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  1. T

    Images that make you laugh

  2. T

    Odd (or uncommon) food combinations you enjoy?

    That sounds delicious. I've had corn and bacon maybe a couple of times over the last few decades. My inspiration for saying this was from an old comedy routine by Franklin Ajaye (is he still around?) from the '70's or '80's where he said something like, "Ever notice how bachelors eat stuff that...
  3. T

    Odd (or uncommon) food combinations you enjoy?

    Corn and bacon.
  4. T

    Images that make you laugh

    I wonder what his rival Kelvin thought?
  5. T

    Climate Change(d)?

    Dang, I could cancel my pornhub subscription and just read TV &CC's commentary from now on. Save me about $25/month. :cool:
  6. T

    Congress defies its own law, fails to install plaque honoring Jan. 6 police officers

    Good to see an effort being made to honor our men in blue who risk life and limb to protect our citizens and property from violent thugs, even if it is just a plaque. Its a refreshing and welcome change from the "Defund the Police", "Police are Pigs" and other disrepect that has been dished...
  7. T

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Knowing how our CA politicians seem to care more for criminals more than their victims, we should just be thankful that they aren't making laws mandating vehicle changes to make it EASIER for thieves to steal the CCs. You know, like a cushy mat that unfurls under the car, some LED lights...
  8. T

    The Race For 2024

    Even little British girls are feeling the sting of inflation. British girl rants about price of ice cream Cute kid, but I sense her future husband has his work cut out for him.
  9. T

    Things that make you laugh...

    Isn't this supposed to be a sign of the End Times? Dogs and deer...living together?! Disgusting...
  10. T

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    They should manufacture the cars with a canister of tear gas by the CC that goes off when its being tampered with. That'll teach 'em!
  11. T

    Images that make you laugh

    Uh, normal?
  12. T

    Breakdown In Civil Order

    Well, even in bombed out cities in WWII, you'd still find a daisy growing a sidewalk crack here and there.
  13. T

    Things that make you laugh...

    I wouldn't be too worried. About a 99% chance those are just cardboard cut-outs.
  14. T

    Images that make you laugh

    I did see it, but it was a long time ago. Back around the late 90's or early 2000's I visited a friend in Colorado for a week or so, and we watched a lot of his favorite movies (mostly sorta weird, quirky sci-fi stuff). The Fifth Element was one of them, and I don't remember much about it...
  15. T

    Playboy magazines

    As I recall, at least some types of sex crimes have come down with the increased popularity of porn. When you have an essentially unexhaustible supply of free porn that you can watch on your 70" high def 4K TV, you can satiate your pent up desires and then get on with your day. Repeat as...
  16. T

    Women don't lie about rape, Pennsylvania edition

    What do you mean you don't know? You said you were disappointed to see some infidels who were allying with rapists.
  17. T

    Playboy magazines

    Huh. Just a few weeks ago you were ranting about old vintage pinball machines that featured sultry women on the backglass, and now you're confessing (in a roundabout way) to enjoying checking out the ladies in Playboy? Did you go through puberty since April? :unsure: ;)
  18. T

    Women don't lie about rape, Pennsylvania edition

    Who here is "implicitly allying with rapists"?
  19. T

    Images that make you laugh

    Sadly, I don't get this one.
  20. T

    We are overloading the planet: Now What?

    The TDS is out of control everywhere. There was a time when I would point it out, but no more. I think this is the one where I lost all hope of keeping up.
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