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Well... NOW he's under investigation.


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
At some point, even they have to give up. I've read it all week, "See! He was never under investigation!"

Well, now what?

Actually, I'm already reading that Mueller is a left wing hack and that the cards have been purposely stacked against the orange buffoon. The Whataboutism is stronger than ever too. Obama should've been indicted for [Never Mentioned/Made up Fantasy] and Hilary/Bill/Socialism/Liberalism/etceteraism.

The consequences for Trump and the GOP will at least show up at the ballot box. On the the other hand, there was no way George W. Bush could start a phony war in Iraq and get re-elected.
Well at least it wasn't coming from some news outlet that has a history of bringing down Presidents who were trying to obstruct...um...oh dear.
The mantra was always fake news anyway since multiple people in his campaign and cabinet have been under investigation.

When information is secretly leaked to the media it indicates a weak case.
Trump is now being investigated for obstruction. This is beyond the Russian Interference question.

This I understand is the question of whether Comey said Trump tried to direct him to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

An investigation can cover a lot of ground but media fanned announcements of investigations can eventually backfire. That is to say these may eventually be seen as 'fruit from the poisonous tree,' or Crying wolf' when something doesn't materialise after a while Hence if someone did something wrong they could get away with it.

Britain just had an election and the attitudes are totally different.

Personally I preferred Corbyn by default. Teresa May is useless whether she is left or right.

I've been promoted from Captain Obvious to Major Obvious. I'm in line for another promotion.
Most honest people I know are not under FBI investigation

An investigation while in progress does not determine if someone is honest or dishonest. When it is concluded it can establish whether the person could be honest or dishonest which a trial etc would determine.

An investigation while in progress does not determine if someone is honest or dishonest. When it is concluded it can establish whether the person could be honest or dishonest which a trial etc would determine.


Most honest and most dishonest people are not under FBI investigation.

a.k.a. Captain Obvious
When information is secretly leaked to the media it indicates a weak case.
This is so funny... First you keep concluding there's nothing to the investigation because no one would reveal the details of the investigation where you could see them.
NOW the fact that someone's revealing details means there's nothing to the investigation.
When information is secretly leaked to the media it indicates a weak case.
This is so funny... First you keep concluding there's nothing to the investigation because no one would reveal the details of the investigation where you could see them.
NOW the fact that someone's revealing details means there's nothing to the investigation.

"Weak case" has Trump Tweeting about it this morning.
This is so funny... First you keep concluding there's nothing to the investigation because no one would reveal the details of the investigation where you could see them.
NOW the fact that someone's revealing details means there's nothing to the investigation.

"Weak case" has Trump Tweeting about it this morning.

In fairness, that's not indicative of anything important. The creep tweets about stupid minutiae all the time.
Poor Trump, obstructing justice of an investigation he wasn't personally being investigated for. What a maroon!

Boys, it is time to assert [echo]Executive Privilege Powers[/echo].
When information is secretly leaked to the media it indicates a weak case.
This is so funny... First you keep concluding there's nothing to the investigation because no one would reveal the details of the investigation where you could see them.
NOW the fact that someone's revealing details means there's nothing to the investigation.

Well everything has pancaked so far and after all this it is now investigating the possibility of obstructing justice. One can concluded like other instances this did happen but there again conclusions formed on vague news fed to the media must be up for a Darwin award of some sort.

This is simply politics and it is symptomatic of the clutching of straws by moving in another direction from collusion and election tampering.

Meanwhile the Russians still regard the USA as a laughing stock.
This is so funny... First you keep concluding there's nothing to the investigation because no one would reveal the details of the investigation where you could see them.
NOW the fact that someone's revealing details means there's nothing to the investigation.

"Weak case" has Trump Tweeting about it this morning.

Weak cases pander to weak minds. Besides he likes Tweeting.
This is simply politics and it is symptomatic of the clutching of straws by moving in another direction from collusion and election tampering.
I don't think it's moving in a different direction so much as moving in yet another direction. An additional avenue of investigation, not an abandoning of any previous investigations.

You appear to be drawing conclusions from where the media is focused, not from any actions taken by the investigators...which you wouldn't be privy to, anyway.

So that's funnier, still.
This is simply politics and it is symptomatic of the clutching of straws by moving in another direction from collusion and election tampering.
I don't think it's moving in a different direction so much as moving in yet another direction. An additional avenue of investigation, not an abandoning of any previous investigations.

You appear to be drawing conclusions from where the media is focused, not from any actions taken by the investigators...which you wouldn't be privy to, anyway.

So that's funnier, still.
The investigation was over Russian meddling. Flynn was fired because of undisclosed contacts with Russian officials. Trump fired Comey because he wanted the Flynn investigation dropped. These are actually connected events, not random throw pasta at the wall and see if it sticks. And there is a boatload of intel we don't know about regarding the run up to the election.
You appear to be drawing conclusions from where the media is focused, not from any actions taken by the investigators...which you wouldn't be privy to, anyway.

WP is continually confused by the difference between what he "knows" and what is actually known by the people actually doing the investigation. As many times as this has been pointed out, I wouldn't expect it to change any time soon.

So that's funnier, still.

When information is secretly leaked to the media it indicates a weak case.

You just made that up.

Trump is now being investigated for obstruction. This is beyond the Russian Interference question.

So they better stop because you don't like it?

This I understand is the question of whether Comey said Trump tried to direct him to drop an investigation into former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

No, that's not the question. That's a simple fact. The question is whether Trump tried to interfere with the investigation.

An investigation can cover a lot of ground but media fanned announcements of investigations can eventually backfire. That is to say these may eventually be seen as 'fruit from the poisonous tree,' or Crying wolf' when something doesn't materialise after a while Hence if someone did something wrong they could get away with it.

Fruit from the poisonous tree has nothing to do with media reports, it applies to how investigators get evidence. And if the media cries wolf, that has no bearing on an investigation. The media are not the investigators.

Britain just had an election and the attitudes are totally different.

Personally I preferred Corbyn by default. Teresa May is useless whether she is left or right.

OK? Relevance?

I've been promoted from Captain Obvious to Major Obvious. I'm in line for another promotion.

More like, General Incompetence.
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