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Recent content by mcc1789

  1. M

    Before Darwin, was deism or atheism the most reasonable position?

    Apparently it was really said by someone else, possibly Edward Gibbon.https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Talk:Seneca_the_Younger#.22True.2C_False.2C_Useful.22_Quote
  2. M

    Before Darwin, was deism or atheism the most reasonable position?

    Atheism actually dates back to ancient Greece and Rome in the West (see Battling the Gods by Tim Whitmarsh). They made some arguments that were very much the same as those we're familiar with now. I'd say at least some of their reasons were indeed cogent. Atheism itself dates back even earlier...
  3. M

    Was Buffalo Bill in Silence of the Lambs an autogynephile?

    The book and film both explicitly said Bill is not transgender to begin with. I don't know enough of the topic to say for sure whether they reflect this "autogenyphile" concept. As for the video, I don't know how that relates either.
  4. M

    Canada to pay a Jihadi murderer $10M

    I guess if not having a uniform is unlawful, then it means all of those militiamen who fought in the American Revolution were unlawful combatants who could have been shot for it by the British then? Perhaps back then even shot without trial. Or did they wear uniforms? Regardless, if they had...
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