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In case you needed more proof The Twitter Files were complete bullshit...


Apr 5, 2004
Basic Beliefs
So let's provide some context here. December last year, The Twitter Files were released. Every single Q-tard, Trumpsucker and Tucker Fucker jizzed in their collective pants as they convinced themselves that this was the proof Biden stole the election and Twitter was a bastion of government censorship. Only their free speech God Emperor (an oxymoron I know but consistency was never a strong point for these stupid cunts) Elon Musk will bring freedom of speech back to Twitter.

And then people read the Twitter Files.

It turns out the biggest thing Matt Taibbi has ever been a part of in his life (his words) was nothing more than:

1) Biden's election team asking Twitter to take down dick pics that were posted without consent (which was already against Twitter's terms of service and is illegal in many parts of the world) .

2) Trump using Whitehouse staff (and not campaign staff) demanding Twitter take down a post of a citizen calling Trump a "pussy ass bitch". Which is actually censorship, by the way.

Matt Taibbi then had the worst possible interview with Hasan Medhi and pretty much everybody with a functional brain could see that the Twitter Files was just right wing propaganda, and pretty dishonest propaganda at that.

But what of the overall intent of the Twitter Files? It was basically meant to show that before Musk bought Twitter, it would censor just about anyone the Deep State™ wanted. That's CENSORSHIP! What the Twitter files were trying to do was show that things will change now that Musk is in charge and Twitter will bend the knee just because a government asks them to. Fuck you, this is Elon Musk we're talking about - he believes in free speech, right?


Thankfully, Russel Brandom over at Rest of World, realized that Twitter has still been automatically reporting government demand info to the good folks at the LumenDatabase… and from that found that Elon’s Twitter has been way more compliant in giving in to exactly what governments are demanding, both for removing content and for handing over information. And, from the look of things, governments are fucking thrilled with this, seeing as the numbers of demands went way, way up.


The first 2 columns were before Musk bought Twitter. Say it with me now, every time a right winger accuses the left of something, it's actually a confession.
Threadmancy ahoy! Matt Taibbi is having seller's remorse compromising his integrity propagandizing Musk's Nazi safe space;

Basically, once Taibbi stopped being useful to Musk, Musk threw Taibbi very much under the bus.


"I have repeatedly declined to criticize you". Taibbi was never interested in providing accurate and dispassionate information to the general public, his intention was to always be Musk's mouthpiece. The Twitter Files was never news, it was a bought and paid for advertisement. What's really depressing is some people still believe this shite that the Biden Crime Family is in a conspiracy cahoots with big tech to force you to use pronouns or something.
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