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What's the Under/Over on John Bolton?

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
[In case you didn't know that ambassador to UN from Bush days has been selected by Grump as national security advisor. You remember, right? I don't know if our country still has a senatorial confirmation process since Twitler took over so perhaps this will just be immediately in effect. ]

I give him 30 days. Here is why: He is extremely outspoken, like Trump. He just has to be misaligned on one issue with President Cuckoo Bananas and they go at it. Bolton is incapable of being a yes man, though Dotard and Bolton may agree on 97% of issues.

What's your estimate?
Let me just say that I hope you're right. Bolton is an extreme war hawk, who doesn't believe in negotiating. He's potentially harmful to the US and to the world. I certainly hope he doesn't last long, but it does seem as if Trump is trying to surround himself with extremists, as long as they are also sycophants. This is getting scarier by the day.
We can hope he'll be out quickly. Not only is he a damn warmonger, and I don't use that word lightly, but he couldn't have been a worse pick in terms of the upcoming meeting with North Korea. The North Koreans know who he is. They call him "bloodsucker", among other things. In terms of Iran it's almost as bad. Trump has been looking for an excuse to get rid of our nuclear treaty with them and Bolton will be happy to oblige.

Our President literally picks people for his cabinet by watching television. You, me and Google could do a better job. Depressing.
Bolton's tenure as NSA will be measured in news cycles, not days, but 30 days would be a good run for him.

Trump and Bolton are not going to get along, especially on Russian matters. All we need is some incident which put Bolton on TV and he appears to be driving policy, instead of taking instructions.
Well, maybe we should stop lying to ourselves and just admit that Fox News is the NSA for the President.
Seemed obvious to me right away, that Cheato is stockpiling excuses for creating a highest-level National Emergency on demand. He knows that he'll need something more than another shiny object once the Mueller probe starts presenting findings, so he is getting ready to grab headlines/national attention away from that when it comes. Bolton will be a treasure trove of rationale for the required actions, no matter how stupid and harmful to the nation and the world. Cheato will likely have prepared a full menu of war options that will be rationalized well in advance, thanks in part to Bolton (whose IQ is probably twice Cheato's).

That guy couldn't even get a republican senate to confirm him as UN Ambassador... I'm wondering - does he have a security clearance? Does John Kelly's edict apply to him?
Well, this went viral on the same day of the announcement, so...less than a day? John Bolton's Curious Appearance In A Russian Gun Rights Video.


Incoming White House national security adviser John Bolton recorded a video used by the Russian gun rights group The Right to Bear Arms in 2013 to encourage the Russian government to loosen gun laws.

The episode, which has not been previously reported, illustrates the common cause that Russian and American gun rights groups were forming in the years leading up to the 2016 election through former National Rifle Association President David Keene. Keene appointed Bolton to the NRA's international affairs subcommittee in 2011.

Russian politician Alexander Torshin helped establish The Right to Bear Arms and cultivate ties with American gun rights groups including the NRA. As a Putin ally, Torshin served as the deputy speaker of Russia's parliament for more than a decade and also spent time on Russia's National Anti-Terrorism Committee, a state body that includes the director of Russia's internal security service.

The Bolton video appears to be another plank in a bridge built by Russia to conservative political organizations inside the United States. It's unclear why Russian leaders wanted to curry favor with the NRA, but Torshin and Keene appeared to have developed close ties in the years prior to the 2016 election.

It's a relationship that has outsize importance now that the FBI is reportedly investigating whether Torshin illegally funneled money to the NRA to assist the Trump campaign in 2016, as McClatchy reported in January. The NRA has denied wrongdoing.

Of course they have. It gets better:

Bolton is a curious pick for The Right to Bear Arms in its video effort to influence the Russian legislature. After all, he is one of the most hawkish, anti-Russia figures in Republican Party foreign policy circles. And yet the video recorded by Bolton was used by this obscure Russian gun rights group with ties to the Kremlin.

A source close to Bolton told NPR that he was originally asked to record the video by Keene, who served as NRA president from 2011 to 2013, and that he was informed the recording was for the Russian legislature. The source also said the former ambassador had never heard of The Right to Bear Arms until recent news coverage of the group.

Russian gun laws are relatively strict, and there is no fundamental right to own a gun. In the video, Bolton urges the Russian people to adopt gun rights as part of their constitution — in much the same way that the United States has a Second Amendment. At the time, he was a member of the NRA's international affairs subcommittee, a position Keene had appointed him to. The two have known each other since 1972, when Bolton interned for Keene.

"Thank you for this opportunity to address the Russian people on the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Russian Constitution," Bolton said in the video, which has previously been unreported. "Were the Russian national government to grant a broader right to bear arms to its people, it would be creating a partnership with its citizens that would better allow for the protection of mothers, children and families without in any way compromising the integrity of the Russian state. That is my wish and my advice to your great people."

Keene is a central player in the links between the American and Russian gun rights movements, and fall 2013 was a key moment in the development of this relationship.

A few days before Bolton's video was posted online, in November 2013, Keene was in Moscow for The Right to Bear Arms annual conference, delivering a speech. More than 300 gun rights advocates across the globe gathered in an upscale hotel to hear arguments for loosening of gun rights. There was even a concealed-carry-fashion show.

There were signs that the Russian government had given its approval that the conference take place. Russian politicians, such as Torshin, were present, made speeches and were presented with honorary memberships to The Right to Bear Arms.

