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I partly almost want war in Syria just to see what the right wing reaction would be. If they fell in line behind Trump I think that'd be the final indicator that trump voters by and large don't know what it is they actually want beside 'their team winning'.

I'll tell you though, the more time passes, the more it feels like the neo-liberals are using Trump's Russia connections to stoke Anti-Russian sentiments at home for their own purposes. I think Jimmy Dore might be onto something with that.

Add in an irrational unhinged manchild president deathly afraid of appearing weak and oh god no we're fucked.
I partly almost want war in Syria
Are you being afflicted by lachesism?
Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows said:
n. the desire to be struck by disaster—to survive a plane crash, to lose everything in a fire, to plunge over a waterfall—which would put a kink in the smooth arc of your life, and forge it into something hardened and flexible and sharp, not just a stiff prefabricated beam that barely covers the gap between one end of your life and the other.

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What is it good for?
Not really, my desire to not be blown up easily trumps my desire to have my opinions validated. This is actually terrible.
Not to derail with literary matters, but did you know that "War, what is it good for?" was the original title of Tolstoy's "War and Peace"? The published title is short and snappy, unlike the novel.
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The Neocon

Oh well I'm the type of guy who will never settle down
Where there's countries to attack you know that I'm around
I shoot 'em and I bomb 'em 'cause to me they're all the same
I occupy and drone 'em and don't even know their name
They call me a neocon, yeah a neocon
Troops roam around around around

Oh well there's Syria on my left and Iraq on my right
And Iran is the country that I'll attack tonight
On election day when the parties switch
I play for both sides there isn't any hitch
Cause I'm the neocon yeah the neocon
Troops roam around around around

Oh well troops roam from land to land
They go and I don't care
If there's oil under that sand
You know the troops will soon have a reason to go there

I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place my policies are unsound
I've never worn a uniform or carried a gun, yeah
It's the little people who can have all the fun
Yeah I'm the neocon, yeah the neocon
Troops roam around around around, let's go

Oh yeah I'm the type of guy that likes to roam around
I'm never in one place my policies are unsound
I've never worn a uniform or carried a gun, yeah
It's the little people who can have all the fun
'Cause I'm a neocon, yeah a neocon
Troops roam around around around around around
'Cause I'm a neocon, yeah a neocon
Troops roam around around around around around
Will this be contained? Or will these strikes go wider? Will Putin retaliate?

A good military war always plays well. Maggie Thatcher was on the ropes popularity wise until the war with Argentina raised her popularity. Reagan did well with Grenada. G.W. Bush entered office with the aim of starting a war with Iraq to gain "political capitol". Bush 41 did well with his wars.

Putin bluffed and Trump called his bluff. I don't think he will do much more than huff and puff. The Russians are claiming they shot down most of the missiles. Seems to not be true. Russia really is not in any sort of shape to get involved in any sort of hot proxy war. Such wars are expensive and Russia doesn't have the money.
I have a theory... military matters is one of the rare areas where Trump is actually smart enough to realize that he doesn't know squat about it, and lets folks like Mattis make the decisions. His other advisors keep resigning because he thinks his an economic genius, but Mattis has been around since the beginning. So apart from Twitter boasting, Trump has absolutely nothing to do with the Syria strike, in fact he wanted to quit the war entirely just a few weeks ago.
I have a theory... military matters is one of the rare areas where Trump is actually smart enough to realize that he doesn't know squat about it, and lets folks like Mattis make the decisions. His other advisors keep resigning because he thinks his an economic genius, but Mattis has been around since the beginning. So apart from Twitter boasting, Trump has absolutely nothing to do with the Syria strike, in fact he wanted to quit the war entirely just a few weeks ago.

I don't share your confidence that Trump is smart enough to realize he doesn't know much about military matters. He has demonstrated a remarkable talent for setting things up so that he can lay blame on others when something doesn't go well or when it's criticized.
Beware the law of unintended consequences. One never really knows how these things will actually work out long term. The military has long understood this from sad experience. The political types often do not understand it. At this point, it looks like Trump may get away with this this time because Putin was a bluffing blowhard.
If America is bombing Syria for the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons on its own citizens, which nation should bomb America for poisoning its own children in Flint, Michigan? What part of America should be bombed?
If America is bombing Syria for the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons on its own citizens, which nation should bomb America for poisoning its own children in Flint, Michigan? What part of America should be bombed?

Well, if America is saying that poison is worth a paddlin', then America should be bombing America.
Target the EPA for not reigning in the poisoning... Or target the politicians for kneecapping the EPA's ability to impact the industry...
If America is bombing Syria for the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons on its own citizens, which nation should bomb America for poisoning its own children in Flint, Michigan? What part of America should be bombed?

Not really, my desire to not be blown up easily trumps my desire to have my opinions validated. This is actually terrible.
Not to derail with literary matters, but did you know that "War, what is it good for?" was the original title of Tolstoy's "War and Peace"? The published title is short and snappy, unlike the novel.

I did not know that Derec. Thanks for sharing that.
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