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Will Trump Fire Mueller?


Feb 25, 2001
Birmingham, Alabama
Basic Beliefs
So there’s a lot of press about Trump considering firing Mueller. Lou Dobbs has said he’d fire him in three seconds. The conservative pundits are egging Trump on. Hannity claims Mueller is engaging in a war against Trump. Limbaugh is calling it a silent coup, but did say he shouldn’t be fired. Congressional Republicans are however warning Trump not to and that it could lead to impeachment. So Trump is not doing it. Yet.

I predict though that he will, and likely after the mid term elections. Until then he will stall and delay. I don’t believe there is going to be any blue wave. I suspect that the Democrats will lose seats in the Senate. There’s just some bad factors going against them this time around. They're likely to lose both North Dakota and West Virginia seats. They'll make gains in the House, but not enough to take back control. With that, increasing popularity, and a stronger economy, Trump will use that as vindication for his policies and will fire Mueller.

And nothing will happen. There’ll be outrage on the left and shouting and wringing of hands, but no impeachment and certainly not any conviction in the Senate.

I think Mueller need to pick up some speed with his investigation, the more time he takes the more likely Trumpy will do something really stupid like Nuclear War or something.
Mueller seems to have an ear to the ground and knows when to let something into the open about where the investigation is going. Trump typically is a bit irate and spontaneous, but I'm not certain he understands how the firing has to be done. He probably doesn't have Rosenstein's number and getting it would be hard with no Chief of Staff or Communications Director. He has to fire two people before Mueller gets canned.

With Trump, you really never know... one of the reasons he shouldn't have become the President in the first place! Trump could Tweet that he has fired Mueller, and think that is it. Meanwhile Mueller keeps working.
Mueller seems to have an ear to the ground and knows when to let something into the open about where the investigation is going. Trump typically is a bit irate and spontaneous, but I'm not certain he understands how the firing has to be done. He probably doesn't have Rosenstein's number and getting it would be hard with no Chief of Staff or Communications Director. He has to fire two people before Mueller gets canned.

A BIT????? :tonguea:

With Trump, you really never know... one of the reasons he shouldn't have become the President in the first place! Trump could Tweet that he has fired Mueller, and think that is it. Meanwhile Mueller keeps working.

That would be too amusing. But even if he realizes that he has to start his own Saturday Night Massacre, he would eventually have to find an (acting) AG who would be willing to fire Mueller. Would anyone do that after the example from Watergate?
This one is a hard call. The smart money says firing Mueller would be a stupid thing to do, but then again.
I think Mueller is biding his time, hoping for a democratic congress in 2019.
I doubt that. Mueller is steam rolling, often with little in the way of leaks, and generally letting a bit of info out here and there to keep the public generally in the loop that, yes, crimes have been committed, I'm working on it.
I think Mueller is biding his time, hoping for a democratic congress in 2019.
I doubt that. Mueller is steam rolling, often with little in the way of leaks, and generally letting a bit of info out here and there to keep the public generally in the loop that, yes, crimes have been committed, I'm working on it.

There is no chance of impeachment until the dems control.
I think Mueller is biding his time, hoping for a democratic congress in 2019.
I doubt that. Mueller is steam rolling, often with little in the way of leaks, and generally letting a bit of info out here and there to keep the public generally in the loop that, yes, crimes have been committed, I'm working on it.

There is no chance of impeachment until the dems control.

Agreed...and Il Douchebag knows this, too.

I think Mueller is biding his time, hoping for a democratic congress in 2019.
I doubt that. Mueller is steam rolling, often with little in the way of leaks, and generally letting a bit of info out here and there to keep the public generally in the loop that, yes, crimes have been committed, I'm working on it.

There is no chance of impeachment until the dems control.
That is true, but indictments are indictments. The sooner he can make with them, the quicker his job can be completed. Trump et al don't have to be impeached to be indicted for crimes. And obviously, the more indictments, the harder it is to fire Mueller without there being some type of consequence (even if not from a Republican Congress).
Senate panel moves to take up bill protecting Mueller

Some Republican senators are beginning to get nervous. However, the bill would have to pass both houses of Congress, and it will struggle to pass the senate. It is probably a lost cause in the House, although you never know. Trump could conceivably move to fire Mueller quickly, if it looks like Congress might try to safeguard his job.

