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Will they try to primary Trump?


Aug 22, 2003
South Pole
Basic Beliefs
They will try, but they will probably fail. Say what you will about Trump, but the man knows how to motivate his base and that base is the core of who bothers to come out during the primaries. The reason that all the GOP politicians are so complicit with all of Trump's bullshit is that they know that they can't win a challenge against this group.
Unless something arises from the Mueller investigation that directly ties Trump to something awful or Trump really betrays his base, it won't matter what Flake or Kasich do. Any primary challenges will be prefunctory at best.
I'd just as soon watch him go down in a general election. "Biggest ever" trouncing would be nice. But my gut says he'll resign when he see the writing on the wall.
Oh, wait. I forgot. He can't read.

Various news sites are saying Senator Jeff Flake (what a name!), as well as John Kasich are considering attempting to primary Trump. Do you see this happening and who else do you think may join in? Will there be a full out debate with a dozen candidates? Will they all fold down and support Trump's re-election bid?
They already tried that. Didn't work. Only thing taking Trump out of primary is Mueller.
Yeah, I really don't see it happening. The circumstances of the party really haven't changed. The base is still the same, most reasonable conservatives are MIA, and the rest of the GOP is busy seeing who can best act as fluffer to his orange highness. GOP state TV, er Fox news is also engaged in full Trump mode, and I see no way for them to change their format without losing viewers. Frankly, I'm still surprised Shepard Smith is still there, I think they keep him on just so the viewers have someone else besides a liberal to hate on.

Various news sites are saying Senator Jeff Flake (what a name!), as well as John Kasich are considering attempting to primary Trump. Do you see this happening and who else do you think may join in? Will there be a full out debate with a dozen candidates? Will they all fold down and support Trump's re-election bid?
They already tried that. Didn't work. Only thing taking Trump out of primary is Mueller.

As Don the Con once said: ""You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on..."

After another 2 years of FFvC's bloviating; with health care costs driving more and more to become uninsured; with even fewer coal jobs; still stagnant wages for the working class; no great trade deals; with Af-Pak fuster cluck entering it's 18th year, his alt-reality Teflon may be more scratched up then most people think. Toss in a quite possible recession before the Repug primary gets started and he could have an ugly fight for the mantle.

Don the Con got thru, against all apparent odds and my comprehension, partly due to his novelty and being the outsider. Well in 2 more years, he will be part of the swamp that festers on. He can try to recycle his BS of 3 years past, but I think there will be a percentage that will become less than impressed. For one thing, even his numbers in the "strongly approve" category are down roughly 10 percentage points from when he was inaugurated. But it is still quite early to be certain of anything about the next cycle...

Various news sites are saying Senator Jeff Flake (what a name!), as well as John Kasich are considering attempting to primary Trump. Do you see this happening and who else do you think may join in? Will there be a full out debate with a dozen candidates? Will they all fold down and support Trump's re-election bid?
They already tried that. Didn't work. Only thing taking Trump out of primary is Mueller.

As Don the Con once said: ""You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on..."
Except Dementia Donnie has made a remarkable career of being an extremely successful failure of a business man. And then got himself elected for President... a job didn't really want.
They will try, but they will probably fail. Say what you will about Trump, but the man knows how to motivate his base and that base is the core of who bothers to come out during the primaries. The reason that all the GOP politicians are so complicit with all of Trump's bullshit is that they know that they can't win a challenge against this group.

Yeah, Trump cut through the Republican primaries like a hot knife through butter. I'll never forget the moment when I realized that he could actually win the primary. It was one of the back-and-forths with Jeb Bush. For some reason, they were discussing Barbara Bush, I think Bush has featured her in an ad, and Trump had said something about that earlier. At some point, Bush says something like:

"My mom is the strongest woman I know."

And Trump retorts:

"She should be running."

I hope he gets primaried. It would be fantastically entertaining.
I don't think he'll be face a primary challenger unless it becomes politically untenable to keep him on the ballot. I agree with earlier posters about Mueller. I think that's the most obvious way for Trump to go down. There may be others that we're not aware of, or aren't thinking of.
The way it looks right now, the only candidate the NRA can support will be Wayne LaPierre.
They will try, but they will probably fail. Say what you will about Trump, but the man knows how to motivate his base and that base is the core of who bothers to come out during the primaries. The reason that all the GOP politicians are so complicit with all of Trump's bullshit is that they know that they can't win a challenge against this group.

