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Will Trump turn on Jared and Ivanka?



If this article is correct, then Trump is about to throw Jared and Ivanka under the bus just as Meuller is about to tighten the screws on both of them. Is he trying to get them to flip on him? Because this is how you get people to flip on you.
The article doesn't present much on either side of the aisle regarding Trump and his daughter/Kuschner. That they are in the White House is one thing, whether they actually influence any policy is another, and finally whether their primary purpose is to enrich the brand is another.

Bad stuff is going down, and these idiots are shooting themselves in the feet, over and over, no wonder Trump is talking gun control. The trouble with Trump is no Kuschner or Ivanka (or Hope 'Piece of Tail' Hicks), who in the heck is left within his inner circle? He has his lawyers, I suppose. Trump is running into the burning bridges problem. He has almost no where to turn. And then things will likely start getting real interesting, which says a lot.
Oh covfefe!



If this article is correct, then Trump is about to throw Jared and Ivanka under the bus just as Meuller is about to tighten the screws on both of them. Is he trying to get them to flip on him? Because this is how you get people to flip on you.
The article doesn't present much on either side of the aisle regarding Trump and his daughter/Kuschner. That they are in the White House is one thing, whether they actually influence any policy is another, and finally whether their primary purpose is to enrich the brand is another.

Bad stuff is going down, and these idiots are shooting themselves in the feet, over and over, no wonder Trump is talking gun control. The trouble with Trump is no Kuschner or Ivanka (or Hope 'Piece of Tail' Hicks), who in the heck is left within his inner circle? He has his lawyers, I suppose. Trump is running into the burning bridges problem. He has almost no where to turn. And then things will likely start getting real interesting, which says a lot.
If Javanka have to leave, we can only hope FFvC won't start talking war instead of simply gun control...
If Javanka have to leave, we can only hope FFvC won't start talking war instead of simply gun control...

At least we know that if he sends us to war, it won't be with Russia. Probably someone much less dangerous - maybe France.
Cowardly fuck just sits there and takes it in silence, as Putin taunts him unmercifully.
I ponder if the Upper Brass and Mid Level Brass have been polishing up on Military protocol and practicing on ways to delay orders in order to provide time to get Trump removed, if necessary.
If Javanka have to leave, we can only hope FFvC won't start talking war instead of simply gun control...

At least we know that if he sends us to war, it won't be with Russia. Probably someone much less dangerous - maybe France.
Cowardly fuck just sits there and takes it in silence, as Putin taunts him unmercifully.
Not France, but bombing Iran would be a alt-reality crowd pleaser, and would certainly steel more than a few headlines...

And sadly, far too many of our Brass already have the hots for Iran...
If Javanka have to leave, we can only hope FFvC won't start talking war instead of simply gun control...

At least we know that if he sends us to war, it won't be with Russia. Probably someone much less dangerous - maybe France.
Cowardly fuck just sits there and takes it in silence, as Putin taunts him unmercifully.

Well, I'm not sure about France--wasn't he really really impressed by France's military parade?
If Javanka have to leave, we can only hope FFvC won't start talking war instead of simply gun control...

At least we know that if he sends us to war, it won't be with Russia. Probably someone much less dangerous - maybe France.
Cowardly fuck just sits there and takes it in silence, as Putin taunts him unmercifully.

Well, I'm not sure about France--wasn't he really really impressed by France's military parade?

Nah - he was impressed with Little Rocket Man's parade. But of course he couldn't say that, so ... "France" - fucking conehead!
Well, I'm not sure about France--wasn't he really really impressed by France's military parade?

Nah - he was impressed with Little Rocket Man's parade. But of course he couldn't say that, so ... "France" - fucking conehead!

I'm guessing he randomly chose France because it's a nation of mostly white people.

By the way, isn't praising anything French supposed to be a no-no for Republicans? I thought we were supposed to hate all things French because that one French politician said that Saddam Hussein didn't have any WMD. Also, he used the word "France" instead of "cheese-eating surrender monkeys." It's a good thing he's rightist Jesus, and can get away with anything. Any other Republican politician would have been lynched by the base by now.
By the way, isn't praising anything French supposed to be a no-no for Republicans? I thought we were supposed to hate all things French because that one French politician said that Saddam Hussein didn't have any WMD.
No, no, we have hated France since they wouldn't let us fly through French airspace to bomb Tripoli...
And French Fries became Freedom Fries in the Congressional cafeteria (though French Wines were still freely available, and properly labeled).

But I believe it was the French Grand Poobah who said that the key to dealing with Trump is to just blow smoke up his skirt. So it's okay, now, to be a Francophile, because they talk to our Grand Poobah the same way you talk to a big fluffy dog. "Whooze a good Pressy Wessy...? Is it you? It IS You!"
If Javanka have to leave, we can only hope FFvC won't start talking war instead of simply gun control...
Well, he really, really wants to be a hero.
If he leads the nation to a successful war, that'd be pretty heroic.
He probably thinks that if he can solve the gun problem, everyone will sing his praise. Problem is, he asked the NRA how to solve the problem...
Telling people that you are going to take their guns away is how you sell more guns. The NRA paid Trump his fee for that and they move on to selling even more guns by mandating some amount of teachers have them.
If Javanka have to leave, we can only hope FFvC won't start talking war instead of simply gun control...
Well, he really, really wants to be a hero.
If he leads the nation to a successful war, that'd be pretty heroic.
He probably thinks that if he can solve the gun problem, everyone will sing his praise. Problem is, he asked the NRA how to solve the problem...

It's plain to see that the NRA>solvegunproblem dynamic isn't going to work. Time to declare war on Monaco, and make himself a real hero.
Does this explain why so few restaurants serve French salad dressing anymore?

EVERYONE loves French food! Their toast, and especially their fried potatoes are internationally celebrated.
I don't know why their salad dressing would be singled out.
Does this explain why so few restaurants serve French salad dressing anymore?

EVERYONE loves French food! Their toast, and especially their fried potatoes are internationally celebrated.
I don't know why their salad dressing would be singled out.

French fries aren't French. "Frenching" is a method of cutting food into long, medium-width strips... often confused with a thinner cut, the "Julienne" - like what you would do to cabbage for slaw. what we call "fries" are "Frenched fried potatoes", or "Frenched fries".. French Fries.
Does this explain why so few restaurants serve French salad dressing anymore?

EVERYONE loves French food! Their toast, and especially their fried potatoes are internationally celebrated.
I don't know why their salad dressing would be singled out.

French fries aren't French. "Frenching" is a method of cutting food into long, medium-width strips... often confused with a thinner cut, the "Julienne" - like what you would do to cabbage for slaw. what we call "fries" are "Frenched fried potatoes", or "Frenched fries".. French Fries.

Damn pedant... what about their most excellent toast, huh? What about THAT?
French fries aren't French. "Frenching" is a method of cutting food into long, medium-width strips... often confused with a thinner cut, the "Julienne" - like what you would do to cabbage for slaw. what we call "fries" are "Frenched fried potatoes", or "Frenched fries".. French Fries.
A fact that was usually pointed out in news articles about the new Freedom Fries...making it that much more ridiculous...
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