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Why Do We Learn About POTUS From The Kremlin?


Made in America
Sep 23, 2012
Basic Beliefs
English is complicated
I'm sure it's 100% innocent. But... WHY? At least 8 different meetings and phone calls between Putin and his Puppet have been kept secret from US media, and have been reported to us by your friendly Russian News Agencies. WHY?
It is tempting to think that treasonous Cheato is getting his marching orders behind the backs of the American public, but surely there's another explanation... it's not forthcoming from this regime, though.
I don't want to hear about Uranium 1 or Pizzagate again, I want to know how trump-humpers explain an ongoing series of secret meetings between Trump and Putin.
You need to cite some source.

Here's one.

I don't like her "gotcha" style, but I lost count of these drip, drip, drips a long time ago. Rachel counted eight instances, but those are just the ones that Russia let us know about. What are the chances that there were no others that are still being kept secret?
This is not really surprising. Trump does not trust the US media.

Then why wouldn't he want to be the first one out there with his own take on whatever happened rather than appearing to be the kid holding the lollipop behind his back? Someone with such a "big brain" should realize that Putin's going to make hay out of this. It's not a matter of trust when your trying to deceive. It's like saying drug dealers don't trust the police.
... why wouldn't he want to be the first one out there with his own take on whatever happened rather than appearing to be the kid holding the lollipop behind his back? Someone with such a "big brain" should realize that Putin's going to make hay out of this. It's not a matter of trust when your trying to deceive. It's like saying drug dealers don't trust the police.

In this case it's saying "I trust Putin".
Or, more likely "I trust my own judgment that it is in my best interest to withhold my activities from the American public and placate Putin, lest he drop the hammer on me."
... why wouldn't he want to be the first one out there with his own take on whatever happened rather than appearing to be the kid holding the lollipop behind his back? Someone with such a "big brain" should realize that Putin's going to make hay out of this. It's not a matter of trust when your trying to deceive. It's like saying drug dealers don't trust the police.

In this case it's saying "I trust Putin".
Or, more likely "I trust my own judgment that it is in my best interest to withhold my activities from the American public and placate Putin, lest he drop the hammer on me."

I can be so naive at times. I'm still assuming he has the best interest of the US at heart, when the simple explanation is that, actually, he doesn't trust the media to hold Donald J Trump's personal wellbeing above all.
Seen elsewhere:

"It's worth noting that the Russians believed the best way to damage America was to help elect Donald Trump."
Seen elsewhere:

"It's worth noting that the Russians believed the best way to damage America was to help elect Donald Trump."

And they would be right. Say what you want about Russians, but they're not stupid.
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