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United States v North Korea = Lesnar v Goldberg?

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
Anyone that knows anything about wrestling, knows that Goldberg is a muscled up shit wrestler (an Ultimate Warrior clone). A bit like North Korea. Sure they have a couple moves, but that is about it. Brock Lesnar is an NCAA wrestling champion, kind of like the US's military, lots of power. And when the two collide, shit is the result because Goldberg sucks and Lesnar can't carry him.

But we aren't talking outcome, we are going to talk logistics of the match-up to begin with. Recently Goldberg and Lesnar had two matches. But Goldberg who sucked in his prime, wasn't in shape to have any length of a match. For some reason people were highly anticipating the first match-up since their shit-fest match at MSG during WM. But why? Goldberg couldn't wrestle in his best days. The match, ended up being as expected, short and stupid, because it was never going to be good and long.

So what in the blue hell does this have to do with North Korea and The United States? Well, it is the logistics of the match up. There is a lot of talk out of DC from that Orangutan President, even threatening military force on North Korea. But what are the logistics? Sure, the US has an awesome military, but with conventional weapons pointed at Seoul, presumably, it'd seem nearly impossible to take out North Korea without substantial casualties in Seoul, with lower end numbers in the tens of thousands assuredly dead, but possibly hundreds of thousands to even a million plus. Which means there is skin in the game, quite literally, which brings us to treaties.

Can the US actually strike North Korea as per existing treaties? The existing Korean War pause is via a UN treaty. So the US would be violating that treaty. South Korean and Japanese officials must also have some sort of say with military force being used in North Korea, which could even possibly veto a direct order from Trump. Which then leads to the next question, are these things China, Russia, and North Korea already know and understand that Trump is a fucking douchebag who won't have a shot in hell in attacking North Korea?

So is the whole US v NK like Lesnar v Goldberg, doomed from the start, and something that won't (or shouldn't have) happen?
yes, preemptive strikes on a threat is permissible with the existing NATO agreements.
I don't know the details on the rules of engagement, but we don't have to wait until we are fired upon to strike.

You seem to like wrestling. I watched the first season of GLOW on Netflix just this week. Don't know if you are old enough to remember GLOW (Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling) from the early 80's, but this Netflix show is a dramatization of the startup of that woman's wrestling 'league'. It was great. I highly recommend.
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