• Welcome to the new Internet Infidels Discussion Board, formerly Talk Freethought.

New guy here, hopin' to make some dashing allies to face off with some biiiter enemies!

Sep 9, 2023
Basic Beliefs
Hello IIDB, such a lovely day isn't it? The reason I came here is not to disturb you all, but rather to offer you a proposal:

Now obviously, all the folks here don't think the same. Some here believe in God, others believe in a different metaphysical narrative,
and there are those who consider such things to be baseless superstition, even arguing that the universe we see before us has no
meaning whatsoever. However, despite our differences, I'm sure that there is one common enemy we all share: The TotalFreedom minecraft server.

I have been raiding TotalFreedom for years by now, trying to make the big break and finally destroy them once and for all. Keep in
mind that this isn't just any crumby ol' server. They are a prominent though waning community that has been around for nearly 13 years with
extensive history and lore. However, their staff team is mentally disabled beyond comparison. They take themselves way too seriously.
Their rectums tighten at the sight of the least edgiest jokes, their owners have always BEEN jokes, they get mad if you make literally
anything with redstone, they are incredibly biased and reason purely with emotional logic, they will even go as far as FRAMING people they
don't like for offenses they never committed, they don't even like each other, and overall, they just hate fun.

I promise you, that if you join my personal army, you will find this place to be an inexhaustible source of trollish entertainment.
I should note, by the way, that a large portion of their infrastructure was recently destroyed in a separate raid led by other individuals,
therefore they have been significantly weakened, and so we have most of the work cut out for ourselves.

Their forum is at totalfreedom.tf. They will also have a discord invite there. Ever since this other raid, I'm not sure what their
minecraft ip is, it could still be play.totalfreedom.me like always but it might've also changed.

Their forum is devilishly easy to strike. They have no admin reviewal process whatsoever for new accounts and posts, so feel free
to spam something goofy.

Their minecraft server? Last time I checked it's a free OP server, so everyone has access to things like creative mode and worldedit.
As long as you know what those two things are, you're home free raiding-wise.

I should also note that while I wrote this, Iv'e had to use the bathroom twice due to the drastic effects of cheddar cheese on the
human digestive tract.

For their discord, just spam or whatever. Thanks for being such good chaps!
Are you asking us to help you troll another board that probably no one has ever heard of???

I don't think your membership here will last long if that's your only purpose.
Wow...I m realy disturbed by all this. I am all discombobulated, I don't what to do.

Merrily we troll along, troll along. Merrily we troll along all the live long day.
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Hello IIDB, such a lovely day isn't it? The reason I came here is not to disturb you all, but rather to offer you a proposal:

Now obviously, all the folks here don't think the same. Some here believe in God, others believe in a different metaphysical narrative,
and there are those who consider such things to be baseless superstition, even arguing that the universe we see before us has no
meaning whatsoever. However, despite our differences, I'm sure that there is one common enemy we all share: The TotalFreedom minecraft server.

I have been raiding TotalFreedom for years by now, trying to make the big break and finally destroy them once and for all. Keep in
mind that this isn't just any crumby ol' server. They are a prominent though waning community that has been around for nearly 13 years with
extensive history and lore. However, their staff team is mentally disabled beyond comparison. They take themselves way too seriously.
Their rectums tighten at the sight of the least edgiest jokes, their owners have always BEEN jokes, they get mad if you make literally
anything with redstone, they are incredibly biased and reason purely with emotional logic, they will even go as far as FRAMING people they
don't like for offenses they never committed, they don't even like each other, and overall, they just hate fun.

I promise you, that if you join my personal army, you will find this place to be an inexhaustible source of trollish entertainment.
I should note, by the way, that a large portion of their infrastructure was recently destroyed in a separate raid led by other individuals,
therefore they have been significantly weakened, and so we have most of the work cut out for ourselves.

Their forum is at totalfreedom.tf. They will also have a discord invite there. Ever since this other raid, I'm not sure what their
minecraft ip is, it could still be play.totalfreedom.me like always but it might've also changed.

Their forum is devilishly easy to strike. They have no admin reviewal process whatsoever for new accounts and posts, so feel free
to spam something goofy.

Their minecraft server? Last time I checked it's a free OP server, so everyone has access to things like creative mode and worldedit.
As long as you know what those two things are, you're home free raiding-wise.

I should also note that while I wrote this, Iv'e had to use the bathroom twice due to the drastic effects of cheddar cheese on the
human digestive tract.

Their is a member who says the word is becoming Jewish, a member who insists we are in a simulation, and a member who thinks he is god like when creating a simulation.

You will fit right in, just stay within the TOU and post whatever you like.
Hey guys, I just want to say thanks for being so generous! I apologize that my methods may seem a little unorthodox, but I promise not to become a nuisance here, and I'll do my best to be productive. Thanks to you all!
Hey guys, I just want to say thanks for being so generous! I apologize that my methods may seem a little unorthodox, but I promise not to become a nuisance here, and I'll do my best to be productive. Thanks to you all!
Post in the proper forum, what has your OP have to do with religion and gods? In your OPs make a clear statement of what you want to convey. Nobody wants to go through links or videos to figure out what you mean.

Sounds more appropriate for metaphysics and philosophy.

There are a few hilosphize on video games and reality.
Hey guys, I just want to say thanks for being so generous! I apologize that my methods may seem a little unorthodox, but I promise not to become a nuisance here, and I'll do my best to be productive. Thanks to you all!
Post in the proper forum, what has your OP have to do with religion and gods? In your OPs make a clear statement of what you want to convey. Nobody wants to go through links or videos to figure out what you mean.

Sounds more appropriate for metaphysics and philosophy.

There are a few hilosphize on video games and reality.
I don't know how to edit my threads here, but on that note, I would describe myself as being somewhere in between. I don't take religion for face value and I see most of it as fear mongering to control the masses, but I also don't dismiss the exsistence of the paranormal just because people say so either. There isn't enough evidence, in my opinion, to prove one or the other, and I don't believe one of these notions with absolute certainty without solid proof. People also make the distinction between science and the metaphysical/magic/whateveryouwanttocallit, but I think that it is wrong. If we were to prove that "divine" forces are real, it would simply be another property of reality and therefore a part of science. Science IS the study of the world around us, isn't it?

Point is, I am perfectly fine with tickling both fancies but I don't take them for face value, so I'm neither atheist nor bible thumper.
As a reformed-ish troll, this seems egregiously stupid and ill advised.

Being unkind to religious folks is, ultimately, a fools errand. That's what they do to us and then when they are done they hide back in their cloistered holes and convince themselves they are right to sit in an echo chamber.

The point of atheism is in fact to try to learn to be better for ourselves through observable rather than taking a religious person's word on how.

Usually that includes not poking at folks unless they came around to try to sneak in some jabs in the first place and then you just put them outside until they simmer down.
I agree that atheist and theist can be flip sides of the same coin.

Neither an atheist nor a theist be.
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