she is Black.
Crazy Camilla!!!

God, horny AF
First real chub since '98
Wife locked the damn door.

The Art of the Haiku
Syllable count: five?
And this bastard is seven??
Oops I ran out of -

They Say He's Losing It
Man..woman...I'm sane...
Person...camera...all here...........

They Say He's Losing It
Man...woman...I'm sane...
Wait a fucking minute.
Already typed this.

What's with 'cat women'???
Jesus I don't need this shit.
Shoulda picked Marj'rie.

from No Rambles: The Haiku of Donald J. Trump
La Choy Books, an official imprint of Regnery Press

Trump called Thailand "Thighland"?? And in my state, thirty minutes away? That's one I missed. Too funny. The guy who knows "how the world works" and he can't pronounce Thailand or Yosemite. Dumbass 77-year-old seventh grader.

I'm sure they exist, but I've yet to meet a middle or high schooler who doesn't see through Donald Trump's act on some level...
I had to google this to believe it. As usual when Trumpy is high on the quackdoodle, he gives no details. Apparently he has a concept of a plan for Califormia's water. Hijacking the Columbia River, I guess. Sort of like when, in '16, he told us "...we're gonna get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something super-terrific!" (Pending...) Just like curing covid with hydroxychloroquine and internal disinfectants, or achieving prosperity through tariffs, or settling the Ukraine war in 24 hours.
And that porpoise smile when he says something extra stupid (see above.) Just begging to have someone smack it off his stupid puss.
I had to google this to believe it. As usual when Trumpy is high on the quackdoodle, he gives no details. Apparently he has a concept of a plan for Califormia's water. Hijacking the Columbia River, I guess. Sort of like when, in '16, he told us "...we're gonna get rid of Obamacare and replace it with something super-terrific!" (Pending...) Just like curing covid with hydroxychloroquine and internal disinfectants, or achieving prosperity through tariffs, or settling the Ukraine war in 24 hours.
And that porpoise smile when he says something extra stupid (see above.) Just begging to have someone smack it off his stupid puss.
Yup. problem is people eat up his shit if it were the word of god. He never gives details of his plan - that would expose him to criticism. Harris give concrete proposals and she gets crucified for them. It's easy to be a critic. Dems should follow his lead to an extent and just claim that they're going to make America even betterer than he will.
Double yup. I will never get over how asinine he is, how obvious he is as a dope and a con man. I heard him for the first time back in '11, going on about birtherism, and I knew in about 20, 30 seconds, that I was looking at a shameless liar and demagogue.
So gravity now causes water to run south? WTF?

Apparently there is a large faucet the size of a large wall and takes a whole day to turn.

This guy is so fucking stupid it's pathetic. Why do people think he is smart?
There actually has been talk in the past about bringing water from Canada to California. Its written about in a book I have somewhere called Cadillac Desert. There is no huge faucet though. I think you people are playing dumb or having trouble with metaphors:

How Donald Trump's giant faucet of Canadian water will get turned on

Donald Trump recently noted that Canada has a lot of water and a very big faucet. “And you turn the faucet, and it takes one day to turn it, it’s massive. And you turn that and all of that water goes aimlessly into the Pacific. And if they turned it back, all of that water would come right down here and right into Los Angeles.”

This is not quite true, and nobody can find a giant faucet. But Canada does have a lot of water, and Americans have been eyeing it for some time. Ten years ago there was some discussion about this, and I wrote a series of now-deleted articles for Treehugger, which I have merged and reconstructed here.

Over on Buzzfeed, Michelle Nijhuis titles a post The Forgotten Project That Could Have Saved America From Drought.

She describes the huge international plumbing job in the subhead:

The North American Water and Power Alliance was an audacious proposal to divert water to parched western states that would have cost hundreds of billions of dollars and pissed off Canada. But what if it had worked?

It indeed was audacious, and has not been forgotten; I wondered about it last year in Will the next war with Canada be a fight over water?
Trump's language isn't about a metaphorical faucet though. There is no one-day to huge amounts of water flowing CA. One can't build a metaphor out of a $250+ billion project that'd take decades to build into a faucet and one day.

And of course his solution to a problen is fictional regarding resources we have no actual right to. Which returns us to Trump's biggest weakness, no plans to address anything.
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Now he’s personally going to ensure that women will “no longer be abandoned, lonely or scared.” He’s just saying whatever shit comes into his head that he thinks might work. And we are considering giving him the keys to our nuclear arsenal?
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