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What does it mean for something to be "logically possible"?

They do not observe any kind of infinity. They are not based on any observation of infinity.

It is possible for the answer of some equation to be infinity, yes.

That is all you are claiming here.

An observation of exactly X is not necessary for a model to make a correct prediction for X. There are countless examples of this.

Similar logic to how long the universe has been expanding, we could know how long an object has been falling by measuring its velocity here on Earth (as long as it hasn't reached terminal velocity). We wouldn't have to observe its history to be correct about how long it had been falling. We may be wrong because of other unknowns that we missed, but we maybe right as far as we can tell.

This new model might be correct, and it at least allows infinity to be possible as far as present day cosmology is concerned.

This is the answer to some equations.

All your talk won't elevate it to more.

If your point is that it is possible for the answer to an equation to be infinity I agree.
C'mon unter, it isn't possible for an AI built following discrete rules to perceive the existence of infinity, except through revelation. Will you accept me as your lord and savior?

This is a neat idea. I never thought of it this way before.

I accept!

Ohh jeeze. Do you know how much work it is to be a lord and savior? I was going for the AI (non sentient varietal) angle because they don't feel anything.
An observation of exactly X is not necessary for a model to make a correct prediction for X. There are countless examples of this.

Similar logic to how long the universe has been expanding, we could know how long an object has been falling by measuring its velocity here on Earth (as long as it hasn't reached terminal velocity). We wouldn't have to observe its history to be correct about how long it had been falling. We may be wrong because of other unknowns that we missed, but we maybe right as far as we can tell.

This new model might be correct, and it at least allows infinity to be possible as far as present day cosmology is concerned.

This is the answer to some equations.

All your talk won't elevate it to more.

If your point is that it is possible for the answer to an equation to be infinity I agree.

Think about my example. From only math, we could know how long the object had been falling without observing it from the beginning.
Orange county (same state) buddy. When I come up to Shasta next, I'll pm you.
I am not a native, and definitely don't support the prevailing politics down here, which is pro-dumbass. The people I am surrounded by are complete fucking morons and methodological liars.

Talk about going for short term emotional gains while sacrificing the future good of many. They love Trump.
Eternity is obviously infinite, unless you're an AI. beep.

A substrate of reality has obviously always existed (is eternal), unless you're an AI. whizzzz brrrrrooomm beep boop whhheeeeeee.
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