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Recent content by Turambar

  1. Turambar

    Caption Contest

    Him thinking "It's not a good time to tell her I lost all my fortune in crypto, at least she's still a millionaire" Her thinking "It's not a good time to tell him I lost all my fortune in crypto, at least he's still a milionaire"
  2. Turambar

    Images that make you laugh

    Followed by an unisonous: "Sorry mom..."
  3. Turambar

    Caption Contest

    WINNER! Take it away!
  4. Turambar

    Caption Contest

    Thank you. How about some nature drama between modern dinosaurs?
  5. Turambar

    Caption Contest

    So THAT's how Donald Trump looks like without his wig and his business suit.
  6. Turambar

    How long before Europeans resent refugees?

    Is this a contest called "Who's been treated worst?" and you are the judging panel? I think there are several groups out there in this wide world that have historically suffered great injustices just like the Roma have, yet interestingly, not all turn to a criminal culture as a coping mechanism...
  7. Turambar

    Caption Contest

    Here, enjoy this Himalayan Death-Radish. Just remember to cook it before the next full moon or you'll be sorry.
  8. Turambar

    Caption Contest

    If you like cooking pasta, Persian and Siamese are safer choices than the dreaded Neapolitan cat.
  9. Turambar

    Caption Contest

    OUT OF CONTEST: Dad, mom said that if you don't send me back with this jar full of money, you can forget about getting your baton polished tonight.
  10. Turambar

    Obama's Foreign Policy Legacy - A Delusional Failure

    Sorry to interrupt your masturbating session to a picture of Vladimir Pudding, but if the US goes to war with Russia all it needs to do in order to destroy Russia's army is throw leaflets offering a green card and a pick-up truck to any deserting Russian soldier. Check this map of countries by...
  11. Turambar

    Europe submits voluntarily

    I think the comparison is fairer between Islam and Judaism. Both the Q'ran and the Torah advocate for shitloads of violent stuff, yet most modern Jews have adopted moderate values. Christianity also did some pretty violent shit in the past, but most of the violence committed back in the dark...
  12. Turambar

    Paris: Dozens Killed In Terrorist Attack

    Why do some people focus on "US Intervention in the Middle East" as a way to justify this horrible act? Yes, the US intervened in the region, sponsored unjust governments and started wars. That is wrong, but it is entirely politically and economically motivated. This is religiously motivated. I...
  13. Turambar

    Caption Contest

    Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Walrus, our lord and saviour?
  14. Turambar

    Europe - The Barbarian Invasion has Begun.

    You are absolutely right. In fact, Tacitus considered Germanic tribes to be the worst humanity had to offer. He much prefered the African peoples who so wilfully adopted Roman customs. Oh the irony...
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