I don't think his base is all that happy with him coming out in favor of gun control in the last few days. If there is one thing more important to his base than their hatred of others, it is their love of guns that allow them to make their hate all the more dangerous. Unless someone steps up and reigns him in, anything he does, or allows congress to do, in favor of gun control will only serve to demotivate his base.
They will try, but they will probably fail. Say what you will about Trump, but the man knows how to motivate his base and that base is the core of who bothers to come out during the primaries. The reason that all the GOP politicians are so complicit with all of Trump's bullshit is that they know that they can't win a challenge against this group.

I don't think his base is all that happy with him coming out in favor of gun control in the last few days. If there is one thing more important to his base than their hatred of others, it is their love of guns that allow them to make their hate all the more dangerous. Unless someone steps up and reigns him in, anything he does, or allows congress to do, in favor of gun control will only serve to demotivate his base.

His base are mostly idiots - they can't make head nor tail of anything he says any more than anyone else can, but they assume that's because he is so wise that he's speaking above their heads.

I was totally gobsmacked by yesterday's pandering exercise though. I can't begin to imagine the armed insurrection that would have occurred, had Obama ever said anything like "take their guns first, due process second".
But coming from Cheato, I'm sure his base will think it's all good, what he promised, has been saying it all along etc.
They will try, but they will probably fail. Say what you will about Trump, but the man knows how to motivate his base and that base is the core of who bothers to come out during the primaries. The reason that all the GOP politicians are so complicit with all of Trump's bullshit is that they know that they can't win a challenge against this group.

I don't think his base is all that happy with him coming out in favor of gun control in the last few days. If there is one thing more important to his base than their hatred of others, it is their love of guns that allow them to make their hate all the more dangerous. Unless someone steps up and reigns him in, anything he does, or allows congress to do, in favor of gun control will only serve to demotivate his base.

His base are mostly idiots - they can't make head nor tail of anything he says any more than anyone else can, but they assume that's because he is so wise that he's speaking above their heads.

I was totally gobsmacked by yesterday's pandering exercise though. I can't begin to imagine the armed insurrection that would have occurred, had Obama ever said anything like "take their guns first, due process second".
But coming from Cheato, I'm sure his base will think it's all good, what he promised, has been saying it all along etc.

They may well think that "their" applies to some other group they don't like.
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His base are mostly idiots - they can't make head nor tail of anything he says any more than anyone else can, but they assume that's because he is so wise that he's speaking above their heads.

I was totally gobsmacked by yesterday's pandering exercise though. I can't begin to imagine the armed insurrection that would have occurred, had Obama ever said anything like "take their guns first, due process second".
But coming from Cheato, I'm sure his base will think it's all good, what he promised, has been saying it all along etc.

They may well think that "their" applies to some other group they don't like.

Huh? He was talking about the mentally ill. THAT'S HIS FUCKING BASE!
What a sad state of affairs politics has become in the USA. Right now I can't see Trump getting ousted but there is time yet. And Trump is petulant enough that he may even quit a 2020 run if someone says something to upset him. But even if he does run again, there is no possible way he could get a second term. He barely won last time.
But even if he does run again, there is no possible way he could get a second term. He barely won last time.

I would not bet on that. The Democrats have not exactly taken this opportunity to reform themselves and become more appealing.
But even if he does run again, there is no possible way he could get a second term. He barely won last time.

I would not bet on that. The Democrats have not exactly taken this opportunity to reform themselves and become more appealing.

I agree, but there is plenty of time yet for things to fall into place. If Trump wins a second term, the Democrats are losing on purpose. A strategically shaved monkey should be capable of beating Trump.
His base are mostly idiots - they can't make head nor tail of anything he says any more than anyone else can, but they assume that's because he is so wise that he's speaking above their heads.

I was totally gobsmacked by yesterday's pandering exercise though. I can't begin to imagine the armed insurrection that would have occurred, had Obama ever said anything like "take their guns first, due process second".
But coming from Cheato, I'm sure his base will think it's all good, what he promised, has been saying it all along etc.

They may well think that "their" applies to some other group they don't like.

Huh? He was talking about the mentally ill. THAT'S HIS FUCKING BASE!

They probably don't see themselves as mentally ill. It's probable that they think that the weapons will be taken from someone they don't like.
Not going to happen. His Flatulence has far too much support from the right.
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