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The hush money indictment

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic

The indictment. All charges are falsifying business records. Each one lists a specific thing, like check# or falsifying General Ledger or invoice etc etc and the date it was done.
§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.

Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.
Bb-b-b-but Derec promised me it was all misdemeanors!
No, I said it was misdemeanors that Bragg worked really hard to make into felonies.
Note that when he first took over the office, he didn't want to prosecute actual felonies, to wit most armed robberies, as felonies, and only public pressure led him to abandon that policy. But he is very eager to charge hush money payments as felonies based on a technicality.
Do you really think what Trump did is worse than taking a knife or a gun to a bodega and robbing the place? But I know, I know. Lefty excuse for robbers is "how he gonna get his money?"
So now the allegations can be tested. But Trump is still innocent until proven guilty.

Now that the first domino has fallen are there other pollies that need to face the music?
Bb-b-b-but Derec promised me it was all misdemeanors!
No, I said it was misdemeanors that Bragg worked really hard to make into felonies.

It isn't hard. It logically follows. If you have a problem with the documents point out how it is hard.

Note that when he first took over the office, he didn't want to prosecute actual felonies, to wit most armed robberies, as felonies, and only public pressure led him to abandon that policy. But he is very eager to charge hush money payments as felonies based on a technicality.

Laws are technicalities.

Do you really think what Trump did is worse than taking a knife or a gun to a bodega and robbing the place? But I know, I know. Lefty excuse for robbers is "how he gonna get his money?"

I know this is difficult for a person like you, but following the law is not a Left position. It's the default. If you still think the charges in the indictment and statement of facts are Leftist, then show that from document excerpts.
I know this is difficult for a person like you, but following the law is not a Left position.
I know it's not a left position. That's why you leftists excuse rioting/looting/arson by #BLM and Antifa. That's why lefty prosecutors like Garcon, Foxx, Krasner and yes, Bragg, are not prosecuting many criminals, including violent ones, or downgrade charges. Unless it's a political opponent that is.

If you still think the charges in the indictment and statement of facts are Leftist, then show that from document excerpts.
They are a stretch and Bragg would not be so eager to turn a case like this into a 34 felony indictment if it was a Democrat.
following the law is not a Left position. It's the default. If you still think the charges in the indictment and statement of facts are Leftist, then show that from document excerpts.

Right. Derec can only follow the script implanted in him by his sources (e.g. NY Post, WA Examiner), and attack the personalities who are executing their sworn duties as they always have. I bet he can't name any candidate or elected official in NY who would, if in Bragg's position, devote the bulk of Departmental resources to Property Damage, burglary, petty theft and your other priorities, who wouldn't also ignore the billions being stolen by white collar criminals like Trump. Personally I think Derec's "robbers" are surrogates for "scary Blacks". B'cuz the math certainly don't add up.

I think it's good for New York and its Citizens to have a DA who is not in the pocket of white collar criminals.
So now the allegations can be tested. But Trump is still innocent until proven guilty.

Now that the first domino has fallen are there other pollies that need to face the music?

Well, y'know... a lot of them are going to earn immunity by fessing up to what went on behind closed doors, providing testimony, documents and records, in pursuit of higher ups in the conspiracies that have been afoot.

Laws are technicalities.
Some are more technical than others. Armed robbery is a very different kind of crime than missteps in bookkeeping.

When there is an armed robbery on the scale of the money "lifted" by white collar criminal, you can bet Bragg will be all over it.
I know this is difficult for a person like you, but following the law is not a Left position.
I know it's not a left position. That's why you leftists excuse rioting/looting/arson by #BLM and Antifa. That's why lefty prosecutors like Garcon, Foxx, Krasner and yes, Bragg, are not prosecuting many criminals, including violent ones, or downgrade charges. Unless it's a political opponent that is.

If you still think the charges in the indictment and statement of facts are Leftist, then show that from document excerpts.
They are a stretch and Bragg would not be so eager to turn a case like this into a 34 felony indictment if it was a Democrat.
In other words, you can't make an evidenced based argument.
Right. Derec can only follow the script implanted in him by his sources (e.g. NY Post, WA Examiner),
And you go by the DailyKos, The Nation etc. script.
and attack the personalities who are executing their sworn duties as they always have.
Except that Bragg has been derelict on many actual crimes.
I bet he can't name any candidate or elected official in NY who would, if in Bragg's position, devote the bulk of Departmental resources to Property Damage, burglary, petty theft and your other priorities,
To you all of these crimes are meaningless. Esp. "property damage" done by your political allies like the #BLM rioters.
Bragg wanted to downgrade most armed robbery into petty theft. Do you think that was ok?
who wouldn't also ignore the billions being stolen by white collar criminals like Trump.
This case is about misreporting hush money, not about "stealing billions".
Personally I think Derec's "robbers" are surrogates for "scary Blacks". B'cuz the math certainly don't add up.
Robbers come in all colors, and they all should be prosecuted for violent felonies. But I do think the perception of robbers as chiefly black is one big reason you leftists want to give them a pass.
To you all of these crimes are meaningless.
Your incomprehension is not an indicator of my estimation of those crimes' importance.

Don2 said:
in other words, you can't make an evidenced based argument.
Neither can Bragg.
Bragg's job isn't to argue, Derec. His job is to gather up enough evidence that a consensus of 12 people will re4commend for or against charges, then to bring those charges if recommended - as long as he believes there is strong enough evidence for DEPARTMENT LAWYERS to obtain a conviction. Pretty much all the "argument" is going to come from the defense anyhow, arguing and bloviating adnauseum that the law is bad, the judge is bad the DA is bad and its so bad bad bad for the country that its greatest president is being dragged through the mud by leftist traitors. They will try to poison and tamper with the jury pool as much as possible throughout the course of the whole procedure, because that's their only hope of avoiding a conviction and Trump is too proud and stupid to strike a plea. I think that on the prosecution's side, the witnesses and evidence will speak for themselves.

Bragg is probably aware that Trump is not some robber who knocked over a liquor store or a BLM protester, but rather a mobster of the very sort that he's used to putting in jail. One with a lot of resources and millions of enabling "I'm Not A Trumpsucker"s like yourself, Derec. The case he has would be a slam dunk against anyone else, or he wouldn't have brought it against Cheato, knowing that the evidence and witnesses would probably need to convince at least a few INATs of Cheato's guilt in order to obtain a conviction.

Not rocket science. Here;s the link again, Derec: https://thehill.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/04/Donald-J.-Trump-SOF.pdf The Hill, not known for leftist propaganda - you can read it, I know you can!
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Laws are technicalities.
Some are more technical than others. Armed robbery is a very different kind of crime than missteps in bookkeeping.
"Missteps in bookkeeping"? That makes his misdeeds seem almost accidental. as if they hired an incompetent accountant, perhaps one who said he had an MBA from Wharton when all he had was a Bachelor's (and he had to cheat just to get that).

"Missteps in bookkeeping"? Is that an appropriate term for deliberate lies in sworn statements in furtherance of frauds and felonies?

"Missteps in bookkeeping"? Do you pick up such misleading rhetoric from your idols like Sean Hannity, and T**** himself? Aren't you afraid we laugh at you behind your back?
Bb-b-b-but Derec promised me it was all misdemeanors!
No, I said it was misdemeanors that Bragg worked really hard to make into felonies.
Note that when he first took over the office, he didn't want to prosecute actual felonies, to wit most armed robberies, as felonies, and only public pressure led him to abandon that policy.
“Most felonies”? Do you have actual evidence to support your attempted smear of a black DA?
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