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Eco-protestors deface Van Gogh

Jimmy Higgins

Jan 31, 2001
Basic Beliefs
Calvinistic Atheist

article said:
London — Environmental protesters on Friday threw tomato soup over Vincent van Gogh's "Sunflowers" painting at the National Gallery in central London, videos posted on social media showed. Just Stop Oil said in a statement that two protesters threw two cans of Heinz Tomato soup over the painting at 11:00 a.m. (6 a.m. Eastern) to demand that the U.K. government halt all new oil and gas projects.

In a tweet, the activist group blamed the current economic turmoil and the climate crisis facing the world on fossil fuels, asking: "Is art worth more than life? More than food?"


In the video, someone can be heard yelling "oh my God" as the soup hits the canvas, and another person shouts "security?" as soup drips from the frame onto the floor.

The protest group said the painting had an estimated value of $84.2 million.
Okay folks, yes, I sympathize with the issues on carbon fuels. But a Van Gogh painting isn't important because of its monetary value! It is precious and irreplaceable! Also, in doing this, more security precautions need to be put into place to prevent idiots from harming other irreplaceable works of art!

This "protest" will not bring anyone towards the cause. It created serious damage. It will result in more pain in the asses for museum visitors. This act benefits no one and nothing.
Another stunt from the rapture cultists;

Two Just Stop Oil protesters who threw Heinz tomato soup at Van Gogh's Sunflowers in the National Gallery in central London have been arrested for criminal damage and aggravated trespass, the Metropolitan Police said. The duo - named by the pressure group as Anna Holland, 20, and 21-year-old Phoebe Plummer - threw two tins of Heinz tomato soup over the iconic £76 million painting this morning before gluing themselves to a wall inside the Gallery.

Daily Mail

The usual stereotype, white, privileged, loser students.

Oops, almost forgot, it's a catastrophic 65f in Santa Monica.
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BBC News said the the gallery had confirmed that the painting was covered by glass, so it wasn't damaged.
I'd guess that restoration is so perfected as a craft that (at what price?) the painting could have been made ALMOST like new even without the protective glass.

Still, I despise the terrorists. This infantile and criminal conduct is cretinous and just gives a bad name to the "sentient side of the aisle." I hope they get prison terms.
BBC News said the the gallery had confirmed that the painting was covered by glass, so it wasn't damaged.
I'd guess that restoration is so perfected as a craft that (at what price?) the painting could have been made ALMOST like new even without the protective glass.
Okie dokes. I need to read the article deeper. I was just filled with visceral anger by the shoddy journalism. Yes, it mentions the glass... well after it talks about how they poured the stuff on the painted. WTF?! And why would you even put stuff on a glass protector... what in the heck are you proving in doing that. I mean yes, I support them not vandalizing actual art, but jebus... work on your messaging!
One cannot help but notice the rapture cultists are made up of white, privileged middle class retirees and unemployable students.


A catastrophic 67f in Santa Monica today.
One cannot help but notice the rapture cultists are made up of white, privileged middle class retirees and unemployable students.
Both of them. :rolleyesa:

One cannot help but notice the rapture cultists are made up of one white, privileged middle class retirees and one unemployable students.

Two crazy people are not representative of a wider movement, no matter how much you might want to declare as crazy anyone who doesn't disagree with them on every single issue.

If the two most extreme nutters are supposed to be representation of the nuttiness of everyone who agrees with any of their positions, then I would strongly advise you to buy shares in Pilkington before casting stones from that house of yours.
And what does Van Gogh have to do with climate? If you're going to attack something it should be relevant!
ITT: derailment attempting to again broad-brushing peaceful adherents to a cause with the bad behavior of a vanishing minority of clearly criminal actors.

Everyone in this thread is clearly disowning these terrorists. If I knew someone was planning something like that, I would have reported their activities to the museum and the authorities as soon as I had become aware.

Similarly, I was out in the city protesting for other causes, and if I had become aware of anyone intending to cause trouble or who had successfully done so, I would again report them to the proper authorities for collection.

I in fact stood vigil against such vile, destructive activities in my neighborhood.

Some people just wish to watch the world burn and to cause chaos, and they will find whatever cause or excuse they can to leverage it.

Sometimes the world burning is literal, and the appeals to let it happen are emotional and belief based because that's the only avenue that exists to accomplish it.

The best we can do is support action against climate change while doing everything we can to stop people from using it as an excuse to commit terrorist acts.
In addition to this, I have in fact watched with my own eyes and even participated as those who wished to watch the world burn for whatever imagined slight society had committed against them in exchange for their own bad behavior made this happen, on various virtual worlds.

