• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.



Squadron Leader
Dec 15, 2017
Land of Smiles
Basic Beliefs

Feel me in teeth, a tusk
I swooon yet
Or pamper wife
What if you do it anew?

He took the smoooch of tender mæd
Go now gal, clean room.

There's a hidden message in the "poem."

I came up with a very simple encryption technique which replaces a secret message with word-like strings. I was pleased to note that the word-like strings resemble real English phrases (although a few failures appear: swooon, smoooch, mæd) — that's why I felt prompted to post.

I'd rather give hints than have this thread die with puzzle unsolved. OTOH, the information just given may be ample hint. Please enclose solutions in

HIDE tags

(And I didn't want to provide explanation in the original message that started the thread — it might not have been clear exactly which part of that message was ciphertext.)

ETA: (Thread title is NOT part of the ciphertext, though part of the title is, sort of, an anagram for a sort-of description of the ciphering.)
My alternate posting name is no secret — neither it nor Swammerdami is my real name — but I'd prefer the connection not be announced explicitly: I don't want to simplify things for future Googling.

Yes, my posts here and there were an experiment! I wondered which Board would first locate the hidden message and thereby solve the puzzle first. At present I have a bet with myself that neither Board will solve it. :-(

BTW, under yet a third name I have composed and presented a wide variety of puzzles over the decades; some have been well-received. I've even worked professionally as a puzzle designer.
Sorry I couldn't be bothered to try and solve it. My take is that I wouldn't know if you're giving enough clues, if you're not giving misleading information, even if the puzzle can be solved at all. It's too hard a job and too little certainty and reward from my point of view. I've never understood why people like doing this.
If the little puzzle remains unsolved even with its BY-line posted, I'll concede that nobody here can, or chooses to, solve it.

Too Wise You Are, Too Wise You Be, I See You Are Too Wise for Me.

If you're too lazy not to pick up your teaser on the Internet, I can pick the answer there, too!

I will always be more lazy that you are. :p
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