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Will Trump be impeached?

Will Trump be impeached?

  • Trump will be impeached

    Votes: 4 16.0%
  • Trump will NOT be impeached

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Trump will resign before impeachment

    Votes: 12 48.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
Just a poll. Do you think he will be impeached, or resign under threat of such? At anytime in his administration - even 7 years from now if he is re-elected. Or does he just go about and continue to rule for four or eight years and turn power over?

I voted that he will resign first. He will claim that his family is under attack (Sad! Dirty!) and to protect them from the "witch hunts" he is stepping down (family first!).
He will complain for the rest of his public life that he was kicked out of office and treated unfairly and protecting his family from persecution was his only concern.
I think the reality is that multiple members of his family will be indicted and he will make a deal involving his resignation.
I hold no hope for a open and fair elections in this country anymore. Uncle Vlad has shown he can hack our elections and get anyone he wants elected. I see the GOP picking up seats in 2018 and 2020 because of this.

The GOP will not impeach Il Douchebag because he is one of them. All hope is now gone.

Я, например, приветствовать наших новых русских повелителей.

Trump would resign before allowing himself to be impeached, if it came to that. As it is, I think that the Republicans look at him as a useful, if somewhat repugnant distraction from their dirty deeds.

I honestly don't think he'll run a second term. I noticed and thought at the time, and nearly everything out of his mouth and from his fingers since has convinced me that whatever he accuses his perceived opponents of being/doing, he, himself is guilty of, several times over. During the elections, not only did Trump accuse Clinton of being crooked but also stated over and over that she didn't have the stamina to serve.

Says the man child who is perpetually on vacation or else on the campaign trail--for himself.

FWIW, I think that Pence would be as bad, in a different way, than Trump. Ryan? No.
I voted for no impeachment. I just don't see enough Repubs doing this - even if the house were to vote for such articles, there's no way 2/3 of the Senate would approve. Trump knows that so he won't resign.

I don't think Trump has any friends. He has fans. And he has associates who think they can use him, or get some use out of him.
When he and the Kleptocrats decide that Congress will never hold them accountable for their actions, and the last restaints come off, that usefulness will end.
When they finally convince him that they have enough votes to impeach, he will cry to the media about the unfairness and the persecution and he will run like a bunny.
Well, sure... none of us KNOW what will happen in the future. this is an opinion thread.. I only point this out because Whichphilosophy often seems to get facts and opinions confused with one another. Facts (indisputable) are the foundation for (disputable) opinions. If your information is wrong or distorted, then your opinions have no value. If your opinions are based on facts, then they may have merit.
Unfortunately he will go the full term. Ordinarily I would say, with absolute certainty he is a one term president but the fact he was elected in the first place means I cannot take comfort in that thought. We just can't predict what will happen over the next couple of years. But I hope he doesn't stand for reelection next term or if he does, the people of the USA have gotten over their hissy fit and don't vote him in.
I didn't see an option for Covfefe Brownies...

No opinion at this point, as things really depends on what is eventually revealed. Though if things get ugly enough that the Repugs actually start talking real impeachment proceedings, I'd say that Don the Con will tuck proboscis monkey tail and slink away...
I hold no hope for a open and fair elections in this country anymore. Uncle Vlad has shown he can hack our elections and get anyone he wants elected. I see the GOP picking up seats in 2018 and 2020 because of this.

The GOP will not impeach Il Douchebag because he is one of them. All hope is now gone.

Я, например, приветствовать наших новых русских повелителей.


Were any votes actually changed by Russian hacking? Was it Russian hacking that made conservatives vehemently hate Hillary Clinton for the last thirty years or make discouraged Bernie supporters vote third party? Or maybe it was Vlad who slowly took away coal and manufacturing jobs from the rust belt that led to groups of people being susceptible to the conniving words of a charlatan promising to bring their jobs back? Did the Russians hack Hillary's travel plans, so that she never visited Wisconsin after winning the nomination? How *exactly* did Putin elect who he wanted?
I voted for impeachment.

It's possible that Trump is innocent, and his actions reflect an intolerance for criticism. I also think he knows better than most just how damaging bullshit issues can be.

OTOH, his actions indicate guilt. So I'm going with that.
The GOP won't impeach for obstruction of justice. It'd be harder not to over money laundering.
There are too many unknown unknowns beside the known unknowns and Trump himself cannot be controlled, but both the Republican Party and Trump himself would rather not go the way of the impeachment. I think his main worry should be his own ineffectiveness at solving any of the long-standing issues his supporters want him madly to solve. A second worry is that various people in his administration seem to be doing whatever they like, which is essentially the traditional Republican agenda, so he is increasingly looking as having no authority. He also seems unable to stop doing and saying silly things and only the dumbest of his supporters won't mind. His policies are also making more likely that some serious incident come to upset the delicate balance of his presidency. The situation is very unlikely to improve. It's also quite likely it will deteriorate. So many angles. I assume some Republicans won't let him take them down with him. Then again his administration might just limp painfully towards the end of his mandate to everybody's relief that nothing catastrophic materialised. But America itself is not going well and that won't help.
Maybe when things heat up, he will go on an extended overseas trip, and just not come back.
Well, sure... none of us KNOW what will happen in the future. this is an opinion thread.. I only point this out because Whichphilosophy often seems to get facts and opinions confused with one another. Facts (indisputable) are the foundation for (disputable) opinions. If your information is wrong or distorted, then your opinions have no value. If your opinions are based on facts, then they may have merit.

No one has the full information but based on what has happened different people give different views. I've merely stated that the investigation hasn't produced anything of worth yet. One can also base an opinion iinasmuch that there are insufficient facts from the evidence to form an indefeasible viewpoint.

There are loads of facts but insufficient to complete the big picture.
He's going to resign for health reasons, although that won't be the official explanation. He's already gained weight and shows visible signs of stress, according to "long-time friends" (he has long-time friends?):


If this health care bill makes it through, it wouldn't surprise me if he claimed total victory and handed the reins to Pence.
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