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  1. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    *yawn* Really? A pissing contest over who has seen the most dead babies? Incinerated bushfire victims? Severed limbs? People with steering wheels embedded in their chest cavity?
  2. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    No. Read what I said. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. If I said ...I should be allowed to pass laws that support my moral views but nobody else is allowed to pass laws which disagree with mine - THAT would be special pleading. Saying "I want you to agree with me but I don't...
  3. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Use whatever word you like. Calling people in concentration camps Untermensch didn't make any material difference to what was actually happening to them.
  4. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    I'm not confused at all about whose life is saved when they aren't aborted. Can you say the same?
  5. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    On abortion specifically? Because human flourishing is not assisted by allowing people to kill unborn babies.
  6. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    No. That would be special pleading. If I'm not asking anyone for permission to speak I'm not going to assert that my opponent needs my permission to put a contrary position. If I'm not going to accept abortion lobby polemics I don't assert that they MUST defer to my polemics. But if I am part...
  7. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Its not true. You can relax now. Wrong. That's not true. You can relax. And in any case, you dont need the bible to be opposed to abortion. There's more than enough secular arguments against abortion to allow non-theists into the pro-life lobby. Neither does being a woman prevent you from...
  8. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    No. You asked a question as if you werent clear about whose life pro-lifers are concerned about. I didn't think I'd have to draw you a picture to help you understand. I'll take it as read that pictures of mutilated, aborted human bodies don't move you emotionally.
  9. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Seems like you're the one who dodged the issue. I invited you to start a thread in the philosophy sub forum and you said "no". If you can get a Mod to explicitly approve a derail right here in this thread I'll happily embark on a journey of discovery exploring what makes my idea of...
  10. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    That's not "the point". That's just your opinion. I'm pretty sure democracy functions exactly in this way - telling people what they can and can't do in their life. If I'm not mistaken pedophiles are almost universally told by others what they can't do in their life. Paedophilia, like...
  11. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Start a thread in the philosophy sub forum and find out. ...I mean if you're sufficiently bored to start a discussion with a biblical theist about objective moral ontology and euthyphro and moral compasses, and whether you need God to be good and transcendental arguments for God and I'm sure...
  12. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Don't make me start posting graphic content.
  13. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    From a belief that we are obliged to act morally - I'm a moral realist. I think there are things which are objectively wrong notwithstanding the fact that there exist people who claim those things aren't really wrong. I'm told that most atheist philosophers are also moral realists...
  14. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    https://iidb.org/threads/roe-v-wade-is-on-deck.24051/page-170#post-1185336 I did not and I do not assert that contraceptives fail 50% of the time. (See pood? Thats how easy it is to deal with someone you think doesn't understand what you wrote - or in this case, what I didn't write.) Rhea is...
  15. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    It either does matter or it doesnt. If you dont think it matters then you wont care why I think it matters. If you say its none of my business then you wont care why I think it is. Innocent of what? If they were raped its not their fault they got pregnant. So that makes two innocent victims...
  16. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Where did those quotation marks come from? I never said that. I think the opposite. I think most women who have abortions DID NOT use contraception. Here's where I said that if you'd like to use the quote function. My question is, how is it that in the survey ~50% of women self-reported that...
  17. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Because there is an innocent human whose life is at stake. Is that enough of a reason?
  18. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    See? That's where so many abortion supporters get it wrong. They think the connection between sex and pregnancy/abortion is meaninglessly trivial. They conflate abortion with contraception. And so they expect pro-lifers to stand by and watch the deliberate destruction of human life as if its...
  19. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    Yes, one being failure to use. Do you think that contraceptives also fail ~ 50% of the time in the general population of women who DONT seek abortions? No they aren't. You overlook the variable that we have very subjective, motivated, self-reporting of what (ambiguously) constitutes "using...
  20. Lion IRC

    Roe v Wade is on deck

    I'm asking why the data is opaque. It specifies the exact percentage for condoms and the contraceptive pill - two very common methods of contraception - but I didn't find the percentages for any others. Shouldn't they be clearer about this great big "other" slice of the pie chart? The 61%...
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