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Trump threatens to shut down government over funding for "the Wall"

laughing dog

Dec 29, 2004
Basic Beliefs
Dogs rule
President Trump is threatening to shut down the federal gov't if Congress fails to appropriate sufficient funding the "the Wall" than Mexico is going to pay for. (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/23/us/politics/trump-wall-flake.html?mcubz=3).

This is just another example of the mess the Republican party has gotten itself into. They hold Congress and the Presidency but they cannot deliver on their promises. They are making the Democrats look efficient by comparison.

I wonder how many incumbents in both parties in the next election will lose if the SS checks, highways, airports, ports and national parks shut down for awhile.
If Trump vetoes a budget bill, the Republicans will introduce impeachment in the House.
President Trump is threatening to shut down the federal gov't if Congress fails to appropriate sufficient funding the "the Wall" than Mexico is going to pay for.
So, 'great negotiator' means 'bully,' I see.

People either work for him and have to do what he says, or he lawyers up and forces them to... outstanding skills for a leader.
So force the American people to pay for the wall PDJT promised Mexico will pay for. Are we tired of all the winning yet?
Didn't Trump essentially shut down the government back on Jan 21st?
If Trump vetoes a budget bill, the Republicans will introduce impeachment in the House.

I doubt they'll introduce impeachment over that. They might try and pass another bill with just enough to get Democrats onboard by a 2/3 majority in both houses. They do that and Trump is irrelevant on the issue.
If Trump vetoes a budget bill, the Republicans will introduce impeachment in the House.

It might be part of the plan. It might be that Trump wants out. This would be a way to bow out with his flag flying out.

I think he's under a lot if pressure from his family to quit politics. It hasn't been going as planned. And all their businesses are suffering
It is just an opening in a negotiating position. Except of course Don the Con really isn't negotiating with anyone, he is just bloviating for his cheering Trumpeters. He will just tweetle out a new truth when he signs the necessary bills.
It is just an opening in a negotiating position. Except of course Don the Con really isn't negotiating with anyone, he is just bloviating for his cheering Trumpeters. He will just tweetle out a new truth when he signs the necessary bills.

So true.
I wonder how many incumbents in both parties in the next election will lose if the SS checks, highways, airports, ports and national parks shut down for awhile.

Not to mention government-funded contractors (like myself) who lose real paychecks. But that's Trump's style, right? Don't pay the contractors.
We should not only build the Wall, but also create Night's Watch.

Like that, but with a more deserty color scheme.
We should not only build the Wall, but also create Night's Watch.

I like that idea. Clear out all the prisons and send the criminals down there to be part of a private army answerable to nobody but themselves. It's a brilliant plan.
Wha..wait...are we trying to build a wall between Alaska and the Yukon Territory?
If Trump vetoes a budget bill, the Republicans will introduce impeachment in the House.

I wish I had your optimism.

- - - Updated - - -

President Trump is threatening to shut down the federal gov't if Congress fails to appropriate sufficient funding the "the Wall" than Mexico is going to pay for.
So, 'great negotiator' means 'bully,' I see.

People either work for him and have to do what he says, or he lawyers up and forces them to... outstanding skills for a leader.

That has ALWAYS been his M.O.
I wonder how many incumbents in both parties in the next election will lose if the SS checks, highways, airports, ports and national parks shut down for awhile.

Not to mention government-funded contractors (like myself) who lose real paychecks. But that's Trump's style, right? Don't pay the contractors.

As another gov contractor, I can say that if they hang us out to dry on payments due for some large (for us) contracts, it will sink us.
Don't think it's gonna happen - Honest Don PROMISED that Mexico was going to pay for it. And Honest Don never lies, right?
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