I know that such people are out there and I know for a fact that they seek out places such as this to shit on and shit up, places they think will make good marks as lulzcows* or lulz farms.

There are folks out there hiding in the woodwork waiting for an opportunity to do some of the burning. It's up to us to not let them.

*Google it.
The white privileged middle class retirees and unemployable students are stomping their little feet and howling at the moon again;

Furious black cab driver hauled eco zealots Just Stop Oil out of Park Lane as they attempted to block the road and sprayed paint over an Aston Martin showroom in their latest display.
The protesters, now on their 16th day of disruption, descended on the famous London highway just after 11am with 14 of them blocking it with barriers after gluing themselves to the tarmac. Moments later a supporter sprayed orange paint over the Aston Martin car showroom in an apparent spontaneous act of vandalism. Among them were a pregnant mother and a musician who all vowed to continue with their deeply divisive campaign.

Completely brainwashed;

Chloe Thomas, 19, from Cannock said: 'I'm 15 weeks pregnant this week. Today, we're out here on the road together, demanding no new oil. How do I explain to my daughter in the years to come where the animals went, where the culture went, where the beauty went, why there are no bees and why I can't put food in her tummy?

Instead of stopping people going about their business why don’t you get a fucking job love? Oh no, she can’t. Knocked up at 19.

Daily Mail

An end of times rapture like cult.
One cannot help but notice the rapture cultists are made up of white, privileged middle class retirees and unemployable students.


A catastrophic 67f in Santa Monica today.
Well, thank goodness. Considering the one thing you always just have to notice (and comment on) just think how outraged you'd have to pretend to be if they were Black!
One cannot help but notice the rapture cultists are made up of white, privileged middle class retirees and unemployable students.


A catastrophic 67f in Santa Monica today.
Well, thank goodness. Considering the one thing you always just have to notice (and comment on) just think how outraged you'd have to pretend to be if they were Black!
I mean, never mind that the folks here talking about the climate are neither retired nor unemployable, I'm pretty sure TS is accusing a mirror WRT climate denialists.
Well, thank goodness. Considering the one thing you always just have to notice (and comment on) just think how outraged you'd have to pretend to be if they were Black!

Outraged? Not hardly. I would be surprised. Climate catastrophe hysteria is the preserve of the white middle classes.
Well, thank goodness. Considering the one thing you always just have to notice (and comment on) just think how outraged you'd have to pretend to be if they were Black!

Outraged? Not hardly. I would be surprised. Climate catastrophe hysteria is the preserve of the white middle classes.
No, it's the province of the educated, regardless of race or any other factors.
I am discontent that people are trying to burn the world. If you are not, then either fuck you or quit being a sucker. If you wish to deny the existence of people who would selfishly choose to burn the world you are either one of them (and fuck you), or you are a sucker.
No, it's the province of the educated, regardless of race or any other factors.
Nope, white privileged middle classes, retirees, unemployable students and malcontents.
Are the only people who understand climate science? That is an incorrect and frankly stupid claim, leaving little to really discuss aa you have done nothing to distinguish it from purely rhetorical hyperbole. Certainly, there is no logical connection between scientific literacy and unemployment, nor any sensible reason why one would be obliged to retire before learning to read. Quite the other way around, in fact. The STEM fields are and remain among the moat lucrative of the options available to the middle class.
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The crisis is the reult of the rapid growth of mass consumerism and consumption on a global scale. Obcession with maximm production and profit above all lese.

What is art? To me art is whatever peole are wiling to pay for as art.

In the 80s I went to see an Andy Warhol exhibition. Soup can labels painted on conveys is a high dollar value piece of art.

Picasso's The Bull. A bicycle set for a bull's head and handlebars for horns.

To me a painting that is vlued at millions of dollrs represnts our porblem. Fromour roof deck I can see the Mariers and Seahaks stdiums. In anr part of the city is the renovated arena for our new hockey team.

Spread around the expensive football and baseball stadiums are homeless camps. an area where it is increasingly difficult for avergae pole to afford rent.

It goes to what are our colectve morl values.

We value expensive sports stadiums and high priced athelets, and paintings.

We do not value people.

The wealthy joy risng into space. That will be our epitaph.

As to fossil fules, it is impossible to o cold turkey. It would be disruptive. Her heart is in the right pace, but like many activists unaware of the practical relities. Like keeping the food supply chain going.
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