"One would have to make an assumption that in Russia, which is a fairly closed society, that if someone was doing this, the government wasn't upset by it and knew what was going on," said conference attendee Alan Gottlieb, the founder of the U.S.-based Second Amendment Foundation. "The feeling was that it was sanctioned by the powers that be, so to speak. Otherwise, I would have doubted if it were to have taken place."
At the conference, Keene said that it was a "great honor to be here today, partly because over the course of the last three years, I've hosted your senator Alexander Torshin at the National Rifle Association's annual meetings."

Torshin regularly tweeted and posted photos of his visits with Keene over the years. Keene had once reciprocated and posted a photo of Torshin on his personal website.

But with the report of an FBI investigation, as well as a preliminary inquiry into the NRA, times have changed — that photo was removed from Keene's website. However, he did not delete the reference from his Facebook page, where it remains.
Seemed obvious to me right away, that Cheato is stockpiling excuses for creating a highest-level National Emergency on demand. He knows that he'll need something more than another shiny object once the Mueller probe starts presenting findings, so he is getting ready to grab headlines/national attention away from that when it comes. Bolton will be a treasure trove of rationale for the required actions, no matter how stupid and harmful to the nation and the world. Cheato will likely have prepared a full menu of war options that will be rationalized well in advance, thanks in part to Bolton (whose IQ is probably twice Cheato's).

That guy couldn't even get a republican senate to confirm him as UN Ambassador... I'm wondering - does he have a security clearance? Does John Kelly's edict apply to him?

Don't look now, but this morning the DOJ announced that Iranian hackers had been up to no good in getting into university systems.


One day after Bolton was hired.

The same mustachioed fuck who has in the past said that we needed to invade Iran.

The same White House that has done everything possible to ignore the Russians hacking into our election systems.

Surely, good times lay ahead.
It’s not just the Mueller investigation that could result in the tale wagging the dog. There’s this very disturbing tidbit no one seems to have caught in regard to the Summer Zervos defamation suit that Justice Schecter said could move forward (emphasis mine):

In her ruling, Schecter also dismissed a request that the case be stayed for the duration of Trump’s time in office, saying that such “a lengthy and categorical stay is not justified” just because a president can be called away to attend to a crisis. If that happens, Schecter wrote, Trump’s federal responsibilities would be given priority.

A crisis like an invasion of Iran? That’s been teeing up for some time now, with the North Korea nonsense acting as a misdirectional dumbshow. He can’t possibly invade NK, but Iran is always an open possibility.
It’s not just the Mueller investigation that could result in the tale wagging the dog. There’s this very disturbing tidbit no one seems to have caught in regard to the Summer Zervos defamation suit that Justice Schecter said could move forward (emphasis mine):

In her ruling, Schecter also dismissed a request that the case be stayed for the duration of Trump’s time in office, saying that such “a lengthy and categorical stay is not justified” just because a president can be called away to attend to a crisis. If that happens, Schecter wrote, Trump’s federal responsibilities would be given priority.

A crisis like an invasion of Iran? That’s been teeing up for some time now, with the North Korea nonsense acting as a misdirectional dumbshow. He can’t possibly invade NK, but Iran is always an open possibility.

You underestimate the power of Cheetolini (or is that Chutzpah of Kim Jung Trump)

Bolton is a grandstander, which doesn't play well with Trump. The Mooch 2.0?

Dangerous development, tho. He's a nut.
It happens again.

Many years ago, when Bolton was a primary candidate who would never get past 4th place, Democrats were talking about how great he was. He was a shining example of what a Republican could be. Now, look at how horrible he is. This is amusing.
Many years ago, when Bolton was a primary candidate who would never get past 4th place, Democrats were talking about how great he was.

That must have been many many many years ago. So long ago that even you don't remember.

John Bolton Praised By Democrats

He was a shining example of what a Republican could be.

Couldn't even get confirmed as UN Ambassador by a Rethuglican Senate.... I suppose your recollection is that he was too much of a lib'rul?

Now, look at how horrible he is. This is amusing.

You just noticed? Better late than never, I suppose...
haha, is on the wiki entry for this idiomatic phrase


On day 2 of the Senate confirmation hearings, April 12, 2005, for John R. Bolton, a Bush nomination for the US representative to the UN, the Senate panel focused on allegations that Bolton pressured intelligence analysts. Former State Department intelligence chief Carl W. Ford Jr. characterized Bolton as a "kiss-up, kick-down sort of guy", implying that he was always ready to please whoever had authority over him, while having very little regard for people working under him.
I'm just amused that the people who said he was good during his presidential primary campaign ...

You seem rather easily amused (not that there's anything wrong with that...).
Can you provide a source to confirm the existence of such people outside of your imagination? Because as I recall, he was roundly reviled by all, except GWB and perhaps a few of his staffers.
I'm just amused that the people who said he was good during his presidential primary campaign ...

You seem rather easily amused (not that there's anything wrong with that...).
Can you provide a source to confirm the existence of such people outside of your imagination? Because as I recall, he was roundly reviled by all, except GWB and perhaps a few of his staffers.

I seem to be having a problem finding the archives. This particular version of the forum starts having posts in 2014.
I seem to be having a problem finding the archives.

So your "source" was the old TFT? I don't suppose it would be polite to name the posters... not that it matters.
I'm quite certain there was no general fondness for Bolton among liberals - ever.
It happens again.

Many years ago, when Bolton was a primary candidate who would never get past 4th place, Democrats were talking about how great he was. He was a shining example of what a Republican could be. Now, look at how horrible he is. This is amusing.
When did he run for President?

Heck, Voinovich was brought to tears over Bolton to the UN.
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