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Wall Street Journal - Seriously, fuck you, and your President!

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist
No seriously, you can fuck off. Fuck off at the deep end.

Wall Street Journal bullshit article (paywall) on how Donald Trump isn't a Republican. The Hill covered this article as well.
WSJ said:
Republicans in Congress need to think of themselves as governing with an independent President — if they don’t already. This doesn’t mean joining Democrats as 'the Resistance.' But it does mean acting on their own to fulfill their legislative promises with or without the support of Mr. Trump," the Journal's editorial board wrote. "If the President goes his own way, at least Republicans can point to votes for legislation that they put on his desk.

Trump's Presidential approval numbers in August have ranged from 35 to 42%. In a Quin. poll, among Republicans, his approval rating is 77%. While that is generally a relatively low rating for a President of his own party, it a substantially higher number than that among Independents, which is less than half that number 33%.

Trump is politically independent? No, politically incompetent... and you all voted for him! Republicans, voted nearly 9 of 10 for Trump. And that 9 in 10, has barely dropped to 8 of 10 for current support, even after a bazillion large scale blunders.

So no, he isn't a political independent. Republicans elected him to be President, and nearly the same number continue to support him, despite him clearly being ill suited to the job. Just because you are starting to realize that he didn't put on the big boy slacks after the election, doesn't mean you aren't at fault for this. And the solution of 'this doesn't mean joining Democrats', you can fuck off, because that shit attitude helped get this fuckwad elected in the first place.
I dunno, they look like pretty big pants to me ;)
Donald Trump is the logical conclusion to the past several decades of Republican strategy and policy. They don't get to disown him and pretend that they're something else.
Donald Trump is the logical conclusion to the past several decades of Republican strategy and policy. They don't get to disown him and pretend that they're something else.

Yeah, but if they take off the human suite, will real Mericans still luv walking lizards?
Donald Trump is the logical conclusion to the past several decades of Republican strategy and policy. They don't get to disown him and pretend that they're something else.

Yeah, but if they take off the human suite, will real Mericans still luv walking lizards?

Depends. What amount of corporate tax rate cuts are the lizards willing to support?
So no, he isn't a political independent. Republicans elected him to be President, and nearly the same number continue to support him, despite him clearly being ill suited to the job.

If there is one thing for which you can count on the rethuglicans, it's their ability to blame EVERYTHING on democrats. And that includes Trump. In fact, they have a pretty good case for blaming Dems for the orange menace and all the havoc he wreaks on them. Whether its a saleable case... I'm sure we will see. Right now, they're loathe to forego the support of the 30% of the electorate that is too stupid to understand who Cheato is and why he does what he does. But as the divide opens between them and the 60-something percent of the electorate that DOES get it, they'll turn to blaming the fact of Trump and all the ills caused thereby, squarely on Obama, Clinton & Company (the DNC).
So no, he isn't a political independent. Republicans elected him to be President, and nearly the same number continue to support him, despite him clearly being ill suited to the job.

If there is one thing for which you can count on the rethuglicans, it's their ability to blame EVERYTHING on democrats. And that includes Trump. In fact, they have a pretty good case for blaming Dems for the orange menace and all the havoc he wreaks on them. Whether its a saleable case... I'm sure we will see. Right now, they're loathe to forego the support of the 30% of the electorate that is too stupid to understand who Cheato is and why he does what he does. But as the divide opens between them and the 60-something percent of the electorate that DOES get it, they'll turn to blaming the fact of Trump and all the ills caused thereby, squarely on Obama, Clinton & Company (the DNC).

Well, the key is starting the narrative. That way, they don't just start calling him a Dem plant during the midterm elections, but can point to a long history of Republicans calling him out for not being one of them. Then they can change the subject when it gets around to their constant support of him and his agenda.
Well, the key is starting the narrative. That way, they don't just start calling him a Dem plant during the midterm elections, but can point to a long history of Republicans calling him out for not being one of them. Then they can change the subject when it gets around to their constant support of him and his agenda.

That's excessive, given the memory span of the general electorate. When the time comes they can lay claim to that "long history of Republicans calling him out", regardless of whether or not they've ever made one peep of opposition, and it will believed just as if it had been the case.
Donald Trump is the logical conclusion to the past several decades of Republican strategy and policy. They don't get to disown him and pretend that they're something else.

Yes, exactly. It was the National Review and Wall Street Journal types who were happy to look the other way while Republicans implicitly used the sort of demagoguery that Trump co-opted when it was politically expedient for them. What they never really understood is that the vast majority of Republican voters never really embraced their far-right-wing economic ideology. Just because they disliked the Dixie Chicks and people from San Francisco doesn't mean that the Republican base is OK with sending manufacturing jobs to China and Mexico.

These National Review types didn't mind if their base devolved into extreme nativism, xenophobia, and outright racism as long as they won control of Federal and Sate legislatures to enact their corporatist policies. However, Trump is the Frankenstein monster they created, or at the very least, looked the other way as he was born. And quite frankly, it gives me much schadenfreude seeing them grapple with this monstor.
If congress accomplishes anything in spite of Trump, Trump can make claim to it and it's the truth, the Trumptruth. Beyond that, what does Trump need with the republicans? They have an approval rating of what, 13%, give or take? I wouldn't be surprised if Trump gets a little polling bump for arguing with McConnell. And exactly how did that bit of information get out? I thought Bannon was the suspected leaker and Kelley held clampdown on access to The Great Yamhead? I think come 2018, the Repubs will need Trump's Deplorables.
What do Republicans stand for beyond fucking over the working man to give more to the rich?
They have a far richer heritage than that. They're into fucking over gays, 'cuz the Bible says so; fucking over women, 'cuz Phyllis Schlafly and Jerry Falwell and Rush Limbaugh say so; fucking over Muslims, minority voters, atheists, pro-lifers, climatologists, geologists, environmentalists, pot legalizers, "moderate" Republicans; currently, anyone who doesn't think President Skidmark is great, just great. Yes, i know I used a broad brush on a few of those citations. But the conservative movement deserves the broadest of brushes.
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