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Women: Trump will make you happy!! And healthy!!


Jan 10, 2004
Port Clinton, Ohio
Basic Beliefs
Evidently he took stock of the gender gap he's facing (a 20% deficit when matched with Harris, in some polls.) He got busy over the weekend. There was a Truth Social post on Friday, followed by what he told a crowd in NC the next day:

"So let's talk about our great women, all right? 'Cause women have gone through a lot. They've gone through a lot. Women are poorer than they were four years ago, are less healthy than they were four years ago, are less safe on the streets than they were four years ago, are paying much higher prices for groceries and everything else than they were four years ago, are more stressed and depressed and unhappy than they were four years ago, and are less optimistic and confident in the future than they were just four years ago. I will fix all of that, women. I will fix all of that and I will fix it fast. Women will be happy, healthy, confident, and free. You will no longer be thinking about abortion, because it is now where it always had to be, with the states."

Okay. Disclaimer -- I am not a woman, although I could certainly become one, if I chose to. But I pride myself in supposing that I can imagine how the American Woman is reacting to these words from #45. I may get some of the nuances wrong, but I think the reactions would be as follows:
1- First (as an American Woman) I am touched that he says we have gone through a lot. That shows empathy.
2- He says we are less healthy, and I am seeing in the news that there are more and more areas, particularly in states like Alabama, Oklahoma, and Idaho, where it is impossible to find prenatal and maternity clinics, locally. And the major hospitals are refusing to provide certain kinds of health care. He's so right. He gets it.
3- He sees that some women are stressed and depressed and unhappy. Who knew there was this much empathy in the man? And what an emotional burden for him to shoulder. I don't want him to lose sleep over our problems.
4- Notice how he speaks directly to us. "I will fix all of that, women." This is a take-charge kind of guy. Mama like! Mama like!!
5- "You will no longer be thinking about abortion." Okay, here, he takes our breath away, because he is literally saying that that pesky issue will go away. Whew!!
6- "American Woman, get away from me-hee. American Woman, Mama let me be-hee." Wait, that's the Guess Who.
7- How can he help but erase the gender gap and lead in the polls with American Women solidly behind him?
Evidently he took stock of the gender gap he's facing (a 20% deficit when matched with Harris, in some polls.) He got busy over the weekend. There was a Truth Social post on Friday, followed by what he told a crowd in NC the next day:

"So let's talk about our great women, all right? 'Cause women have gone through a lot. They've gone through a lot. Women are poorer than they were four years ago, are less healthy than they were four years ago, are less safe on the streets than they were four years ago, are paying much higher prices for groceries and everything else than they were four years ago, are more stressed and depressed and unhappy than they were four years ago, and are less optimistic and confident in the future than they were just four years ago. I will fix all of that, women. I will fix all of that and I will fix it fast. Women will be happy, healthy, confident, and free. You will no longer be thinking about abortion, because it is now where it always had to be, with the states."

Okay. Disclaimer -- I am not a woman, although I could certainly become one, if I chose to. But I pride myself in supposing that I can imagine how the American Woman is reacting to these words from #45. I may get some of the nuances wrong, but I think the reactions would be as follows:
1- First (as an American Woman) I am touched that he says we have gone through a lot. That shows empathy.
2- He says we are less healthy, and I am seeing in the news that there are more and more areas, particularly in states like Alabama, Oklahoma, and Idaho, where it is impossible to find prenatal and maternity clinics, locally. And the major hospitals are refusing to provide certain kinds of health care. He's so right. He gets it.
3- He sees that some women are stressed and depressed and unhappy. Who knew there was this much empathy in the man? And what an emotional burden for him to shoulder. I don't want him to lose sleep over our problems.
4- Notice how he speaks directly to us. "I will fix all of that, women." This is a take-charge kind of guy. Mama like! Mama like!!
5- "You will no longer be thinking about abortion." Okay, here, he takes our breath away, because he is literally saying that that pesky issue will go away. Whew!!
6- "American Woman, get away from me-hee. American Woman, Mama let me be-hee." Wait, that's the Guess Who.
7- How can he help but erase the gender gap and lead in the polls with American Women solidly behind him?
Nailed it!
“You are years older than you were four years ago. Years! You can’t get those four years back you know. Because of sleepy Brandon and korrupt KuhMolla.
But I am going to fix that.”
There's more! There's more!
Trump addressed the American Woman again, last night, in Indiana, Pennsylvania (JImmy Stewart's hometown.) In a message infused with deep love for womankind, Trump told women that -- well, let me shut up and let this man speak for himself.

" Because I am your PROTECTOR. I want to be your PROTECTOR. As President, I have to be your PROTECTOR. ...Women will be happy, healthy, confident and free. You will be protected, and I will be your PROTECTOR. You will no longer be thinking about abortion."

Women, it couldn't be any clearer, could it? He wants to be your - what is the word - PROTECTOR. Who better than Trump?
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There's more! There's more!
Trump addressed the American Woman again, last night, in Indiana, Pennsylvania (JImmy Stewart's hometown.) In a message infused with deep love for womankind, Trump told women that -- well, let me shut up and let this man speak for himself.

" Because I am your PROTECTOR. I want to be your PROTECTOR. As President, I have to be your PROTECTOR. ...Women will be happy, healthy, confident and free. You will be protected, and I will be your PROTECTOR. You will no longer be thinking about abortion."

Women, it couldn't be any clearer, could it? He wants to be your - what is the word - PROTECTOR. Who better than Trump?
Don't worry your pretty little head over such things. Go back to the kitchen. You'll be fine..
The insanity of his promises is so stunning. Like he’s personally going to make sure women will “no longer be abandoned, lonely or scared.”

He’s just making wild bizarre promises with abandon. He’s promising everything to everyone.

But what’s truly frightening is people believe that shit. Fuck me. We are doomed. He will win.
Women for Trump -- I know a few, including one gal who marches around in a 'Yes, I'm voting for the convicted felon' tee in our town -- are clearly hearing this differently from me. But I have to wonder, when they hear his protector riff, if they aren't hearing him say, all the dark-skinned rapists, we're going after them. Nothing gets his rallies to a fever pitch faster than when he steers into the 'raped and sodomized' bit, followed by his rasping words, 'They've got to go. They've got to go.' And his masses chant, "SEND THEM BACK!!" like a bunch of drunk pirates. Trump tapped into a feature of our national superego that was always waiting to be summoned.
Soon they will be promising to remove women’s burden of having to vote.
So last week. The croaking apricot has already told EVERYBODY that this is the last time they'll have to vote if he's elected.
Just Christians. He said Christians wouldn't have to vote anymore. It'll be up to the Islamists, atheists, and Marxist university presidents to clean up the mess he's making.
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