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The Trumpista Rabbit Hole

Don2 (Don1 Revised)

Apr 1, 2004
Basic Beliefs
non-practicing agnostic
Last night I was watching a livestream of the Indigo Girls with my wife. It was a free performance they were doing for charity. By the end of just a few hours they had raised $42K for medical supplies in the Dominican Republic. In the back of my mind, I was wondering about Trump's gofundme page set up by a Trump worshipper to counter legal outcomes of above $350 million. So, while this is an apples to oranges comparison due to amount of time and the reach of audiences, I had to check the page to see how much they raised so far. It was in the vicinity of $900K.

At the moment, the fund is up to $931,671 and so it is obvious to crack $1 million soon. And this thing just started up 6 days ago. Prior to that and maybe even in parallel, because these things are hard to track, there was also the Patriot Legal Defense Fund. It seems like that one was running the second half of last year.

Even though there are a few very elite oligarchs throwing a cool million into the PLDF and many mid-level rich people (anonymous people on gofundme) throwing $5K and $10K donations around, there are also a lot of people donating $50 here and there or less. These people, the working poor, who are being duped could be spending their extra funds on something more worthwhile, whether it's for the Dominican Republic or some other charity or even for their own immediate needs. Likewise, the time spent going down the QAnon rabbit hole conspiracies could be way more productive doing something completely different.

How is it possible to break their minds free from all the brainwashing?
So, I can't help but wonder how much money there is left to squeeze out of the radical right. They've been donating like there's no tomorrow to frauds left and right, ultimately making lawyers fat in the process, at least until those lawyers get disbarred.

Where is the bottom of this barrel?
At the moment, the fund is up to $931,671 and so it is obvious to crack $1 million soon. And this thing just started up 6 days ago.
Just think... in a year and a half he might raise enough to cover the NYC case with interest, assuming he can keep up the pace.
I wonder what cheesy piece of china crap he will be hawking to pay for the lawyers.
At the moment, the fund is up to $931,671 and so it is obvious to crack $1 million soon. And this thing just started up 6 days ago.
Just think... in a year and a half he might raise enough to cover the NYC case with interest, assuming he can keep up the pace.
I wonder what cheesy piece of china crap he will be hawking to pay for the lawyers.
At the current rate it would take eight years to cover the judgment including interest.
How is it possible to break their minds free from all the brainwashing?
They are in love with all the brainwashing so unless more knowledge rolls in it ain't gonna happen. I'm sure a couple of my siblings have donated even though they have seven year car loans too. I don't preach at them or try to change their minds.
This sort of reminds me of a dear patient I visited back in the late 70s. Miss Janey lived in a housing project and her only income with either a small SS or SSI entitlement. She was a very sweet person, but she had little trinkets on her coffee table from the damn televangelists who manipulated people like her, convincing them to give their last dollar to their stupid, greedy causes. It disgusted me to see an innocent, but "poorly educated" woman taken in by religious scammers.

It also reminds me of an episode on The Comedy Channel, that Jordan Klepper did a few months ago, at a Trump rally. This guy was wearing a lot of MAGA shit and complaining about how Biden had ruined the economy, making it hard to pay all of his bills. Jordan asked him how much he had spent on Trump stuff and the man said, "Oh, probably about a thousand dollars" This is why Trump and televangelists love the poorly educated.
She was a very sweet person, but she had little trinkets on her coffee table from the damn televangelists who manipulated people like her, convincing them to give their last dollar to their stupid, greedy causes. It disgusted me to see an innocent, but "poorly educated" woman taken in by religious scammers.
This so reminds me of my M-i-L.
She lived on a tiny income. Doug and I commonly had to pay her utilities or auto repair. But she kept sending little donations to Christian grifters and donating to her church.

After she passed away, I took great pleasure in sending those grifters vicious notes on the postage paid cards that they'd thoughtfully supplied.
the postage paid cards
Bricks. Tape them to bricks. They are rigid, and much more expensive due to the weight.

You can also tape them to wooden veneer sheet, but bricks are better.

Political forecasters called it that the state Republican convention would feature turmoil ending in endorsements of the most extreme candidates, all to match the party’s current MAGA mood.

Among the jilted was the Republican front-runner for governor, former Sheriff Dave Reichert, who was left putting out an APB for the GOP.

“The party’s been taken hostage,” he told The Spokesman-Review.

But there was another strain to the proceedings last weekend that didn’t get much attention. Political conventions are often colorful curiosities; this one took a darker turn.

The Republican base, it turns out, is now opposed to democracy. Their words, not mine, as you’ll soon see.

After the candidates left, the convention’s delegates got down to crafting a party platform. Like at most GOP gatherings in the Donald Trump era, this one called for restrictions on voting. In Washington state, the delegates called for the end of all mail-in voting. Instead, we would have a one-day-only, in-person election, with photo ID and paper ballots, with no use of tabulating machines or digital scanners to count the ballots. All ballots would be counted by hand, by Trappist monks.
Elena Cardone's Gofundme for Trump has passed $1million. At current rate, they should reach their goal of $355m in about 6.5 years or so.

Top donor ('Anonymous', of course) in for $10,000.

Hey! They reached their SECOND million! (Revise that 6.5-year estimation to 30ish years...)

It's been 9 long years he's been soaking these fools. It's impossible to calculate, but wondering how much they have left to give isn't unreasonable.

Do you pay the utility bill on time and in full, or do you give a "billionaire" more money? Even this subset of morons will hit a wall at some point.

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