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    Strange religious sites

    I googled some Bible gravesites today. I found out that Adam and Eve are buried in Sri Lanka, but also near Hebron, Israel, at the Cave of the Patriarchs (which is also where Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Rebecca, and Leah are buried.) And Eve is also buried in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia. Which...
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    R.I.P. Dickey Betts

    Dickey Betts died Thursday at age 80 (the same age at which we lost Robbie Robertson last year -- another guitar master.) 7 ways to remember him: 1- In Memory of Elizabeth Reed -- Who else at the start of the 70s could produce such a fluid mix of jazz and rock? (Well, maybe Miles, in a different...
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    The Nones

    I find the term "nones" to be frustrating because it stands for such a mishmash of positions -- it includes everything from strong atheist to pantheist. Its chief importance is probably that it indicates how, in the U.S., and even more so in western Europe, the big denominations are cratering...
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    It's a Wonderful Grift (2023)

    Now streaming on Hulu, Yahoo, Yoohoo and Dangitall. Scene One: We meet Donald Bailey, a strapping young man in the small town of Bedford-a-Lago. With his complexion of creamy Colby and his hair a darker aged Cheddar, he has all the girls' eyes on him. He tells local beauty Mellie: "I know...
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    Shutdown Thanksgiving in '23...Any Bets?

    What are the odds that this bunch in the House can get anything done to avert a shutdown? Or that they even want to? At this point it looks like their model is chaos so that they can chant next year that we need the mailed fist of Trump to set things right. My odds are 10 to 1 for a great big...
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    Why do House Repubs Oppose Aid to Ukraine?

    I really don't get much about the Republicans anymore, but the opposition to increased aid to Ukraine is especially baffling. Is it mostly the Trump factor? Trump's muddled thinking about Russia should offer no one a road map to Ukraine policy. It's mind-blowing how the party of Reagan (and...
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    Night Moves (A One-Act Romance)

    (The House chamber. Midnight. One solitary light shines on the rostrum. Jim Jordan sits atop it, swinging his legs rhythmically as he speaks to an imaginary quorum.) Jordan: Okay, whatever you want, I can make it happen. We'll finish building the wall and, get this, we'll put murder hornet...
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    Art Project: Make Funny Money

    Age range: Grades 1 to 3 Each student needs: One dollar bill Black pen or marker Instructions: 1. Put dollar bill on desk, George side up. 2. Locate words 'FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE' at top of bill. 3. In FEDERAL, use pen to darken in letters 2,3,4,5,and 7. 4. In RESERVE, darken in letters...
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    St. Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins

    (There being no way to make this account comply with today's PC standards, I gave up at the start.) I've been reading about St. Ursula and the 11,000 virgins, which is now my second-favorite religious tradition (I think I still must give first place to St. Bridget of Sweden, with her vision of...
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    R.I.P. Yevgeny Prigozhin

    Russian state media are reporting the death of Yevgeny Prigozhin of the Wagner Group in a small jet plane crash north of Moscow. Yevy, of course, led the revolt against the Kremlin in June. How ironic then, after fears for his well-being, that he should die in August, purely through the...
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    Farewell to the Unabomber

    Ted Kaczynski was found dead in his prison cell yesterday. Such a waste -- he could have made millions as a televangelist.
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    R.I.P. Pat Robertson

    Pat Robertson has died, as Virginia Beach prepares for a category 6 hurricane, even though such a thing doesn't officially exist.
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    Truly Irritating Songs

    My Top Five -- purely subjective, changeable from day to day, and no doubt omitting some really rancid songs that I've blissfully forgotten. My one criterion: these are songs that are or were once ubiquitous, that would assault you from a store's sound system as you innocently shopped for dog...
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    Do Dems and Repubs have equal propensity to deny election results? (Split)

    Anyone want to bet on whether the Repubs aren't going to assail EVERY Presidential vote certification, from now on?
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    RIP Charlie Watts (1941-2021)

    Charlie Watts died on Tuesday. I always liked his cool, unaffected style, working in a band with one of the all-time extroverts in rock. Also his taste in music, which ranged from the Stones to big band jazz. Charlie at all times looked like the hip guy who enjoyed his life and didn't have any...
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    Overlooked Saints

    The Vatican recognizes over 10,000 saints, so it can be difficult to know which one to petition for a specific need. Here is my list of the least appreciated patron saints. Each one is followed by, first, the saint's specialty; second, the preferred form of supplication; and last, the feast...
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    Dan Bongino: Trumpists Need to Move Out of Liberal States

    Dan Bongino is a hard right conspiracy peddler and Fox News host. Yesterday he told his audience that they need to get away from liberals and create their own 'safe spaces' (a concept I believe he has mocked in the context of students at university.) "We have to get away from these people...We...
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    Clergy who stop believing

    I am in the last few pages of a terrific book which compiles interviews with clergy (Protestant, Catholic, Mormon, Jewish) who lost their belief in scripture and often, basic orthodox dogma, in mid-career, and examines their choices and future plans. This is a subject which fascinates me...
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    Woke Culture Will Strangle Democracy

    The signs are all around us. This list states the obvious. 1. Woke libs gave Biden a pass on his 5-year campaign of claiming that Trump is not a U.S. citizen, that in fact he was born in 1946 behind a tilsit cheeseworks in Dortmund. Fair question: Does a group that supports a pathological...
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    Covid is Stronger Than Faith Healing

    The Lourdes volunteers website notes that group pilgrimages are still cancelled (the main Lourdes sites were closed down entirely last year for two months.) They offer a Virtual Pilgrimage Experience TM (the trademark is actually there, it isn't my snark.) The town of Lourdes, which is full of...
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