It is hard to say what Trump will do. Getting us involved in a couple of wars might distract the media and the public. He has announced that he plans to launch missiles into Syria, so there's that. It won't change much other than killing a lot of people and adding to the chaos there. The Russians aren't going to stop supporting Assad, and neither are the Iranians.
It is hard to say what Trump will do.

Ya, that's the crux of it. One cannot really apply logic and reason and come to a conclusion in regards what this nutbag will end up doing on any given day. He's just as likely to try and fire Mueller as he is to go into an interview with him and admit to all the crimes he's committed. You just can't say.
Senate panel moves to take up bill protecting Mueller

Some Republican senators are beginning to get nervous. However, the bill would have to pass both houses of Congress, and it will struggle to pass the senate. It is probably a lost cause in the House, although you never know. Trump could conceivably move to fire Mueller quickly, if it looks like Congress might try to safeguard his job.

It is hard to say what Trump will do. Getting us involved in a couple of wars might distract the media and the public. He has announced that he plans to launch missiles into Syria, so there's that. It won't change much other than killing a lot of people and adding to the chaos there. The Russians aren't going to stop supporting Assad, and neither are the Iranians.

Yeah War is what he needs to save his presidency. Expect a war. Somewhere. Anywhere. I fear it will work. I’m reminded of how Fujimoro took over. He was real popular when this happened.

Senate panel moves to take up bill protecting Mueller

Some Republican senators are beginning to get nervous. However, the bill would have to pass both houses of Congress, and it will struggle to pass the senate. It is probably a lost cause in the House, although you never know. Trump could conceivably move to fire Mueller quickly, if it looks like Congress might try to safeguard his job.

It is hard to say what Trump will do. Getting us involved in a couple of wars might distract the media and the public. He has announced that he plans to launch missiles into Syria, so there's that. It won't change much other than killing a lot of people and adding to the chaos there. The Russians aren't going to stop supporting Assad, and neither are the Iranians.

Yeah War is what he needs to save his presidency. Expect a war. Somewhere. Anywhere. I fear it will work. I’m reminded of how Fujimoro took over. He was real popular when this happened.

Russia will be Trump's Yugoslavia.
Senate panel moves to take up bill protecting Mueller

Some Republican senators are beginning to get nervous. However, the bill would have to pass both houses of Congress, and it will struggle to pass the senate. It is probably a lost cause in the House, although you never know. Trump could conceivably move to fire Mueller quickly, if it looks like Congress might try to safeguard his job.

It is hard to say what Trump will do. Getting us involved in a couple of wars might distract the media and the public. He has announced that he plans to launch missiles into Syria, so there's that. It won't change much other than killing a lot of people and adding to the chaos there. The Russians aren't going to stop supporting Assad, and neither are the Iranians.

Yeah War is what he needs to save his presidency. Expect a war. Somewhere. Anywhere. I fear it will work. I’m reminded of how Fujimoro took over. He was real popular when this happened.

Russia will be Trump's Yugoslavia.

I'm not sure that that is the image you wish to project, barbos. Yugoslavia disappeared from the maps after it broke up into several mutually hostile ethnic enclaves. We even have an English word "balkanization" to describe the collapse of a national confederation of ethnic regions. That process actually did take place with the collapse of the Soviet Union, and Russia still has problems with ethnic rivalries. But I get where you are coming from, thinking about how Tito caused Stalin and Khrushchev some pain.

However, getting back on topic, Trump is very seriously thinking of firing Mueller, and Republicans in Congress are scrambling to try to head off what would be an insanely stupid move from the perspective of the emerging "blue wave" tsunami heading towards the November elections. Not only are they losing their House Speaker, Paul Ryan, but they may have to contend with a backlash against Trump's moves to obstruct the criminal investigation of his presidency. So they are making noises about legislation to save Trump and themselves from his blundering behavior. Unfortunately, they cannot move fast enough to stop him, if he decides to go over the cliff.
I heard on NPR yesterday that Trump can change Dept of Justice guidelines by executive order, then fire Mueller himself.
I heard on NPR yesterday that Trump can change Dept of Justice guidelines by executive order, then fire Mueller himself.

Heh... that would be a cool trick, and I bet nobody would even notice. Nobody inside the Republican Congressional Caucuses, that is... but it might come to their attention when they're all out on their asses in November.
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