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Yet another study: Trump elected because of racism

To anyone who’s been following the research on this, the findings should come as little surprise. There have now been numerous studies that found support for Trump is closely linked to racial resentment, defined by Fowler, Medenica, and Cohen as “a moral feeling that blacks violate such traditional American values as individualism and self-reliance.”
Even though these supposedly traditional American values are misnomers.
Trump's message to his minions is nothing but racism. A daily supply of racism and hatred. That is what he feeds them.

That is why they don't care that everything he is doing is going to make their lives worse off.

Like a dog that chases it's tail.

The obsession with racial hatred takes over many Trump voters to the exclusion of all else.
To a conservative, a racist is someone who points out racism.


Nazis weren't racist, but people who accuse Nazis of being racists are the real racists.

Those kind of arguments are only compelling to racists and Nazis. To pretty much anyone else, they sound completely insane.
To a conservative, a racist is someone who points out racism.


Nazis weren't racist, but people who accuse Nazis of being racists are the real racists.

Those kind of arguments are only compelling to racists and Nazis. To pretty much anyone else, they sound completely insane.

"I know you are, but what am I"?
- any 5-year-old
While I do think that America's destructive economic policies are making the racism worse, it's mostly about the racism.

And that explains why so many who voted for Obama last time voted for Trump this time....
Perhaps you should explain in detail why you think your observation is relevant.
While I do think that America's destructive economic policies are making the racism worse, it's mostly about the racism.

And that explains why so many who voted for Obama last time voted for Trump this time....

A lot of votes were anti-Hillary votes, not just pro-Trump votes.

Right. So not only did a bunch of these people Underseer is calling racist vote for a black man last time, but many of them also voted for Trump because they hate Hillary (a reason other than racism).

I can think of a few other reasons Trump won as well, including people on the left not turning out to vote in big enough numbers.
Don't blame Underseer, it's the multiple studies calling them racists. I know it may be uncomfortable to accept, but facts over feels.
A lot of votes were anti-Hillary votes, not just pro-Trump votes.

Right. So not only did a bunch of these people Underseer is calling racist vote for a black man last time, but many of them also voted for Trump because they hate Hillary (a reason other than racism).

I can think of a few other reasons Trump won as well, including people on the left not turning out to vote in big enough numbers.

And there we go with the "I have a black friend" defense, which is of course unrelated to the actual facts in any of the scientific studies. Nice attempt to change the subject there. It's almost as if you're desperate and fishing around for bad excuses.
Sorry. I forgot I have to explain why the "black friend" defense is not valid. I forgot who I was dealing with.


Lincoln made racists statements that left no doubt that he regarded Africans to be inferior.

Lincoln also had black friends, including some famous ones, and oh yeah, he freed the slaves. So according to people who believe in the black friend defense, this proves that Lincoln was not racist. The fact that he had black friends and freed the slaves means that he was definitely not racist, therefore it is not racist to think that people of African descent are inherently inferior.

Guess what? If you believe a group of people are inferior by birth, you're a racist.

Having black friends does not change the fact that believing in the inferiority of a population makes you racist.

Freeing the slaves does not change the fact that believing in the inferiority of a population makes you racist.

If the people in the study voted for Trump for racist reasons, then the fact that they voted for Obama does not change the fact that they voted for Trump for racist reasons. If you want to argue that they are not racists, then you have to look at the specific allegations of racism and either argue that the allegations are not true or that the evidence does not point to racism. Bringing up a totally unrelated issue will not disprove the racism involved.
Hillary won the national popular vote in California. California is a blue state. That doesn't bode well for democrats staying home because their preferred candidate was nominated. Hillary lost because racists went even more strongly to republicans. Even union racists voted against their leaders because thy got permission. Very few social unions exist, but, among them what are the government employee unions which are actually liberal unions with the exception of those representing Boeing, an anomaly. They are particularly strong in states Hillary won including NY and CA.

What Trump peeled off from unions re those who are economic democrats and racist. They found Trump more satisfactory on both counts. We're pretty sure permission to be hateful was a big part of Trump's charm.
If the people in the study voted for Trump for racist reasons, then the fact that they voted for Obama does not change the fact that they voted for Trump for racist reasons.

Perhaps not, but it certainly gives you something to explain. What was so great about Obama or so terrible about Hillary Clinton that caused him, a black man, to get the votes of racists when she, a white woman, could not? Or did something dramatic shift in society in the past 8 years? If so, what is it? How and why did your country become more racist than it was? And you can't really say "A black man was elected and it woke racists up" because Obama was elected not once, but twice.

Maybe it is the identity politics push we've been seeing, and maybe that made some white people decide to identify as white and act and vote according to what they have come to see as "white interests". Is that what you are saying? If so, then what I have been saying about identity politics in past threads is consistent with that. White racism is the biggest identity politic after all.

And if racism is why Trump won, what do you suggest for winning against him next time around? Less demonization of white men and empathetic conversation? Or further baiting of a race war? The article (Vox article no less) states that the best way to undo racism is to create empathy within the racists with non-confrontational conversation building upon common experience. I've been saying that for a long time here too. The best way to curb bigotry or prejudice is to go at the root of it in a way everybody can relate to. Everybody has at some time in their life been attacked or ostracized for a personal trait beyond their control. If not on race, then on something else, be it gender, sexual orientation, height, weight, physical attractiveness, intelligence, being a ginger (lol), religion, etc. Empathy can be created through that.
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