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Will Twitter suspend trump? Would they for same tweets from another person?


Aug 3, 2001
Seattle, WA
Basic Beliefs
Science Based Atheism
The Mika bleeding face thing is a very close to harrassment (even if it were Joe he said it about) and if not true is maybe libel.

The CNN wrestling tweet is close to incitement to violence.

If Trump goes two or three steps past the line that twitter suspends the general public person for, Twitter has an almost ethical duty to suspend him.

For me it is not just about the dignity of he presidency, but about everyone having the same rules applied to them as much as possible. Perfection of that in a hierarchy-loving species like humans won't be possible. That is why I said two or three steps past a normal suspension at a bare minimum.

I really want to see the infantile moaning from Trump about it. He would actually have to go in a delete the tweet and whatever else to get the suspension


On the other hand, when CNN interviewed to guy who stormed the stage with Trump on it in such a sympathetic and glowing manner that was also irresponsible. At any rate, fuck Trump this does not allow this kind of crap.

Screen Shot 2017-07-02 at 8.24.07 AM.png
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Fuck, I hope they don't. Taking the rage outlet away from an unstable guy with nuclear launch codes leaves you with an unstable guy with nuclear launch codes who's looking for another rage outlet. Pretty much all of them are more worrisome than a bunch of dumb tweets.
I hope they don't. I like him making a fool of himself. It will erode his support from all but the most diehard trumpets.
Fuck, I hope they don't. Taking the rage outlet away from an unstable guy with nuclear launch codes leaves you with an unstable guy with nuclear launch codes who's looking for another rage outlet. Pretty much all of them are more worrisome than a bunch of dumb tweets.
Yep. Joe, Mika, the world owes you a debt of gratitude. Please keep jangling the keys.
My guess is that Trump is a cash-cow for Twitter. He could advocate gassing six million Jews and they wouldn't drop him.
The Mika bleeding face thing is a very close to harrassment (even if it were Joe he said it about) and if not true is maybe libel.

The CNN wrestling tweet is close to incitement to violence.

If Trump goes two or three steps past the line that twitter suspends the general public person for, Twitter has an almost ethical duty to suspend him.

For me it is not just about the dignity of he presidency, but about everyone having the same rules applied to them as much as possible. Perfection of that in a hierarchy-loving species like humans won't be possible. That is why I said two or three steps past a normal suspension at a bare minimum.

I really want to see the infantile moaning from Trump about it. He would actually have to go in a delete the tweet and whatever else to get the suspension


On the other hand, when CNN interviewed to guy who stormed the stage with Trump on it in such a sympathetic and glowing manner that was also irresponsible. At any rate, fuck Trump this does not allow this kind of crap.

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a trump tweet.png


  • a trump tweet.png
    a trump tweet.png
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Milo was banned. That is the level you need to reach. In general, Twitter is saturated with vile hate content. So Trump feels quite at home there.

- - - Updated - - -

I hope they don't. I like him making a fool of himself. It will erode his support from all but the most diehard trumpets.
Exactly. That is why he'll never be elected President, even if he somehow wins the nomination.
You can disagree very strongly with Milo and he was for the most part just an IRL troll, but I am not sure if he was banned for an exact post in a "fair" way, not sure what that would mean. Twitters seems to not be explicit on what the bans are for. That has good and bad points.

Perhaps what happened with Milo was that a couple months before he was banned he put out a few posts that even a low subscriber count person should have been banned for and at the time he was banned had calmed down. So it looked unfair.

Perhaps it was that Milo's rabid fan base was hectoring the people that Milo pointed out even if Milo did not advocate harassment, so he had to go. I can understand that to a degree.

Then there is the political aspect of Milo. Are there liberal IRL trolls like Milo that twitter does nothing about? Probably not many.

But Twitter is a private company and can do what it wants.

I think the fact that Ramzpaul and BlackPigeonSpeaks (@navyhato) are still on twitter is a sign that banning is less about viewpoint than rudeness or harassment (even just by followers). They have much more extreme views than Milo does.

If Trump put this tweet following tweet out (it is possible, but since it won't last on TheDonald subreddit that makes it less likely) I can hardly imagine the response. If I were a lefty twitter staff, I would want to remove this tweet.

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You can disagree very strongly with Milo and he was for the most part just an IRL troll, but I am not sure if he was banned for an exact post in a "fair" way, not sure what that would mean. Twitters seems to not be explicit on what the bans are for. That has good and bad points.

Perhaps what happened with Milo was that a couple months before he was banned he put out a few posts that even a low subscriber count person should have been banned for and at the time he was banned had calmed down. So it looked unfair.

Perhaps it was that Milo's rabid fan base was hectoring the people that Milo pointed out even if Milo did not advocate harassment, so he had to go. I can understand that to a degree.

Then there is the political aspect of Milo. Are there liberal IRL trolls like Milo that twitter does nothing about? Probably not many.

But Twitter is a private company and can do what it wants.

I think the fact that Ramzpaul and BlackPigeonSpeaks (@navyhato) are still on twitter is a sign that banning is less about viewpoint than rudeness or harassment (even just by followers). They have much more extreme views than Milo does.

If Trump put this tweet following tweet out (it is possible, but since it won't last on TheDonald subreddit that makes it less likely) I can hardly imagine the response. If I were a lefty twitter staff, I would want to remove this tweet.


I think Milo was banned because he was driving people away from Twitter. If he'd been increasing traffic the Powers That Be would have excused far worse from him.

Trump isn't going to have his account suspended anytime soon. His ridiculous early morning tweets are good for business.
He might have been driving advertisers away, not sure about users and browsers.

I think that Trump won't drive advertisers away, because despite how crazy he is, he won't be tweeting stuff as intense as the link I posted. Also, the advertisers mostly want to Trump to hang himself with his own kooky tweets.

Actually, I will text that picture to a couple people I know and tell them Trump tweeted it, see if they believe it. Then a couple minutes later tell the truth.
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